Refugee Local Integration
Recent papers in Refugee Local Integration
Este estudo de caso examina o primeiro programa de recepção de pessoas migrantes originadas de uma crise humanitária desenvolvido no Brasil. A crise humanitária em questão se aprofundou a partir de 2010 com o terremoto que atingiu a... more
Este estudo de caso examina o primeiro programa de recepção de pessoas migrantes originadas de uma crise humanitária desenvolvido no Brasil. A crise humanitária em questão se aprofundou a partir de 2010 com o terremoto que atingiu a capital haitiana, Porto Príncipe. O Brasil foi, até 2017, responsável pelas tropas de manutenção da paz necessárias para a estabilização do país caribenho. A partir de 2011, o Brasil começou a perceber um aumento do número de pessoas haitianas entrando em suas fronteiras. Tradicionalmente muito baixo, esse incremento primeiro chegou à casa das dezenas, centenas e finalmente milhares de novos migrantes.
Antes dos episódios analisados neste estudo de caso, inexistia uma política pública de recepção e acolhida de uma imigração massiva no Brasil. Havia décadas vigorava uma legislação restritiva, enfocada na retirada compulsória do país das pessoas julgadas indesejáveis pelo regime autoritário em vigor no país até meados dos anos 1980. A baixa visibilidade do tema após a redemocratização havia criado uma situação em que o panorama legal era inadequado para que o Estado dispusesse de instrumentos de inclusão social, estacionando os fluxos migratórios ao percentual de população migrante em relação à população total entre os mais baixos do mundo, cerca de 0,5%.
Com a consolidação da imigração haitiana, o tema ganhou visibilidade e evidenciou, com isso, as limitações institucionais dos poderes locais e da União para prestar respostas rápidas e eficientes, tanto em termos de documentação migratória, quanto em políticas de inclusão específicas, como assistência e ensino da língua portuguesa. As políticas e discursos decorrentes da chegada dos haitianos mostraram aos mais diversos atores governamentais, nãogovernamentais e de organismos internacionais, direções novas para o debate sobre a atualização da própria legislação e instituições migratórias.
Antes dos episódios analisados neste estudo de caso, inexistia uma política pública de recepção e acolhida de uma imigração massiva no Brasil. Havia décadas vigorava uma legislação restritiva, enfocada na retirada compulsória do país das pessoas julgadas indesejáveis pelo regime autoritário em vigor no país até meados dos anos 1980. A baixa visibilidade do tema após a redemocratização havia criado uma situação em que o panorama legal era inadequado para que o Estado dispusesse de instrumentos de inclusão social, estacionando os fluxos migratórios ao percentual de população migrante em relação à população total entre os mais baixos do mundo, cerca de 0,5%.
Com a consolidação da imigração haitiana, o tema ganhou visibilidade e evidenciou, com isso, as limitações institucionais dos poderes locais e da União para prestar respostas rápidas e eficientes, tanto em termos de documentação migratória, quanto em políticas de inclusão específicas, como assistência e ensino da língua portuguesa. As políticas e discursos decorrentes da chegada dos haitianos mostraram aos mais diversos atores governamentais, nãogovernamentais e de organismos internacionais, direções novas para o debate sobre a atualização da própria legislação e instituições migratórias.
Özet Bir tarafın zulmetme diğer tarafınsa bu zulümden kaçması eski zamanlardan bu yana vardır. Modern devletlerin oluşması ile birlikte, sınırları belirginleşmiş devlet topraklarındaki zulümden kaçan kişiye, ikame bir korumanın sağlanması... more
Bir tarafın zulmetme diğer tarafınsa bu zulümden kaçması eski zamanlardan bu yana vardır. Modern devletlerin oluşması ile birlikte, sınırları belirginleşmiş devlet topraklarındaki zulümden kaçan kişiye, ikame bir korumanın sağlanması ise daha yakın bir tarihe dayanmaktadır. Kişiye devletinin sağlamadığı veya artık sağlayamadığı ulusal korumanın uluslararası camia tarafından sağlandığı bu ikame koruma türü uluslararası korumadır. Genel kabul görmüş görüşe göre, uluslararası koruma ikame koruma ile başlar ve korunan kişiye kalıcı çözüm sağlanması ile sona erer.
Uluslararası hukukta, uluslararası koruma kapsamında yer alan kişilere kalıcı çözüm sağlanması amacıyla kabul görmüş üç yöntemden birisi yerel entegrasyondur. Yerel entegrasyon ile kişiye vatandaşa tanınan birçok hak tanınarak topluma entegre olması sağlanmakta ve sahip olduğu statü sona ermektedir. Yabancılar ve Uluslararası Koruma Kanunu’nun 2014 tarihinde yürürlüğe girmesi ile yabancıların ülkeye entegre olmaları yönündeki düzenleme ilk defa Türk hukukunda yerini almıştır. Bu araştırmanın konusunu, yabancı kişilerin ülkeye uyum sağlamaları için uluslararası hukukta kişilere sağlanan haklar, var olan hukuki düzenlemeler ve benzer haklar ile hukuki düzenlemelerin iç hukukta nasıl ele alındığı oluşturur.
Persecution of one party and fleeing of the persecuted one exist from ancient times. With the formation of modern states, it is however more recent to provide a person fleeing from an oppression in a state with distinctive borders with substitute protection. This type of substitute protection in which the protection cannot provided by the government of the person but by the international community is the international protection. According to a generally accepted view, the international protection begins with the substitute protection and it ends with a durable solution for the protected person.
In international law, the three accepted methods aiming to supply a durable solution to the persons within the international protection are voluntary repatriation, resettlement and local integration. With local integration, the person is integrated to the society by according her many rights that are also accorded to citizens. By this way the status of the person in society is normalized. With coming in the force of The Foreigners and International Protection Law in 2014, the integration issue has held the first time in the Turkish Law. Legal regulations in the international law on the integration of the refugees and legal regulations in the Turkish Law on the integration of the refugees are the subjects of this study.
