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This article examines the productivity of agriculture at the Postclassic polity of Xaltocan, Mexico. Employing multiple lines of data (remote sensing, artifactual, ecofactual, chronological, demographic, historic, ethnographic, and... more
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      DemographyArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnthropology
Brief summary of contents. Report submitted to INAH, June 2009. Offers description of survey and excavation of chinampas, results of archaeobotanical analysis, results of oseteological analysis, figurine analysis, and description of... more
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      Landscape EcologyArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyPolitical Economy
This dissertation presents the first large, detailed spatial reconstruction of Aztec lakebed chinampas for a 1,010 hectare area of the former Lake Xochimilco lakebed. A general five stage model is proposed for the development and decline... more
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      AztecsRaised FieldsChinampasBasin of Mexico
Reunión Sudamericana en Cuenca de 13 al 17 de enero de 1992 en homenaje a Betty Meggers y Alberto Rex Gonzales
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      Latin American StudiesLandscape ArchaeologyAmazoniaLatin American History
SUNY Press requested that I remove the reprint of my publication from After being asked to remove the publication, I formally asked permission:
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      Agricultural EngineeringHistoryLandscape EcologyUrban Geography
This paper uses remote sensing data to document a raised field, chinampa system adjacent to the Postclassic kingdom of Xaltocan in the northern Basin of Mexico. Various forms of landscape information; historic records and maps as well as... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyRemote SensingLandscape Archaeology
Urban horticulture is not as new as many people think. Throughout history, different techniques have been used to ensure sustainable urban agricultural production. A good example of this is the chinampa system, which was developed during... more
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      Urban AgricultureRaised FieldsMexicoMéxico
The thesis is about the impressive pre-Columbian agricultural system based on raised fields found in the Llanos de Moxos, a seasonally flooded savannah in the Bolivian Amazon. Despite the growing scientific interest and several... more
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      AmazoniaRaised FieldsPre-Columbian ArchaeologySoils
"Vast tracts of prehistoric raised fields are present in the Titicaca Basin of Bolivia and Peru. Archaeologists at present consider raised field agriculture to have been much more productive and efficient than the rain-fed dryland... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyState FormationIndigenous Agricultural SystemsTiwanaku
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      ArchaeologyExperimental ArchaeologyAgronomyLandscape Archaeology
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      ArchaeologyPolitical EconomyLandscape ArchaeologyPolitical Ecology
Documenting the relationship between agriculture and political economy occupies the center of much research and debate in anthropological archaeology. This study examines this issue by focusing on maize at Xaltocan, a Postclassic... more
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      ArchaeologyPolitical EconomyEthnobotanyArchaeobotany
We present an integrated palaeoecological and archaeobotanical study of pre-Columbian raised-field agriculture in the Llanos de Moxos, a vast seasonally inundated forest-savanna mosaic in the Bolivian Amazon. Phytoliths from excavated... more
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Pre-Columbian inhabitants of the western Llanos de Moxos, Bolivia, transformed large expanses of seasonally flooded savannah into a complex agricultural landscape. Extensive raised field systems, along with associated canals and... more
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      ArchaeologyStratigraphyLandscape ArchaeologyPaleoenvironment
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      Landscape ArchaeologyArchaeological GISRaised Fields
El cambio climático y su probable influencia en la construcción de obras de infraestructura Ulises Chávez hidráulica temprana, en la cuenca media del río candelaria, campeche [email protected] El cambio climático y su probable... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyEcologyMaya ArchaeologyRaised Fields
The functioning and productivity of pre-Columbian raised fields (RFs) and their role in the development of complex societies in Amazonian savannas remain debated. RF agriculture is conducted today in the Congo Basin, offering an... more
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      WetlandsAgricultureRaised FieldsCongo Basin
Archaeologists have long associated the development of agriculture with the rise of the state. But the archaeology of the Amazon Basin, revealing traces of agriculture but lacking evidence of statehood, confounds their assumptions. John... more
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      ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyAgricultureAmazonia
In 1979, when I was working with the Cuello Project, Bill and Peter were conducting the first phase of their Pulltrouser Swamp investigations. They were often in the Cuello Camp and seemed fascinated with the flotation samples I was... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyArchaeobotanySustainable agriculture
Los camellones garantizan el acceso continuo a alimentos en el altiplano, ecosistema frecuentemente expuesto a eventos meteorológicos extremos. Se explora la relación entre el abandono del cultivo en camellones y el énfasis dado por el... more
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      Food SafetyPolitical economy of subsistence agricultureRaised FieldsSeguridad Alimentaria
The use of raised beds (i.e., ridged soil layers) to cultivate vegetables can improve soil quality, crop performance, water use and even reduce soil erosion. Although those advantages are well known and documented in the literature for... more
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      Agricultural EngineeringResponse Surface MethodologyAgricultural SciencesVegetable Science
This paper introduces new evidences in order to discuss the nature of production and management of plant resources and their relationship with prehistoric earthen structure's construction and use, with an emphasis on micro-reliefs.... more
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      PhytolithsLowland ArchaeologyRaised FieldsAnthropogenic Dark Earths
A previously unpublished report on the plant remains from the 1981 NSF Sponsored Pulltrouser Swamp Project. This manuscript was circulated with Bill Turner, Peter Harrison, and several members of the team who were writing up various... more
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      ArchaeologyArchaeobotanyTropical EcologyMalacology
En la costa pacífica del sur de Colombia y norte del Ecuador el paisaje fue ampliamente modificado por las sociedades prehispánicas en los últimos tres mil años. Las cuales construyeron canales, zanjas, camellones y plataformas para... more
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      Raised FieldsTumaco-La Tolita
Pre-Columbian inhabitants of the western Llanos de Moxos, Bolivia, transformed large expanses of seasonally flooded savannah into a complex agricultural landscape. Extensive raised field systems, along with associated canals and... more
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      GeographyArchaeologyStratigraphyLandscape Archaeology
Pre-Columbian raised field agriculture in the tropical lowlands of South America has received increasing attention and been the focus of heated debates regarding its function, productivity, and role in the development of pre-Columbian... more
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Pre-Columbian raised field agriculture in the tropical lowlands of South America has received increasing attention and been the focus of heated debates regarding its function, productivity, and role in the development of pre-Columbian... more
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      GeomorphologyAmazoniaRaised FieldsPre-Columbian Archaeology
Differing interpretations regarding the organization of past intensive farming are often distinguished as ‘‘top-down’’ or ‘‘bottom-up’’ perspectives. The development of intensive farming and its social organization are attributed to... more
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      TiwanakuAndesAncient Agriculture & Farming (Archaeology)Raised Fields
talk presented at the SSSA International Soils Meeting (2019, San Diego)
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      Soil ScienceLandscape ArchaeologyAmazonian ArchaeologyRaised Fields
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      TiwanakuAndesRaised Fields
"This dissertation presents the first large, detailed spatial reconstruction of Aztec lakebed chinampas for a 1,010 hectare area of the former Lake Xochimilco lakebed. A general five stage model is proposed for the development and... more
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      ArchaeologyAztecsRaised FieldsChinampas
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      ArchaeologyPlant EcologyEthnobotanyArchaeobotany