Rasberry Pi
Recent papers in Rasberry Pi
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Future Technology Project– II OpenCV object tracking and following Robot GÖRÜNTÜ İŞLEMEDEN YARARLANILARAK NESNE TESPİTİ VE TAKİBİ ROBOTU Ataturk University Hardvard University Massachusetts... more
in today's world, face recognition is an important part for the purpose of security and surveillance. Hence there is a need for an efficient and cost effective system. Our goal is to explore the feasibility of implementing Raspberry Pi... more
The design objective is to come up with a lawnmower that is autonomous, portable, durable and easy to maintain. It also aims to design a self-powered mower of electrical source; a cordless electric lawnmower. The brain... more
security and safety is just a click of the appropriate Technology away, and with such advancements happening, the security of one's home must also not be left behind. Modern advances in electronics and communications technologies have led... more
Due to increase the terrorist activities throughout the world, it is very important to control and monitor their activities and quickly execute the required plan accordingly. This paper presents a smart Global Positioning System (GPS)... more
Due to increase the terrorist activities throughout the world, it is very important to control and monitor their activities and quickly execute the required plan accordingly. This paper presents a smart Global Positioning System (GPS)... more