Bir tarafın zulmetme diğer tarafınsa bu zulümden kaçması eski zamanlardan bu yana vardır. Modern devletlerin oluşması ile birlikte, sınırları belirginleşmiş devlet topraklarındaki zulümden kaçan kişiye, ikame bir korumanın sağlanması ise daha yakın bir tarihe dayanmaktadır. Kişiye devletinin sağlamadığı veya artık sağlayamadığı ulusal korumanın uluslararası camia tarafından sağlandığı bu ikame koruma türü uluslararası korumadır. Genel kabul görmüş görüşe göre, uluslararası koruma ikame koruma ile başlar ve korunan kişiye kalıcı çözüm sağlanması ile sona erer.
Uluslararası hukukta, uluslararası koruma kapsamında yer alan kişilere kalıcı çözüm sağlanması amacıyla kabul görmüş üç yöntemden birisi yerel entegrasyondur. Yerel entegrasyon ile kişiye vatandaşa tanınan birçok hak tanınarak topluma entegre olması sağlanmakta ve sahip olduğu statü sona ermektedir. Yabancılar ve Uluslararası Koruma Kanunu’nun 2014 tarihinde yürürlüğe girmesi ile yabancıların ülkeye entegre olmaları yönündeki düzenleme ilk defa Türk hukukunda yerini almıştır. Bu araştırmanın konusunu, yabancı kişilerin ülkeye uyum sağlamaları için uluslararası hukukta kişilere sağlanan haklar, var olan hukuki düzenlemeler ve benzer haklar ile hukuki düzenlemelerin iç hukukta nasıl ele alındığı oluşturur.
Persecution of one party and fleeing of the persecuted one exist from ancient times. With the formation of modern states, it is however more recent to provide a person fleeing from an oppression in a state with distinctive borders with substitute protection. This type of substitute protection in which the protection cannot provided by the government of the person but by the international community is the international protection. According to a generally accepted view, the international protection begins with the substitute protection and it ends with a durable solution for the protected person.
In international law, the three accepted methods aiming to supply a durable solution to the persons within the international protection are voluntary repatriation, resettlement and local integration. With local integration, the person is integrated to the society by according her many rights that are also accorded to citizens. By this way the status of the person in society is normalized. With coming in the force of The Foreigners and International Protection Law in 2014, the integration issue has held the first time in the Turkish Law. Legal regulations in the international law on the integration of the refugees and legal regulations in the Turkish Law on the integration of the refugees are the subjects of this study.
-ÖZET- Türkiye hemen her dönemde başka ülkelerden gelen sığınmacılara kapısını açan ve onları ağırlayan bir ülke olmuştur. Körfez Savaşı sırasında Irak sınırından çok sayıda mülteci Türkiye’ye giriş yapmış, uzun süre sınıra yakın bir... more
Türkiye hemen her dönemde başka ülkelerden gelen sığınmacılara kapısını açan ve onları
ağırlayan bir ülke olmuştur. Körfez Savaşı sırasında Irak sınırından çok sayıda mülteci Türkiye’ye
giriş yapmış, uzun süre sınıra yakın bir bölgede misafir edilmişlerdir. Ancak 2011 yılında, Suriye’de,
başlayan iç savaşın giderek şiddetlenmesi sonucunda, civar ülkelere önemli oranda mülteci akını
başlamıştır. Suriye ile en uzun sınıra sahip ülke olan Türkiye, gittikçe küresel bir dalga haline gelen
bu göçten en çok etkilenen ve en çok sığınma talep edilen ülkelerden biri olmuştur. Mülteci sayıları
büyük rakamlara ulaştıkça, sınıra yakın kentlerde kurulan kamplar yeterli olmamıştır. Göç dalgası
diğer kentlere doğru yayılmaya başlamıştır. Böylece bu göçler ülkenin tamamını, nerdeyse her şehrini
etkileyen bir mülteci sorununu doğurmuştur. Dolayısıyla yerleşim yerlerinde mültecilere yönelik
hizmetler için yeni politikalar üretme zorunluluğunu ortaya çıkarmıştır.
Bu süreçte mültecilerin güvenlik ve korunma gibi hayatî ve öncelikli problemlerinden sonra
sağlık, barınma, gıda, adalet, eğitim, istihdam gibi sığınmanın sürdürülebilirliği ve entegrasyon
açısından gerekli şartların hazırlanması önem arz etmektedir. Bu imkânların sunulmasında, kamu
kurumları yanında, yerel yönetimler, sivil toplum örgütleri hatta özel sektör kuruluşları mültecilerle
ilgili çalışmalar yapmış, bu sorunların çözümünde önemli roller üstlenmişlerdir. Ancak, mültecilerin
kente uyumu ve mültecilerle ilgili hizmet ve politikaların gerçekleştirilmesinde en önemli görev yerel
yönetimlere düşmektedir. Ancak, bazı çalışmalarda yerel yönetimlerin mültecilere yönelik politikalar
üretme konusunda istenen düzeyde olmadıkları belirtilmektedir. Böyle bir göç dalgasına karşı
hazırlıksız ve deneyimsiz oldukları ifade edilmektedir.
