Recent papers in Ragtime
Mixing facts and fiction, Hollywood screen biographies have told the lives of popular music icons at least since The Jazz Singer (1927). However, biopics construct narratives that deal problematically with issues of race. This article... more
In this brief paper I would like to illustrate the mutual influence of Classical and Jazz music through two compositions written by American composers Scott Joplin (1867/68 - 1917) and Gunther Schuller (1925 - 2015). While the first... more
This article throws new light on the troublesome question ‘what is popular music?’ by pursuing a genealogy of discourse in Britain during a crucial period from 1860 to 1920 in which modernity is increasingly characterised by an... more
Cinema and literature are both forms of narration and reality representation, while cinema has visual nature and literature has literary one. In reading we experience the author’s style while in watching movie we cannot. Style is the... more
This is a historical and analytical study of Ragtime for Eleven Instruments by Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971). From a traditional ragtime stylistic approach (SCHAFER; RIEDEL, 1973. BERLIN, 1980), this study aims to search for evidence of... more
TOPRAK, Berkay. George Gershwin’in Rhapsody In Blue Adlı Eserinin Bestecilik Teknikleri Açısından İncelemesi, Yüksek Lisans Sanat Çalışması Raporu, Ankara, 2018 Caz müziği ile sanat müziği, 20. yüzyılın başlamasıyla Avrupa ve Amerika’da... more
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 84-13952 P r i n t e d i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s o f A m e r i c a printing number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0
d w a r d H a s s e Piano rolls were an important medium for disseminating ragtime. This chapter presents, for the first time, the story of ragtime on player piano rolls. The authors explain how player pianos work and examine the quantity... more
James Price Johnson (1894-1955) is one of the seminal artists of jazz as it emerged in the 20th century. A virtuoso pianist, Johnson mastered ragtime and is understood to have created what is called stride piano. During his formative... more
Early Scottish Ragtime is a CD of dance tunes preserved in printed collection from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and published in Glasgow, Edinburgh and London. Three types of tune are performed: tunes identified as American in... more
"As a musical form that unites two cultures, Afro-Cuban jazz has been historically problematic for jazz historians and critics to address. In a discipline that embraced a dominant historical narrative emphasizing continuity of style and... more
Paul Walker interviewed Vic Gammon for Concertina World, the publication of the International Concertina Association. The discussion was wide ranging touching on aspects of my musical output, activities, career, concertina and banjo... more
This is a historical and analytical study of Ragtime for Eleven Instruments by Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971). From a traditional ragtime stylistic approach (SCHAFER; RIEDEL, 1973. BERLIN, 1980), this study aims to search for evidence of... more
In June of 2003 and again, in November of 2003, I traveled to Michigan for the purpose of making extensive field recordings of piano rolls then held in the important roll collections of Nan Flint in Livonia, the late Michael Montgomery in... more
In this article Holly Maples examines how the controversy surrounding the ragtime dance craze in the United States allowed women to renegotiate acceptable gendered behaviour in the public sphere. In the early 1910s many members of the... more
Participación en el programa conducido por Eduardo Nordahl en FM 100.9 Radio Mitre de Santa Rosa de La Pampa, sobre el tema de "Antropología de la Música"; 6 de diciembre de 2021. La grabación completa de esta parte del programa se... more
Die 1920er-Jahre stehen wie kein anderes Jahrzehnt für Aufbrüche und Rückfälle. Wohl in keiner anderen Periode des 20. Jahrhunderts war die Sehnsucht der Menschen nach Neuerungen so gross wie zu jener Zeit. Urbanistische Visionen wurden... more
Scott Joplin, el rey del Ragtime: negro, genio, maestro y visionario Scott Joplin con el Rag quiso competir con la música culta europea, se adelantó a su tiempo. Historia del Jazz. Parte V
Tribute to Nick LaRocca (score & part), youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nv2wmtCREJ0 Copyright (c) 2015 by Serban Nichifor (SABAM)
A phenomenological method of comics analysis can be useful when we need to uncover the structural features of the comics experience itself. One fruitful application would be in the study of irregular intra-panel rhythms, where the... more
Edward Elzear "Zez" Confrey (1895-1971) was a famed American composer and piano roll artist, credited with introducing a late-ragtime idiom called novelty piano. His most famous compositions are "Kitten on the Keys" and "Dizzy Fingers".... more
First comprehensive German-language treatise on ragtime as an important popular music in the transition from the 19th to the 20th century, which had a lasting influence on the jazz era of the 1920s and thus on the music of the century as... more
(Access full text by following the link under '1 file' next to the number of views.) The escape artist of Doctorow’s Ragtime is in close relationship with each transposed and fictitious character through an aspectual transmission system... more
Originally recorded by the Dallas String Band in the 1920s.
In this article Holly Maples examines how the controversy surrounding the ragtime dance craze in the United States allowed women to renegotiate acceptable gendered behaviour in the public sphere. In the early 1910s many members of the... more
The poet, writer and journalist Walter Mehring (1896-1981) was an emblematic artist in 1920s Berlin Cabaret. His contribution to the art of the cabaret flawlessly illustrates the hybrid character of Weimar culture. His songs and poems... more
https://soundeagle.wordpress.com/2020/04/12/the-last-rag/ Composed by SoundEagle🦅, The Last Rag comes in two versions: the 1996 Original Edition and the 2010 Special Edition. The Last Rag can be performed or listened to as a... more
During the twentieth century, jazz was at the center of multiple debates about social life and American experience. Jazz music and its performers were framed in both positive and negative manners. The autobiographies of New Orleans... more
This chapter locates Stravinsky’s engagement with twentieth-century popular culture in context, from his fascination with ragtime and jazz to his abortive career as a Hollywood film composer. I draw comparisons with the early work of... more
Resumo: A presente comunicação visa discutir aspectos relacionados ao conceito das diásporas musicais, conceito tomado de empréstimo de autores como Stuart Hall e Paul Gilroy e que aqui se aplicam ao trânsito das matrizes musicais... more