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A review of the riots in Miami which left 3 dead. Mentions causes (lack of economic opportunity).
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      African American HistoryRace RiotsRiotsMiami-Dade
This research explores the role of opinion-based groups in understanding responses to racist violence such as the 2005 Cronulla riots in Australia. Traditionally, explanations of collective action in social psychology and sociology focus... more
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      Social IdentityNational IdentityRacismOnline Communication
(1999) Using six newspapers as primary sources: the Newark Evening News; The New York Times; The Washington Post; the Los Angeles Times (from a city where major race riots had occurred in Watts in 1965); The Detroit News (from a city... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesMedia StudiesArchitectureUrban Studies
“America’s Bicentennial Poem: Robert Hayden’s ‘American Journal’.” Presented May 23, 2015 by Christopher Buck during “Memorials of the Faithful” weekend. Desert Rose Baha’i Institute. Eloi, AZ. (May 23–24, 2015.) During America’s... more
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      American LiteratureReligionAmerican HistorySociology
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      Race RiotsWatts California
The Lambing Flat riots were a series of violent riots led by European and Australian born miners against Chinese miners from 1860 to 1861 on the Burrangong goldfields in NSW. They led to anti-Chinese immigration legislation in NSW in 1861... more
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      History and MemoryAustralian HistoryWhite Australia PolicyRace Riots
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      Critical TheoryEconomic HistorySociologyEconomic Sociology
On Monday 9 September and Tuesday 10 September 1985, the inner-city area of Handsworth, Birmingham, was subject to rioting, resulting in two deaths and 122 injuries. Handsworth in particular bore the brunt of deindustrialisation, as over... more
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      Television StudiesBritish television historyUrban HistoryiTV
Currently, little scholarly work is present on the Beaumont Race Riot of 1943. While the Beaumont riot represents only one incident during a period of many, its significance to Southeast Texas history has not been adequately categorized.... more
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      Military HistoryRace and RacismSouthern Studies (U.S. South)Race and Ethnicity
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      HistoryCriminologyPolitical SociologySocial Movements
This study will highlight the history of the Turudbe Fulbe by examining them from their own writings as well as the writings of contemporary scholars. Iexamine the concept of identity construct and historical consciousness as utilized by... more
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      Ethnic StudiesBlack Studies Or African American StudiesInternational LawBlack/African Diaspora
Christopher Buck, “Robert Hayden’s ‘[American Journal]’: A Multidimensional Analysis.” Online Journal of Baha’i Studies 2 (2008): 1–37.  As America’s “Bicentennial poem,” poet-laureate Robert Hayden’s “American Journal” reveals much... more
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      American LiteratureReligionHistoryAmerican History
This article further develops understandings of urban riot as a social and political symptom to consider the riot as a situated and situating biographical moment, a personal experience which is both signifying and significant. It argues... more
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      Critical TheorySocial AnthropologyEthnographyUrban Anthropology
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      Race and EthnicityRacismRace RiotsRiots
The article investigates afresh the circumstances surrounding the "anti-Chinese uprising" in the Australian Goldfields town of Clunes in 1873. Beginning with historical interpretations of events, it notes that scholars have heavily... more
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      Australian societyAustralian HistoryNewspaper HistoryAustralian Gold Rush
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      Urban HistoryDetroit, History and CultureRace RiotsRiots
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      American HistoryPolitical SociologyEthnic StudiesAmerican Studies
La Justicia Restaurativa en el tratamiento de disturbios callejeros. * Theo Gavrielides * * Resumen A pesar de la existencia de abundante literatura sobre justicia restaurativa, el potencial de tal paradigma respecto a la violencia grupal... more
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      Restorative JusticeChileYouth ViolenceCrime
This is the presentation of slides presented at the National Association of African-American Studies Conference, February 2016 in Baton Rouge, LA. The paper accompanying these slides is "Sylvia Plath's Hidden Civil Rights Issues", first... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesComparative LiteratureEnglish LiteratureOscar Micheaux
What happened at Elaine? This question has two different, but interrelated, meanings. First, there is the question of the order of events, cause and effect, exactly who did exactly what and why-everything the historian hopes to uncover.... more
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      Race and EthnicityArkansas HistoryRace RiotsRacial Violence
One hundred years on from a brutal battle in Glasgow, Zandra Yeaman and Lou Dear look back at oppression and division among black and white workers and ask if much has really changed.