Bu çalışmada, özellikle Suriyeli sığınmacılarla birlikte bütün kentlerimizde görülmeye başlayan
göç ve mülteci sorunları analiz edilecektir. Küresel etkileri de görülen bu sorunların daha ziyade yerel
etkileri gözlemlenmektedir. Bu sebeple, sorunlara yerelden başlayarak çözümler geliştirilmesi
gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada, göç sorunlarının çözülmesinde, mültecilerin kente uyum sağlamasında,
onlara yönelik politika ve hizmetlerin gerçekleştirilmesinde yerel yönetimlerin rolü ve önemi
incelenecektir. Son olarak, bazı örnek belediyelere ait öne çıkan hizmet ve politikalar üzerinde
Turkey has always been a country that opens the door and welcomes to the refugees from other
countries. During the Gulf War, many refugees from the Iraqi border entered Turkey. They have been
hosted in a region near the border for a long time. However, as a result of the intensification of the
civil war that started in Syria in 2011, significant numbers of refugee began to flourish in neighboring
countries. Turkey, which has the longest border with Syria, has become one of the most affected
countries from this migration which has become a global wave. In this process, Turkey has become
one of the most requested countries for asylum. As the numbers of refugees reach large numbers, the
camps established in cities near the border have become inadequate. The wave of migration has begun
to spread to other cities. Thus, these immigrations have caused a refugee problem affecting the whole
of the country, almost every city. Therefore, it has revealed the necessity to produce new policies for
the services for the refugees in the settlements.
In this process, the vital and priority problems of refugees such as security and protection have
been resolved in great measure. From now on, it is important to prepare the necessary conditions for
the sustainability and integration of asylum; like health, housing, food, justice, education,
employment. In presenting these opportunities, besides public institutions, local governments, nongovernmental
organizations and even private sector organizations have worked and played important
roles in the solving problems of refugees. However, the most important role in the integration of the
refugees to the cities and in the realization of the services and policies related to the refugees falls into
the local governments. However, in some studies it is stated that local governments are not at the
desired level to make policies for refugees. It is stated that they are unprepared and inexperienced
towards such a wave of immigration.
In this study, migration and refugee problems that have started to be seen in all our cities,
especially with Syrian asylum seekers, will be analyzed. These migration problems are seen as global
effects, but more local effects are observed. For this reason, it is necessary to develop solutions
starting from the local problems. This study will examine the role and importance of local
governments in resolving immigration problems, in the integration of refugees to the city, and in
implementing policies and services for the refugees. Finally, it will focus on prominent services and
policies of some sample municipalities.
Türkiye hemen her dönemde başka ülkelerden gelen sığınmacılara kapısını açan ve onları
ağırlayan bir ülke olmuştur. Körfez Savaşı sırasında Irak sınırından çok sayıda mülteci Türkiye’ye
giriş yapmış, uzun süre sınıra yakın bir bölgede misafir edilmişlerdir. Ancak 2011 yılında, Suriye’de,
başlayan iç savaşın giderek şiddetlenmesi sonucunda, civar ülkelere önemli oranda mülteci akını
başlamıştır. Suriye ile en uzun sınıra sahip ülke olan Türkiye, gittikçe küresel bir dalga haline gelen
bu göçten en çok etkilenen ve en çok sığınma talep edilen ülkelerden biri olmuştur. Mülteci sayıları
büyük rakamlara ulaştıkça, sınıra yakın kentlerde kurulan kamplar yeterli olmamıştır. Göç dalgası
diğer kentlere doğru yayılmaya başlamıştır. Böylece bu göçler ülkenin tamamını, nerdeyse her şehrini
etkileyen bir mülteci sorununu doğurmuştur. Dolayısıyla yerleşim yerlerinde mültecilere yönelik
hizmetler için yeni politikalar üretme zorunluluğunu ortaya çıkarmıştır.
Bu süreçte mültecilerin güvenlik ve korunma gibi hayatî ve öncelikli problemlerinden sonra
sağlık, barınma, gıda, adalet, eğitim, istihdam gibi sığınmanın sürdürülebilirliği ve entegrasyon
açısından gerekli şartların hazırlanması önem arz etmektedir. Bu imkânların sunulmasında, kamu
kurumları yanında, yerel yönetimler, sivil toplum örgütleri hatta özel sektör kuruluşları mültecilerle
ilgili çalışmalar yapmış, bu sorunların çözümünde önemli roller üstlenmişlerdir. Ancak, mültecilerin
kente uyumu ve mültecilerle ilgili hizmet ve politikaların gerçekleştirilmesinde en önemli görev yerel
yönetimlere düşmektedir. Ancak, bazı çalışmalarda yerel yönetimlerin mültecilere yönelik politikalar
üretme konusunda istenen düzeyde olmadıkları belirtilmektedir. Böyle bir göç dalgasına karşı
hazırlıksız ve deneyimsiz oldukları ifade edilmektedir.
Bu çalışmada, özellikle Suriyeli sığınmacılarla birlikte bütün kentlerimizde görülmeye başlayan
göç ve mülteci sorunları analiz edilecektir. Küresel etkileri de görülen bu sorunların daha ziyade yerel
etkileri gözlemlenmektedir. Bu sebeple, sorunlara yerelden başlayarak çözümler geliştirilmesi
gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada, göç sorunlarının çözülmesinde, mültecilerin kente uyum sağlamasında,
onlara yönelik politika ve hizmetlerin gerçekleştirilmesinde yerel yönetimlerin rolü ve önemi
incelenecektir. Son olarak, bazı örnek belediyelere ait öne çıkan hizmet ve politikalar üzerinde
Turkey has always been a country that opens the door and welcomes to the refugees from other
countries. During the Gulf War, many refugees from the Iraqi border entered Turkey. They have been
hosted in a region near the border for a long time. However, as a result of the intensification of the
civil war that started in Syria in 2011, significant numbers of refugee began to flourish in neighboring
countries. Turkey, which has the longest border with Syria, has become one of the most affected
countries from this migration which has become a global wave. In this process, Turkey has become
one of the most requested countries for asylum. As the numbers of refugees reach large numbers, the
camps established in cities near the border have become inadequate. The wave of migration has begun
to spread to other cities. Thus, these immigrations have caused a refugee problem affecting the whole
of the country, almost every city. Therefore, it has revealed the necessity to produce new policies for
the services for the refugees in the settlements.
