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In the long eighteenth century the judges at the Old Bailey came to allow Jewish, Scottish, Muslim, Hindu, and Chinese witnesses, but not Quakers, to swear oaths according to their own cultural practices. Although a non-Christian witness... more
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      Early Modern HistoryBritish HistoryLaw of evidenceLegal History
During the late seventeenth century the Atlantic trade experienced unprecedented growth. The New Institutional Economists attribute this to the emergence of new institutions for property rights enforcement. During this period, Quakers... more
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      ReligionAtlantic historyMerchantsInstitutions
This essay reappraises the origins of French Quakerism based on new archival research conducted on both sides of the Channel. It identifies 34 Quaker missionaries in 17th- and early 18C France, sheds new light on the French reception of... more
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      TransnationalismFrench RevolutionTransatlantic relationsEighteenth Century History
Amnesty International estimated in 1977 that between 600,000 and 750,000 Indonesians had been or were still imprisoned as a result of the Army-led anti-communist violence in Indonesia in the mid-1960s. This article charts the relationship... more
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      Asian StudiesSoutheast Asian StudiesHuman RightsIndonesian Studies
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyColonial AmericaIndustrial Archaeology
My article traces the changing attitudes toward slave conversion in seventeenth-century Barbados -from hesitant discomfort in the mid-seventeenth century, to virulent rejection in 1680 -and argues that the attempted rebellion of 1675,... more
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      Atlantic WorldHistory of SlaveryChristian MissionsBarbados
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      Print CulturePennsylvania HistoryQuakersAntislavery
A questionnaire was sent to all Monthly, Preparative and other Business Meetings and worshipping groups in Britain Yearly Meeting for completion on 7 May 2006. With an over 80 percent response rate meaningful statistics can be calculated... more
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      Quaker StudiesQuakerismQuaker Studies, Sociology of Religion, Theological HistorySystems thinking, complexity science, emergence and organisational development, the application of knowledge from Quakerism to public policy to achieve social enterprise and sustainable development
Trade in the early modern Atlantic grew a great deal. While acknowledging that this growth had important economic, social and cultural consequences, scholars have yet to fully explain its causes. This paper argues that formal religious... more
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      International TradeArbitrationLegal HistoryInstitutions and Economic growth
The article demonstrates that outsiders wishing to break into the German religious scene in the late seventeenth century concentrated their energies mainly on Pietist women, revealing that contemporaries recognized these women as leaders... more
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      Quaker StudiesGerman PietismWomen in PietismFrauen Im Pietismus
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      American Religious HistoryPrisonsReform MovementsQuakers
Orientalist and colonial representations of harems have resulted in the association of North African women with domestic confinement. North African authors such as Assia Djebar (1980), Malek Alloula (1981) and Fatima Mernissi (1994),... more
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      Art HistoryGlobalizationLiteraturePostcolonial Studies
This book explores the religious concerns of Enlightenment thinkers from Thomas Hobbes to Thomas Jefferson. Using an innovative method, the study illuminates the intellectual history of the age through interpretations of Jesus between... more
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      ReligionChristianityTheologyNew Testament
This article contributes to a new perspective on the historical Jesus in early modern intellectual history. This perspective looks beyond German and academic scholarship, and takes account of a plurality of religious, social, and... more
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      ChristianityIntellectual HistoryPhilosophyAtheism
O abolicionismo estadunidense foi tudo menos simples: antes de falar de um movimento uno, podemos entendê-lo como um longo debate que se estendeu por 177 anos até que seu objetivo central fosse atingido. Assim, é mais correto falarmos de... more
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      African Diaspora StudiesDiaspora StudiesEscravidãoQuakers
This essay builds on the 15 theses of Robert Barclay's An Apology for the True Christian Divinity (1676 in Latin; 1678 in English), condensing them into 12. It was published in Quaker Religious Thought #114 (2010): 20-37.
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      ReligionChristianityNew Religious MovementsSociology of Religion
During the 1850s there was rising concern in the Society of Friends about declining membership. From the 1840s attempts were made to obtain hard statistics on adherence and in the late 20th century another decline again reduced numbers to... more
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      Quaker StudiesQuakerismQuaker Studies, Sociology of Religion, Theological HistorySystems thinking, complexity science, emergence and organisational development, the application of knowledge from Quakerism to public policy to achieve social enterprise and sustainable development
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      American Indian HistoryReligion and ViolenceAmerican Religious HistoryQuakers
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Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis 2017/2 The aim of the article “The Relations Between Puritans and Quakers in 17th Century New England” is to analyze very complicated relations between two specific religious groups after... more
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      PuritansReligious PersecutionNew England (History)Quakerism
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      ReligionHistoryCultural HistoryArt History
Women Friends (or Quakers) held an antithetical position in their religious community during the nineteenth century. They were considered to be spiritually equal to male followers, and permitted to preach in public, yet were excluded from... more
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      History of ReligionPoliticsQuaker StudiesFeminism
Resumo: O presente artigo tratará dos primeiros anos da Pensilvânia, colônia britânica fundada pelo quacre William Penn. Por meio de revisão bibliográfica, buscamos compreender de que maneira o imaginário político da região, que mais... more
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      Colonial (American History)Pennsylvania HistoryWilliam PennQuakers
This essay was published in The Tendering Presence: Essays on John Woolman, edited by Michael Heller (Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill Press, 2003, pp. 17-44). As an analysis of Woolman's spiritual development, this essay tracks the... more
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      ReligionSociologySociology of ReligionPsychology
This thesis is a geographic and temporal case study of the carpentry and joinery trades present in the Delaware River Valley region from the period of Anglo-European settlements in the 1660s to about 1740. This examination of the region’s... more
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      Material Culture StudiesColonial AmericaLabor MigrationQuaker Studies
The attached PDF contains the title page, copyright page, epigraphs, and table of contents for "The First American Founder: Roger Williams and Freedom of Conscience" by Alan E. Johnson (available in paperback and Kindle editions at Amazon... more
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      Native American StudiesFirst Amendment Law (USA)Thomas JeffersonFreedom of Religion
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      Abolition of SlaveryPennsylvania HistoryQuakersAntislavery
[A Quaker in Lisbon: the Travels and the Writings of Ann Gargill]. Anne Gargill was born in Swine (East Riding) in 1625. In January 1656 she published the short pamphlet A Warning to all the World. Shortly afterwards she went to Plymouth... more
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      Women's HistorySeventeenth CenturyEarly Modern EnglandQuakerism
[The First Quakers and the Jews]. The article describes the mission of Menasseh ben Israel to England in 1655 for the readmission of the Jews in that country, highlighting how he was accompanied by Raphael Supino, a leading member of the... more
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      Early Modern HistoryBook HistoryJewish HistoryMissionary History