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Este estudo de caso examina o primeiro programa de recepção de pessoas migrantes originadas de uma crise humanitária desenvolvido no Brasil. A crise humanitária em questão se aprofundou a partir de 2010 com o terremoto que atingiu a... more
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      Refugee Local IntegrationLocal Integration Policies
Özet Bir tarafın zulmetme diğer tarafınsa bu zulümden kaçması eski zamanlardan bu yana vardır. Modern devletlerin oluşması ile birlikte, sınırları belirginleşmiş devlet topraklarındaki zulümden kaçan kişiye, ikame bir korumanın sağlanması... more
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      Refugee StudiesPrivate International LawAsylum LawEuropean Immigration and Asylum Law
-ÖZET- Türkiye hemen her dönemde başka ülkelerden gelen sığınmacılara kapısını açan ve onları ağırlayan bir ülke olmuştur. Körfez Savaşı sırasında Irak sınırından çok sayıda mülteci Türkiye’ye giriş yapmış, uzun süre sınıra yakın bir... more
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      Refugee StudiesMigrationTurkeyMigration Studies
Despite the fact that the first cases of asylum granted for reasons of sexual orientation date back to the 1980s, most research on this issue began to emerge only in 2010. Most of this literature is about Refugee Status Determination... more
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      Refugee StudiesSexualityBrazilAsylum seekers
The main objective of this paper is to address some of the obstacles that Argentina deals with in the present day to develop an integration oriented policy for international protection of forced migration. Thus, first of all, the... more
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      Asylum LawAsylumArgentinaForced Migration
ÖZET Günümüzde Türkiye’de olduğu gibi dünyanın birçok ülkesinde önemli sorunlardan biri de göçtür. Belirli bölgelerde gelişmişlik düzeyinin geri olması, yaşanan ekonomik sorunlar, savaş gibi nedenlerle binlerce insan ülkelerinden başka... more
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      Refugee StudiesMigrationLocal GovernmentMigration Studies
Helpdesk Question: What refugee return initiatives have occurred in Africa? What lessons have been learnt from successful/sustainable return processes across the world, especially in relation to protracted refugee situations? Summary... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesRefugee StudiesConflictSecurity
This study was undertaken to evaluate the outcomes of Zambia’s local integration program in Maheba refugee camp. The main objective of the study was to evaluate how the local integration of former refugees in the Maheba resettlement... more
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      Development StudiesMigrationMigration StudiesRefugee Local Integration
El presente estudio denominado “Construyendo una comunidad: la integración de niños, niñas y adolescentes refugiados colombianos en Costa Rica” nace de la iniciativa del Alto Comisionado de Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR) y su... more
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      Refugee StudiesRefugee Local Integration
This profiling exercise was initiated in order to better understand the challenges around local integration of refugees and asylum seekers in the metropolitan area of Thessaloniki so as to provide more evidence for the policy development... more
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      RefugeesRefugee Local IntegrationProfiling
In the last couple of years, more than 3.6 million Syrian refugees have been hosted under the "temporary protection" scheme in Turkey. Despite these high numbers Turkey did not have a centralized refugee settlement and integration policy.... more
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      Local GovernmentRefugee IntegrationRefugee Local IntegrationAsylum and refugees studies, migration and integration
This is a research report that summarizes results of a... more
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      RefugeesRefugee Local Integration
In the last couple of years, more than 3.6 million Syrian refugees have been hosted under the "temporary protection" scheme in Turkey. Despite these high numbers Turkey did not have a centralized refugee settlement and... more
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      SociologyDemographyAnthropologyPolitical Science
El presente estudio denominado “Personas refugiadas hoy en Costa Rica: sus voces, retos y oportunidades”, nace de la iniciativa conjunta del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR) y su agencia socia... more
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      Refugee StudiesRefugee Local Integration