In this process, the vital and priority problems of refugees such as security and protection have
been resolved in great measure. From now on, it is important to prepare the necessary conditions for
the sustainability and integration of asylum; like health, housing, food, justice, education,
employment. In presenting these opportunities, besides public institutions, local governments, nongovernmental
organizations and even private sector organizations have worked and played important
roles in the solving problems of refugees. However, the most important role in the integration of the
refugees to the cities and in the realization of the services and policies related to the refugees falls into
the local governments. However, in some studies it is stated that local governments are not at the
desired level to make policies for refugees. It is stated that they are unprepared and inexperienced
towards such a wave of immigration.
In this study, migration and refugee problems that have started to be seen in all our cities,
especially with Syrian asylum seekers, will be analyzed. These migration problems are seen as global
effects, but more local effects are observed. For this reason, it is necessary to develop solutions
starting from the local problems. This study will examine the role and importance of local
governments in resolving immigration problems, in the integration of refugees to the city, and in
implementing policies and services for the refugees. Finally, it will focus on prominent services and
policies of some sample municipalities.
- by Ömer Faruk Tekin and +1
- •
- Refugee Studies, Migration, Turkey, Migration Studies
Despite the fact that the first cases of asylum granted for reasons of sexual orientation date back to the 1980s, most research on this issue began to emerge only in 2010. Most of this literature is about Refugee Status Determination... more
Despite the fact that the first cases of asylum granted for reasons of sexual orientation date back to the 1980s, most
research on this issue began to emerge only in 2010. Most of this literature is about Refugee Status Determination
(RSD) and does not approach the process of local integration. There is a lack of comparative studies among different
States, with the exception of the ones relating to RSD in European countries. This paper is therefore a first
attempt at approaching asylum based on sexual orientation in a North-South perspective, analysing RSD and
local integration in Brazil and Spain.
research on this issue began to emerge only in 2010. Most of this literature is about Refugee Status Determination
(RSD) and does not approach the process of local integration. There is a lack of comparative studies among different
States, with the exception of the ones relating to RSD in European countries. This paper is therefore a first
attempt at approaching asylum based on sexual orientation in a North-South perspective, analysing RSD and
local integration in Brazil and Spain.
The main objective of this paper is to address some of the obstacles that Argentina deals with in the present day to develop an integration oriented policy for international protection of forced migration. Thus, first of all, the... more
The main objective of this paper is to address some of the obstacles that Argentina deals with in the present day to develop an integration oriented policy for international protection of forced migration. Thus, first of all, the discussion is centered on the international context that forces the States to take on stronger responsibilities towards the international protection of people who are forced to flee from armed conflicts that threaten their lives, and from natural disasters and their consequences in the middle and longer term. Second of all, a renewed interest in defining a regional agenda about this issue, showcased in the joint collaboration for action plans for the Americas on the basis of the broader refugee definition of the Cartagena Declaration. The final part discusses the changes that took place in Argentina, in the regulatory-administrative level as well as in the political commitment, in response to the forced migration, emphasizing in the humanitarian visa programmes for Syrian and Haitian persons, and their differences in comparison to de asylum policies.
- by Nicolás Figari Costa and +1
- •
- Asylum Law, Asylum, Argentina, Forced Migration
ÖZET Günümüzde Türkiye’de olduğu gibi dünyanın birçok ülkesinde önemli sorunlardan biri de göçtür. Belirli bölgelerde gelişmişlik düzeyinin geri olması, yaşanan ekonomik sorunlar, savaş gibi nedenlerle binlerce insan ülkelerinden başka... more
Günümüzde Türkiye’de olduğu gibi dünyanın birçok ülkesinde önemli sorunlardan biri de
göçtür. Belirli bölgelerde gelişmişlik düzeyinin geri olması, yaşanan ekonomik sorunlar, savaş gibi
nedenlerle binlerce insan ülkelerinden başka ülkelere göç etmek zorunda kalmaktadır. Ulaşım
imkânlarının gelişmiş olması bu süreci hızlandırmaktadır. Tabi bu hareketlilik, son bulduğu ülkelerde
ciddi siyasal, sosyal, kültürel, etnik, dinsel sorunlara da yol açmaktadır. Göç ile gelen insan sayısının
fazla olması konut, istihdam, sağlık, kültür ve gıda meseleleri üzerinde yoğunlaşmayı gerektirmektedir.
Bu da ülkelerin gerek kısa vadede gerekse uzun vadede gerekli tedbirleri alıp bu alanda politika
üretmesine, yasal, kurumsal tedbirler almasına neden olmaktadır. Göç genel itibariyle ülkelerin merkezi
yönetimlerinin çözmesi gereken bir sorun gibi görünmekle beraber özelde göçten en fazla etkilenenlerin
kentler ve kent yönetimleri olduğu söylenebilir. Çünkü göçle gelenlerin öncellikle yerleştikleri yerler
kent merkezleri veya çevresi olmaktadır. Bu durum, altyapısı belli bir nüfusa göre düzenlenmiş olan
kentlerin yapısını bozmakta, kısa, orta ve uzun vadede yerel idarelere de önemli yük ve sorumluluklar
getirmektedir. Bu bağlamda yerel yönetimler, güç yönetimi alanında ve özellikle uyum konusunda
birinci derece aktör olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır.
Türkiye’ye yapılan bu göçlere karşılık, mülteci kampları kurulsa da bu kamplar dışında yaşayan
binlerce mülteci bulunmaktadır. Bu durumda gerek ulusal gerekse yerel birçok politikanın üretilmesine
ve gerekli tedbirlerin alınmasını zorunlu kılmaktadır.