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      Race and RacismRace and EthnicityScottish HistoryRace Riots
The Latin term tolerantia, which was used in the Middle Ages1 [1] in its ethimological sense of suffering and patience, will later take on, specifically from the Enlightenment onwards, a second, more positive meaning referred to the... more
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      Jewish StudiesJewish - Christian RelationsEarly Middle Ages (History)Race Riots
"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others" (George Orwell): Amid the last summer BLM demonstrations, pogroms, and vandalism of monuments in major American cities, the author asks the aggressive woke crowd... more
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      IconoclasmCritical Race TheoryIdeologyPolitical Religion
Abe Forsythe’s Down Under (2016) is the first narrative feature film about the Cronulla riot—the infamous event on 11 December 2005 where over 5000 white Australians, responding to a minor local incident, descended on Cronulla Beach in... more
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      Film StudiesScreen ComedyRace and RacismAustralian Cinema
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      Social MovementsEthnographyCommunity DevelopmentCommunity Organizing
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      HistoryBlack Studies Or African American StudiesFolkloreMasculinity Studies
August 2011, with the police losing control of parts of the city for four days. This event was not an ethnic riot: participants were ethnically diverse and did not discriminate in choosing targets for looting or destruction. Whereas the... more
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      CriminologyUrban StudiesMobs, Riots, and Revolutionary CrowdsRace Riots
This article looks at riots that consumed Paris and much of France for three consecutive weeks in November 2005. The author argues that the uprisings were not instigated by radical Muslims, children of African polygamists, or despairing... more
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      Political ScienceFrench history and politicsRace RiotsPublic Administration and Policy
We're looking for contributions to a special issue of Coils of the Serpent: Journal for the Study of Contemporary Power titled "Crowd(ed) Futures."
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      Cultural StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesEcocriticismHegemony
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesFine Art PhotographyHistory of Race and EthnicityRace Riots
An account of E. D. Morel's campaign around the 'Black Scourge' looking in particular at the response from Claude McKay
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsRace and Racism in International RelationsRace RiotsClaude McKay
Urban regeneration has been transformed in recent years from being a concern primarily of the Global North, to a world-wide phenomenon. Governments of all political shades pursue regeneration strategies and projects that impact on... more
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      Urban GeographyUrban PoliticsLand and Property DevelopmentUrban History
We use speech act theory to study the U.K. state’s response to large-scale public disorder across English cities in August 2011. This historical case has practical implications for understanding how nation states address other... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePerformativityPolice
In recent years, the reach and influence of far-right ideologies have been extended through online communities with devastating effects in the real world. In this research, we examine how far-right online communities can be empowered by... more
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      International RelationsGroup Processes & Intergroup RelationsWhite SupremacyIntergroup Conflict (Psychology)
El texto de Joshua Clover estudia la nueva era de revueltas ciudadanas. El autor examina la correlación entre el advenimiento contemporáneo de la violencia colectiva y la crisis actual del modelo económico capitalista. Su análisis gira en... more
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      Mobs, Riots, and Revolutionary CrowdsRace RiotsRiotsCrisis of Capitalism
Les Etats-Unis ont connu des émeutes massives et meurtrières dans les années 1960, et des épisodes plus dispersés après. Cet article rend compte de la littérature américaine sur les émeutes, et notamment du progressif désintérêt des... more
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      Urban StudiesPolicePolicing StudiesUrban Sociology
In 2001 there were a number of disturbances in British Northern towns. New Labour’s response was to promote the idea of community cohesion. Using Jim Bulpitt’s theory of statecraft I will argue this was an attempt to peripheralise the... more
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      MulticulturalismRace and RacismRegional and Local GovernanceLocal Government
Review of Joe T. Darden and Richard W. Thomas, Detroit: Race Riots, Racial Conflicts, and Efforts to Bridge the Racial Divide ((East Lansing:
Michigan State University Press, 2013).
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      Urban HistoryRace and EthnicityDetroit, History and CultureRace Riots
In December 1873 the Victorian goldmining town of Clunes, about thirty kilometres north of Ballarat, was the scene for what is remembered as a major uprising against Chinese miners. This event is cited in assorted histories of Australian... more
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      GeographyAustralian societyAustralian HistoryNewspaper History
Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they have resisted with either words or blows or both. The... more
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      Urban HistoryUrban StudiesRace RiotsRiots
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      Political SociologySocial MovementsViolenceCollective Action
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      Resistance (Social)ThatcherismRace RiotsRiots
"Following up to the fruitful and interdisciplinary discussions At the first „Riot!“ workshop in December 2013, where we discussed a broad range of research projects (MA and PhD theses), engaging with the topic of riots and rioting in... more
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      Race RiotsProtest and resistanceRiotsFood Riots
Race riots are the most glaring and contemporary displays of the racial strife running through America's history. Mostly urban, mostly outside the South, and mostly white-instigated, the number and violence of race riots increased as... more
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      Race and RacismWhite SupremacyRosewood Race Riot 1923Tulsa Race Riot
This paper analyzes the political economy of the Reconstruction Era’s (1865-1877) race riots through the economic logic of rules. The central argument is that the race riots were not an inevitable outcome at the end of the Civil War, but... more
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      Race RiotsDBJEL codes
We use speech act theory to study the U.K. state’s response to large-scale public disorder across English cities in August 2011. This historical case has practical implications for understanding how nation states address other... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePerformativityPolice
We use speech act theory to study the U.K. state’s response to large-scale public disorder across English cities in August 2011. This historical case has practical implications for understanding how nation states address other... more
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      PerformativityPoliceParliamentary StudiesPolicing Studies