Radio Art
Recent papers in Radio Art
I have been working in the field of radio art, and through creative practice have been considering how the convergence of new media technologies has redefined radio art, addressing the ways in which this has extended the boundaries of the... more
Radio Revolten: 30 Days of Radio Art documents the Radio Revolten international radio art festival that took place took place during October 2016 in Halle, Germany. It is a densely rich book that explores aspects of radio beyond the... more
Paper published in Music, Electronic Media and Culture, S.Emmerson (ed.), Aldershot/Burlington USA/ Singapore/ Sidney, Ashgate, 2000.
Dans ce qui suit, nous établissons le texte d’un original inédit de Pierre Schaeffer, l’Essai sur la radio et le cinéma : esthétique et technique des arts-relais, de 1941–1942.
This thesis is an exploration of some of the discourses arising out of the current ecological crises (Haraway 2016; Horton 2017) and argues that radio art is a constructive method for opening out practices of listening, for helping move... more
This paper explores ideas related to Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) and the disembodied voice in mediated space as a starting point to develop a 5.1 surround sound radio art work. It documents the author’s creative processes and 5.1... more
Many theoretical accounts of sound art tend to treat it as a subcategory of either music or visual art. I argue that this dualism prevents many works of sound art from being fully appreciated. My subsequent attempt of finding a basis for... more
A reassessment of musique concrète, comprising historical contextualization, critical synopsis, and interpretation of Schaeffer's trajectory, from the Études de bruits (1948) to Traité des objets musicaux (1966). Henry's Variations pour... more
Form in sound art is the crucial aspect for both analysis and per- ception. The theoretical basis includes, among others, the theory of ‘Pure Form’ devised by Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz and Susan Sontag’s theory of interpretation. Later... more
Paper given at the RadioArt Seminar: Radio: Past, Present and Future. Audiorama & EMS Stockholm, 8 Oct. 2010.. Published in Swedish 'Radiokonst i och utanför etern - samtid och framtid', in Nutida Musik ISCM Sweden, 2/2011, 16-21.... more
Il était naturel qu'une alliance de la radio avec les arts ait d'abord rencontré la musique. Cependant, c'est le théâtre qui s'est identifié le premier à un art proprement radiophonique. La naissance d'un art dramatique conçu spécialement... more
Die Erkundung von Heiner Goebbels' musikalischem Werk und seinen Schriften wirft Fragen auf, die sich allgemein für die Musikentwicklung am Ende des 20./ Beginn des 21.Jahrhunderts stellen. Als Goebbels in der zweiten Hälfte der 70er... more
by Andreas Ammer and Console to explore the development of the special German radio art Hörspiel through soundplay and even beyond towards the concept of 'extended radio'. lt argues that the unique openness of the Hörspiel as a special... more
No que se segue verto em português um original inédito de Pierre Schaeffer, o Ensaio sobre a rádio e o cinema: estética e técnica das artes-relé, de 1941–1942, cujo texto estabeleci com Sophie Brunet entre agosto de 2008 e julho de 2009.
Contemporary sonic artworks often use field recordings from places of historic or social significance to address political issues. This article discusses relevant works for radio and fixed media by Peter Cusack, Jacob Kirkegaard, Eliška... more
In the UK there has never been much scope for radio art within the realm of public service broadcasting, leading artists to seek funding for their own independent projects, predominantly from the Arts Council of England (ACE) and other... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
The genre which is the basis of my research and the subject of analysis in this text is the feature, also called artistic radio documentary. The main aim of the article is to show the variety of features and the possible way to define and... more
Under the influence of digitalisation and new communication technologies, especially the WWW and its streaming technologies, the medium radio has changed drastically and rapidly within the past 15 years. Artists were among those who have... more
Als die Punkcombo Mittagspause 1979 einen Song mit dem Titel „Intelnet“ aufnahm, war vom Internet noch keine Rede. (...) 1979 war auch das Jahr, in dem Philips seine Compact Disc vorstellte. (...) Im selben Jahr 1979 führte man in Wien... more
This Audio Paper argues that the documented history of human interaction with radio is a matter to be unravelled, and pirated. The 'first documented radio listening experience' is questioned, and followed by the proposal for alternative... more
Cette annexe contient : (I) le début abandonné de ce que aurait été le deuxième chapitre de l’Essai sur la radio et le cinéma, ayant pour titre « Données immédiates de la radio et du cinéma », chapitre mentionné dans le texte que nous... more
This essay begins the work of unpicking radio-anthropocene entanglements, in an effort to think and do them otherwise. I use the concept of expanding radio to open out the notion of radio to include human and more-than-human... more
This paper explores ideas related to Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) and the disembodied voice in mediated space as a starting point to develop a 5.1 surround sound radio art work. It documents the author’s creative processes and 5.1... more
Interviewed by Julian Day (duration > 20 minutes),
Australian Broadcasting Corporation, ABC Classic FM, New Music Up Late programme, 8 November 2014.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation, ABC Classic FM, New Music Up Late programme, 8 November 2014.
Contemporary sonic artworks often use field recordings from places of historic or social significance to address political issues. This article discusses relevant works for radio and fixed media by Peter Cusack, Jacob Kirkegaard, Eliška... more
This article examines Walter Ruttmann's Weekend, a twelve-minute programme made for German radio in 1930. Recorded and edited using Tri-Ergon optical film sound technology, it was described by Ruttmann in the following terms: ‘Weekend is... more
The essay considers the work of New Zealand-based artist Sally Ann McIntyre, in particular her mini-FM radio station for programme-based and site-specific art transmission, i.e., Radio Cegeste. The article focuses on a series of radio... more
Presentation of one of the audio tracks of "A Sonic Map of Alexandria" co-created by the Berit Schuck (text) and Julia Tieke (sound) and published under the name "The Bohemian Past". The talk focused on the sounds and interviews used for... more
Texte et émission: « Nouveaux genres d'écoute : Rencontre avec Anna Raimondo », wi watt'heure #26, Revue & Corrigée, décembre 2018,
- by Elena Biserna
- Art, Genre, Public Art, Radio
In 1901, Marconi’s Lizard Wireless Telegraphy Station, Cornwall, was the site of the first ‘over-the-horizon’ wireless transmission. Prior to this, wireless communication was believed to be restricted to the optical horizon. Marconi’s... more
Alan Dunn introduces Radio Continental Drift aka Claudia Wegener
In Search of Captain Cat of Llareggub "A 'Play' for Collected Sounds" Duration 25 minutes Composed and Produced by Colin Black About The Work Inspired by the fictional blind character of Captain Tom Cat in Dylan Thomas’... more
At the beginning of 1948, three senior managers in the Radio Italiana organized a congress with a view to setting up an international competition for original creations for the radio. Their reflection on how such production could be... more
A text written for presenting "Saout as a state of mind #2": a week of radiophonic listening in FM and on streaming and enriched by live sonic experiences curated by Saout Radio in Bruxelles (9-13 May 2016)
This paper considers how I used the Internet to promote analogue radio art projects, focusing on Switch Off a PhD radio art project, which took as its theme the imagined futures of FM analogue radio when abandoned by sanctioned... more
La «sound piece: in memoriam Décio Pignatari» a été conçue et réalisée à l'invitation du compositeur espagnol José Iges pour la série radiophonique Kunstradio-Radiokunst de la ORF, diffusée le 14 Juillet 2013 et actuellement disponible... more
"During the weekend of October 12-14 2012, corresponding with the Hudson Valley’s peak fall foliage weekend, free103point9 will host a first Transmission Arts Colloquium. This gathering includes an exciting international roster of... more