Bu çalışmada öncelikle Suriye’de gelen göç dalgaları karşısında tedbir olarak alınan politikalar
belirtilip, meselenin hukuki ve idari çerçevesi çizilecektir. Ardından yerel yönetimlerin bu süreçte
üstlendiği roller sayısal veriler ışığında Konya örneğinden yola çıkarak analiz edilecektir.
Migration emerges as a significant issue in Turkey just as in other countries. Today thousands
of people are forced to migrate towards another country due to the issues such as lower welfare,
economic problems and war. The improvements in transportation opportunities accelerate this process.
The movement of people inevitably creates certain political, social cultural, ethnic and religious issues
in migration-receiving country. The excessive numbers of immigrants require to be concentrate upon
sheltering, employment, health, education, and food and culture issues. That is to say, countries need to
take short and long-term measures and to legislate with certain policies. While migration is seen as
problem that needs to be deal with by central governments, cities and city administrations are
specifically affected by migration processes. Cities and their surrounding areas are chosen in the first place by immigrants. This situation mutilates the structure of cities which is designed for certain
population and brings more burden and responsibilities to local governments. Within this context, local
administrations emerge as primary actor in management and adaptation processes.
Since the start of the revolt in Syria in 2011, thousands of displaced people migrate to certain
countries- Turkey in the first place- due to problems of sheltering, food and health. Despite the
establishment of refugee camps, thousands of immigrants are located outside of camps. This situation
necessitates the effective policies both in national and local level.
In this study, initially the national policies against the waves of migration from Syria and legaladministrative
framework for this issue will be addressed. Then, by the help of statistic data; the role of
local governments will be analyzed within Konya example.
Günümüzde Türkiye’de olduğu gibi dünyanın birçok ülkesinde önemli sorunlardan biri de
göçtür. Belirli bölgelerde gelişmişlik düzeyinin geri olması, yaşanan ekonomik sorunlar, savaş gibi
nedenlerle binlerce insan ülkelerinden başka ülkelere göç etmek zorunda kalmaktadır. Ulaşım
imkânlarının gelişmiş olması bu süreci hızlandırmaktadır. Tabi bu hareketlilik, son bulduğu ülkelerde
ciddi siyasal, sosyal, kültürel, etnik, dinsel sorunlara da yol açmaktadır. Göç ile gelen insan sayısının
fazla olması konut, istihdam, sağlık, kültür ve gıda meseleleri üzerinde yoğunlaşmayı gerektirmektedir.
Bu da ülkelerin gerek kısa vadede gerekse uzun vadede gerekli tedbirleri alıp bu alanda politika
üretmesine, yasal, kurumsal tedbirler almasına neden olmaktadır. Göç genel itibariyle ülkelerin merkezi
yönetimlerinin çözmesi gereken bir sorun gibi görünmekle beraber özelde göçten en fazla etkilenenlerin
kentler ve kent yönetimleri olduğu söylenebilir. Çünkü göçle gelenlerin öncellikle yerleştikleri yerler
kent merkezleri veya çevresi olmaktadır. Bu durum, altyapısı belli bir nüfusa göre düzenlenmiş olan
kentlerin yapısını bozmakta, kısa, orta ve uzun vadede yerel idarelere de önemli yük ve sorumluluklar
getirmektedir. Bu bağlamda yerel yönetimler, güç yönetimi alanında ve özellikle uyum konusunda
birinci derece aktör olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır.
Türkiye’ye yapılan bu göçlere karşılık, mülteci kampları kurulsa da bu kamplar dışında yaşayan
binlerce mülteci bulunmaktadır. Bu durumda gerek ulusal gerekse yerel birçok politikanın üretilmesine
ve gerekli tedbirlerin alınmasını zorunlu kılmaktadır.
Bu çalışmada öncelikle Suriye’de gelen göç dalgaları karşısında tedbir olarak alınan politikalar
belirtilip, meselenin hukuki ve idari çerçevesi çizilecektir. Ardından yerel yönetimlerin bu süreçte
üstlendiği roller sayısal veriler ışığında Konya örneğinden yola çıkarak analiz edilecektir.
Migration emerges as a significant issue in Turkey just as in other countries. Today thousands
of people are forced to migrate towards another country due to the issues such as lower welfare,
economic problems and war. The improvements in transportation opportunities accelerate this process.
The movement of people inevitably creates certain political, social cultural, ethnic and religious issues
in migration-receiving country. The excessive numbers of immigrants require to be concentrate upon
sheltering, employment, health, education, and food and culture issues. That is to say, countries need to
take short and long-term measures and to legislate with certain policies. While migration is seen as
problem that needs to be deal with by central governments, cities and city administrations are
specifically affected by migration processes. Cities and their surrounding areas are chosen in the first place by immigrants. This situation mutilates the structure of cities which is designed for certain
population and brings more burden and responsibilities to local governments. Within this context, local
administrations emerge as primary actor in management and adaptation processes.
Since the start of the revolt in Syria in 2011, thousands of displaced people migrate to certain
countries- Turkey in the first place- due to problems of sheltering, food and health. Despite the
establishment of refugee camps, thousands of immigrants are located outside of camps. This situation
necessitates the effective policies both in national and local level.
In this study, initially the national policies against the waves of migration from Syria and legaladministrative
framework for this issue will be addressed. Then, by the help of statistic data; the role of
local governments will be analyzed within Konya example.
Helpdesk Question: What refugee return initiatives have occurred in Africa? What lessons have been learnt from successful/sustainable return processes across the world, especially in relation to protracted refugee situations? Summary... more
Helpdesk Question:
What refugee return initiatives have occurred in Africa? What lessons have been learnt from successful/sustainable return processes across the world, especially in relation to protracted refugee situations?
