Randall Collins
Recent papers in Randall Collins
Seit Mitte der er Jahre stehen situationistische Ansätze in der Gewaltforschung hoch im Kurs. Das gilt in ganz besonderem Maße für die deutsche Soziologie. Die verstärkte Hinwendung zur genauen Analyse von Gewaltsituationen und ihrer... more
Das Familienleben ist immer noch von hohen Gewaltraten gekennzeichnet, obwohl Gewalt nun gesellschaftlich weitgehend geächtet und rechtlich sanktioniert wird. Wie sich elterliche Gewalt gegen ihre Kinder sowie Gewalt zwischen Partnern und... more
Short-term mission trips (STMs) are service trips, typically lasting from one week to a few months, which entails an individual travelling to a distant place to engage in a type of voluntary social service, often in tandem with... more
While fun is linked to positive engagement and inclusive community, we explore the connection between fun and cruelty, arguing that acts of aggression and humiliation can also provide pleasurable hedonic experience. In this, we extend the... more
"Imaginative constructionism" - in many ways this concept is similar to that proposed by Mills “sociological imagination”, also to “sociological eye” proposed by Collins only without reference to the substantive scope of sociology and... more
Chapter 13: Emotions in Sports Stadia1 Mike S. Schäfer and Jochen Roose The ball changed possession, moving fast from one end of the field to the other. The tension mounted; it became almost unbearable. People forgot where they were... more
جاء كتاب بونغيه في أغلبه جدليا وأحيانا متفردا بالرأي، لكن بونغيه قدم فيه بوضوح رؤية عقلانية ومعتدلة حول صناعة المعرفة العلمية، وبالمقابل تصوره أين صُنع التطور الأمثل للعلم الاجتماعي، وأين تقع عوائقه، بطريقة إقناعية، وفي كل الأحوال جاء... more
This introduction to a special issue outlines the significance of Randall Collins’s contribution to sociology. The first section briefly reviews Collins’s main books and assesses their impact on social science. The second section offers a... more
В работе исследуется теория ритуалов интеракций с точки зрения её внутренней (теоретической) и внешней (эмпирической) непротиворечивости. Рассматриваются эмпирические исследования, подтверждающие достоверность и применимость в... more
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Violence was a key element of the interwar radical habitus and was particularly affirmed in far-right movements, which found fertile ground for their ideas among students. However, the influence of the systems of ideas advocated by... more
¿Qué son las Teorías de la Reproducción? La investigación parte de una pregunta a la que se pretende dar respuesta con el primer capítulo teórico, "De las Teorías de la Reproducción a las de la Resistencia". Este, como su propio nombre... more
The study of sport spectatorship has an increasing focus on the importance of fandom beyond fan violence. Fundamental to understanding fan behavior are the meaningful rituals and emotions experienced by fans. In this paper, I use the... more
The paper tries to go beyond Pierre Bourdieu’s idea of ‘habitus’ toward a reconstruction of the theory of practice based on the concepts of repetition and exercise taken from the work of the German philosopher, Peter Sloterdijk. We first... more
This paper analyzes Ortega's contributions to the sociology of philosophy. It begins by explaining the historical circumstances in which our author wrote. Subsequently, his innovations are presented in relation to problems dealt with by... more
In search of a way of living sustainably, the sharing economy is seen as a promising route. This new phenomenon can be perceived as an increasingly popular group of practices that is not so much characterised by old and familiar ways of... more
This thesis explores how a pragmatic theory of violence can be developed within Luc Boltanski’s sociology of regimes of action positioned in the overall framework of French pragmatic sociology. The thesis takes its outset in Boltanski’s... more
Randall Collins is coming to the theory of conflict as a model that describes the diversity of the social world and, at the same time includes all of its variety. I’m going to show how conflict theory is applicable to different levels of... more
The present article develops a new approach to intellectual history and sociology of knowledge. Its point of departure is to investigate the conditions under which social thinkers assume the iconic reputation. What does it take to become... more
Платонистская установка, столь привычная и, вероятно, по-своему полезная для практикующих математику, должна быть поставлена под вопрос в философии математики по следующей причине. Математический платонизм заслоняет сложнейшую... more
This paper explores the ways nationalism has been theorised in classical and contemporary sociology. More specifically, the author analyses the relevance of Randall Collins’s contribution to theories of nationalism. Since Collins’s work... more
A presentation on Randall Collin's article "Weber's Last Theory of Capitalism: A Systematization" which analyzes the theory of how Weber articulated the roots of capitalism other than his Calvinism-based explanation.
Collaborative circles theory explains how innovative small groups develop and win acceptance of their creative work but assumes a single type of circle and would benefit from considering how circles are affected by the strategic action... more
When is small talk big talk? That is to say, what does our everyday microlevel experience tell us about macrolevel causal variables that form a part of the traditional ‘sociological agenda’—such as race, class, or gender? My view is that... more
In this paper we consider two approaches to the understanding of intellectual creativity. The first one is based on N. Berdyaev’s view on philosophical creativity as an object of personal mental production of ideas, which requires... more
How are boundaries between sexual identities constructed and maintained through interaction? I draw on ethnographic observation in Philadelphia gay bars popular among heterosexual patrons and supplemental interviews with young... more
Introduction to the Social Psychology Quarterly special issue on "the social psychology of creativity" edited by Ugo Corte, John N. Parker and Gary Alan Fine. 2019.
Does the experience of cultural consumption have its own sui generis attraction and value in itself, or is it an index of external social ranking? Four criteria are proposed that are observable in microsociological detail: (1) bodily... more
W artykule porównuję trzy koncepcje dotyczące dystrybuowania idei – memetyczną, autorstwa Richarda Brodiego; antropologiczną, stworzoną przez Dana Sperbera i socjologiczną, rozwijaną przez Randalla Collinsa. Moim celem jest wskazanie... more
ABSTRACT This paper examines the (collective) performance of identities in an event context. During events, the participants not only engage in face-to-face performances, but also in the collective performances of crowds and audiences.... more
While there is extensive literature on both the expansion of human rights and solidarity movements, and on micro-solidarity and violent actions, here I ask what is the relationship between human rights, micro-solidarity and social action?... more
Журнал социологии и социальной антропологии. 2015. №3 (80). Том. XVIII. C. 65-79.
This article reevaluates the debate on “scientific communities”, using the phrase as placeholder for any scientific collective, which are today often discussed also under different names. The focus is laid particularly on the close nexus... more
While there is extensive literature on both the expansion of human rights and solidarity movements, and on micro-solidarity and violent actions, here I ask what is the relationship between human rights, micro-solidarity and social action?... more
In questo paper affronto il tema della religione al tempo del Covid-19, in particolare la prospettiva “Ridefinire credenze e riti”. L’oggetto di ricerca è il cambiamento delle azioni tipiche del rituale religioso cattolico come scambiarsi... more
Religious Interaction Ritual is a microsociological study of religious practice, based on fieldwork with Conservative Jews, Bible Belt Muslims, white Baptists, black Baptists, Buddhist meditators, and Latino Catholics. In each case, the... more
The article engages with the relationship between feminist scholarship and the discipline of International Relations. Taking a step back from the recurrent concerns with marginality and those with the absent feminist revolution in IR, we... more