Voluntary repatriation/return is seen as one of the durable solutions to protracted refugee situations and is the ‘preferred’ solution of the international community. Successful or sustainable return processes require the reintegration of refugees, which can be complicated by their protracted refugee experience and conditions in the country of origin.
Evidence from case studies indicates that return is often protracted or cyclical; it can be spontaneous or assisted; returns can happen rapidly or at a slower pace; and resolving protracted refugee caseloads often involves resettlement and local integration, as well as return to country of origin. Security, access to adequate services, housing, and livelihood opportunities are key to return.
Lessons for initiatives prior to return
◾Access to quality, trustworthy information is important for refugee decision making about return.
◾Return programmes need to take into account conflict dynamics and the political economy.
◾Establishing security, access to adequate services, housing, and livelihoods can be conducive to return as these are key for refugees.
◾Treatment in host countries is not enough to ‘push’ refugees; the decision to stay or return is informed by a comparison of conditions in host countries and countries of origin.
◾Access to livelihood assets, social networks, and opportunities in the country of origin can result in early return.
◾Poverty both restrains and encourages return, with poorer refugees less likely to return and reintegrate sustainably.
◾Local integration could equip refugees for sustainable return by giving them an ability to build up assets which can contribute to reintegration.
◾Preparation for return while in exile can help refugees reintegrate.
Lessons for initiatives to support return
◾Return can be staggered or cyclical; and mobility is a key strategy in its sustainability.
◾Effective support for refugee return is demand driven.
◾A comprehensive integrated approach between humanitarian, development, government and private sector actors is needed.
◾Flexibility in funding can assist sustainable return.
◾Return programmes need to account for increasing urbanisation, as many refugees prefer to settle in urban areas rather than in rural areas.
Lessons for initiatives to help reintegration
◾Addressing land and other restitution and redress issues in important for livelihoods and sustainable return.
◾Return processes should be integrated in wider development processes and assist whole communities.
◾Ethnic and other forms of discrimination can impede sustainable return by making it impossible for some groups to return.
◾Return programmes need to take into account the diverse experiences of refugees which impact on their prospects for sustainable return and reintegration.
◾Women face particular challenges in return.
Lessons for initiatives to ensure sustainability of refugee return
◾Sustainability of return is weakened by politically driven planning which does not account for the needs of the refugees.
◾Unsustainable return can have a negative impact on peacebuilding.
What refugee return initiatives have occurred in Africa? What lessons have been learnt from successful/sustainable return processes across the world, especially in relation to protracted refugee situations?
Voluntary repatriation/return is seen as one of the durable solutions to protracted refugee situations and is the ‘preferred’ solution of the international community. Successful or sustainable return processes require the reintegration of refugees, which can be complicated by their protracted refugee experience and conditions in the country of origin.
Evidence from case studies indicates that return is often protracted or cyclical; it can be spontaneous or assisted; returns can happen rapidly or at a slower pace; and resolving protracted refugee caseloads often involves resettlement and local integration, as well as return to country of origin. Security, access to adequate services, housing, and livelihood opportunities are key to return.
Lessons for initiatives prior to return
◾Access to quality, trustworthy information is important for refugee decision making about return.
◾Return programmes need to take into account conflict dynamics and the political economy.
◾Establishing security, access to adequate services, housing, and livelihoods can be conducive to return as these are key for refugees.
◾Treatment in host countries is not enough to ‘push’ refugees; the decision to stay or return is informed by a comparison of conditions in host countries and countries of origin.
◾Access to livelihood assets, social networks, and opportunities in the country of origin can result in early return.
◾Poverty both restrains and encourages return, with poorer refugees less likely to return and reintegrate sustainably.
◾Local integration could equip refugees for sustainable return by giving them an ability to build up assets which can contribute to reintegration.
◾Preparation for return while in exile can help refugees reintegrate.
Lessons for initiatives to support return
◾Return can be staggered or cyclical; and mobility is a key strategy in its sustainability.
◾Effective support for refugee return is demand driven.
◾A comprehensive integrated approach between humanitarian, development, government and private sector actors is needed.
◾Flexibility in funding can assist sustainable return.
◾Return programmes need to account for increasing urbanisation, as many refugees prefer to settle in urban areas rather than in rural areas.
Lessons for initiatives to help reintegration
◾Addressing land and other restitution and redress issues in important for livelihoods and sustainable return.
◾Return processes should be integrated in wider development processes and assist whole communities.
◾Ethnic and other forms of discrimination can impede sustainable return by making it impossible for some groups to return.
◾Return programmes need to take into account the diverse experiences of refugees which impact on their prospects for sustainable return and reintegration.
◾Women face particular challenges in return.
Lessons for initiatives to ensure sustainability of refugee return
◾Sustainability of return is weakened by politically driven planning which does not account for the needs of the refugees.
◾Unsustainable return can have a negative impact on peacebuilding.
This study was undertaken to evaluate the outcomes of Zambia’s local integration program in Maheba refugee camp. The main objective of the study was to evaluate how the local integration of former refugees in the Maheba resettlement... more
This study was undertaken to evaluate the outcomes of Zambia’s local integration program in
Maheba refugee camp. The main objective of the study was to evaluate how the local
integration of former refugees in the Maheba resettlement area was done as well as to assess
its outcomes and provide any suggestions or solutions to any noticeable problems with the local
integration program. The researcher employed a mixed method approach that used both
qualitative and quantitative research methodologies to collect data, from 25 participants
through interviews and a questionnaire.
The main findings of the study showed to that the main outcome was with the Zambian
government achieving successful documentation of the residential permits, which meant it’s
also achieved the first dimensions of local integration being the legal process. The program
also led to economic benefits that were brought about via farming and the selling and marketing
of both cash crops such as maize, rice and the livestock raring by the former refugees and host
community Zambians. The study also found that the local integration of former refugees at
Maheba refugee camp resulted in the proper integration of these former refugees. This was
mainly characterised with inter- marriages, the respecting of each other’s’ cultures and
religious beliefs, the exchange in ideas and ways of life from farming technics too community
development ideas. The study further showed quite a number of problems concerning the local
integration area at Maheba refugee camp. The most noticeable of these was the need for
finances to be pushed into development of the local integration area. The underdevelopment of
the area hinders progress in the education and health sectors. The findings also showed a lack
in personnel for both education and health sectors. The community was seen to be prone to
theft and lacks essentials such as electricity which in turn hinder the schools and clinics.
Based on these findings, the study made some recommendations. The prominent ones are the
need for improvement of roads around the resettlement area, an increase in telecommunication
work stations in the area. The need for increase of funding, the states should outsource income
from the other two state governments that have their nationalities residing in the country. The
need for new schools and buildings such as hospitals which will be easily accessed by both the
host community and the former refugees. The Need to train and sensitize former refugees more
on forms of crops that can be grown in our climate.
Maheba refugee camp. The main objective of the study was to evaluate how the local
integration of former refugees in the Maheba resettlement area was done as well as to assess
its outcomes and provide any suggestions or solutions to any noticeable problems with the local
integration program. The researcher employed a mixed method approach that used both
qualitative and quantitative research methodologies to collect data, from 25 participants
through interviews and a questionnaire.
The main findings of the study showed to that the main outcome was with the Zambian
government achieving successful documentation of the residential permits, which meant it’s
also achieved the first dimensions of local integration being the legal process. The program
also led to economic benefits that were brought about via farming and the selling and marketing
of both cash crops such as maize, rice and the livestock raring by the former refugees and host
community Zambians. The study also found that the local integration of former refugees at
Maheba refugee camp resulted in the proper integration of these former refugees. This was
mainly characterised with inter- marriages, the respecting of each other’s’ cultures and
religious beliefs, the exchange in ideas and ways of life from farming technics too community
development ideas. The study further showed quite a number of problems concerning the local
integration area at Maheba refugee camp. The most noticeable of these was the need for
finances to be pushed into development of the local integration area. The underdevelopment of
the area hinders progress in the education and health sectors. The findings also showed a lack
in personnel for both education and health sectors. The community was seen to be prone to
theft and lacks essentials such as electricity which in turn hinder the schools and clinics.
Based on these findings, the study made some recommendations. The prominent ones are the
need for improvement of roads around the resettlement area, an increase in telecommunication
work stations in the area. The need for increase of funding, the states should outsource income
from the other two state governments that have their nationalities residing in the country. The
need for new schools and buildings such as hospitals which will be easily accessed by both the
host community and the former refugees. The Need to train and sensitize former refugees more
on forms of crops that can be grown in our climate.
El presente estudio denominado “Construyendo una comunidad: la integración de niños, niñas y adolescentes refugiados colombianos en Costa Rica” nace de la iniciativa del Alto Comisionado de Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR) y su... more
El presente estudio denominado “Construyendo una comunidad: la integración de niños, niñas y adolescentes refugiados colombianos en Costa Rica” nace de la iniciativa del Alto Comisionado de Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR) y su agencia socia implementadora la Asociación de Consultores y Asesores Internacionales (ACAI) como un esfuerzo para conocer la realidad de la población infantil y adolescente colombiana en condición de refugio en Costa Rica. Esta iniciativa pudo ser una realidad gracias al apoyo del Instituto de Investigaciones Psicológicas (IIP) de la Universidad
de Costa Rica, que brindó desde su expertís en el campo de investigación, la asesoría necesaria en las diferentes etapas del estudio.
El diagnóstico parte de un enfoque transversal de derechos y de género procurando dejar de lado la visión adultocentrista que tantas veces caracteriza estas intervenciones.
La investigación se centra en la participación activa de los propios niños, niñas y personas adolescentes refugiadas colombianas, permitiéndoles expresar desde sus propias voces sus deseos, pensamientos y propuestas de acción. Aunado a lo anterior, tiene
como fin sensibilizar a la sociedad costarricense respecto a la situación de las personas menores de edad en condición de refugio y además brindar posibles estrategias políticas e institucionales que aseguren el bienestar y ejercicio pleno de derechos de esta población.
Este proyecto, analiza las oportunidades y limitaciones con las que se enfrenta la población menor de edad refugiada de nacionalidad colombiana, para esto se utilizó una metodología que combina técnicas cualitativas y cuantitativas de recolección y análisis de la información.
de Costa Rica, que brindó desde su expertís en el campo de investigación, la asesoría necesaria en las diferentes etapas del estudio.
El diagnóstico parte de un enfoque transversal de derechos y de género procurando dejar de lado la visión adultocentrista que tantas veces caracteriza estas intervenciones.
La investigación se centra en la participación activa de los propios niños, niñas y personas adolescentes refugiadas colombianas, permitiéndoles expresar desde sus propias voces sus deseos, pensamientos y propuestas de acción. Aunado a lo anterior, tiene
como fin sensibilizar a la sociedad costarricense respecto a la situación de las personas menores de edad en condición de refugio y además brindar posibles estrategias políticas e institucionales que aseguren el bienestar y ejercicio pleno de derechos de esta población.
Este proyecto, analiza las oportunidades y limitaciones con las que se enfrenta la población menor de edad refugiada de nacionalidad colombiana, para esto se utilizó una metodología que combina técnicas cualitativas y cuantitativas de recolección y análisis de la información.
This profiling exercise was initiated in order to better understand the challenges around local integration of refugees and asylum seekers in the metropolitan area of Thessaloniki so as to provide more evidence for the policy development... more
This profiling exercise was initiated in order to better understand the challenges around local integration of refugees and asylum seekers in the metropolitan area of Thessaloniki so as to provide more evidence for the policy development and response planning of the Municipality and the humanitarian and civil society community working in Thessaloniki. Additionally, the profiling results are intended to serve as a baseline for the future monitoring of local integration that is to be led by the Municipality.
In the last couple of years, more than 3.6 million Syrian refugees have been hosted under the "temporary protection" scheme in Turkey. Despite these high numbers Turkey did not have a centralized refugee settlement and integration policy.... more
In the last couple of years, more than 3.6 million Syrian refugees have been hosted under the "temporary protection" scheme in Turkey. Despite these high numbers Turkey did not have a centralized refugee settlement and integration policy. As a result, various stakeholders including local governments have played critical roles in providing refugee assistance services. This research looks at the role of local governments in delivering services evolving from emergency response to local integration. This article argues that this role with respect to the United Nations' Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) has to be further strengthened. The data for this research were collected through a comprehensive study based on interviews and surveys carried out in _ Istanbul with local authorities, _ Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, and its 39 district municipalities in 2016-2017. Although this research has its focus on _ Istanbul as the selected case study, the findings can reveal conclusions relevant to global implications and perspectives.
This is a research report that summarizes results of a... more
This is a research report that summarizes results of a study study analysing the reception, adaptation, and integration of refugees in the Czech Republic. It focuses on applicants for international protectionand people who have already been granted one of the forms of international protection, i.e., asylum or subsidiary protection. The report was compiled under the international NIEM (National Integration Evaluation Mechanism) project which monitors and evaluates the integration process of beneficiaries of international protection in 14 EU member states. The text focuses on eight selected areas of integration: housing, employment, requalification, health, social security and economic status, education, language training and socio‐political participation.
In the last couple of years, more than 3.6 million Syrian refugees have been hosted under the "temporary protection" scheme in Turkey. Despite these high numbers Turkey did not have a centralized refugee settlement and... more
In the last couple of years, more than 3.6 million Syrian refugees have been hosted under the "temporary protection" scheme in Turkey. Despite these high numbers Turkey did not have a centralized refugee settlement and integration policy. As a result, various stakeholders including local governments have played critical roles in providing refugee assistance services. This research looks at the role of local governments in delivering services evolving from emergency response to local integration. This article argues that this role with respect to the United Nations' Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) has to be further strengthened. The data for this research were collected through a comprehensive study based on interviews and surveys carried out in _ Istanbul with local authorities, _ Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, and its 39 district municipalities in 2016-2017. Although this research has its focus on _ Istanbul as the selected case study, the findings can reveal conclusions relevant to global implications and perspectives.
El presente estudio denominado “Personas refugiadas hoy en Costa Rica: sus voces, retos y oportunidades”, nace de la iniciativa conjunta del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR) y su agencia socia... more
El presente estudio denominado “Personas refugiadas hoy en Costa Rica: sus voces, retos y oportunidades”, nace de la iniciativa conjunta del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR) y su agencia socia implementadora la Asociación de Consultores y Asesores Internacionales (ACAI), como un esfuerzo para comprender los desafíos y oportunidades que enfrentan las personas adultas refugiadas y solicitantes de la condición de refugiado en su proceso de integración con la sociedad costarricense.
Para fines de la presente investigación se ha entendido la integración como un proceso dinámico y multidimensional, que pretende alcanzar una vida en la cual se logren satisfacer las necesidades básicas, se
goce plenamente de los derechos y se cumpla con los deberes de la sociedad receptora, se cuenten con las oportunidades para construir un proyecto de vida y se viva en un contexto libre de discriminación. En todo caso, la integración debe ser entendida como un proceso de mutuo interés para las personas refugiadas y la sociedad costarricense, ya que potencia las capacidades que tiene la población refugiada para convertirse en agentes de desarrollo del país de acogida. De ahí la importancia de conocer y resolver los retos que se presentan en la dinámica de la integración.
La investigación refiere a lo denominado por las organizaciones como “diagnóstico participativo”, un proceso para que mujeres y hombres refugiados y solicitantes de la condición de refugiado, de varias edades y orígenes participen como socios en la identificación de las oportunidades y limitaciones que experimentan en su proceso de integración en Costa Rica. El diagnóstico participativo a su vez facilita que las personas refugiadas manifiesten desde sus propias experiencias y perspectivas, posibles acciones para solucionar los
retos identificados.
Para fines de la presente investigación se ha entendido la integración como un proceso dinámico y multidimensional, que pretende alcanzar una vida en la cual se logren satisfacer las necesidades básicas, se
goce plenamente de los derechos y se cumpla con los deberes de la sociedad receptora, se cuenten con las oportunidades para construir un proyecto de vida y se viva en un contexto libre de discriminación. En todo caso, la integración debe ser entendida como un proceso de mutuo interés para las personas refugiadas y la sociedad costarricense, ya que potencia las capacidades que tiene la población refugiada para convertirse en agentes de desarrollo del país de acogida. De ahí la importancia de conocer y resolver los retos que se presentan en la dinámica de la integración.
La investigación refiere a lo denominado por las organizaciones como “diagnóstico participativo”, un proceso para que mujeres y hombres refugiados y solicitantes de la condición de refugiado, de varias edades y orígenes participen como socios en la identificación de las oportunidades y limitaciones que experimentan en su proceso de integración en Costa Rica. El diagnóstico participativo a su vez facilita que las personas refugiadas manifiesten desde sus propias experiencias y perspectivas, posibles acciones para solucionar los
retos identificados.