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BACKGROUND Tuberculosis is a global pandemic which affects millions of people every year. The treatment of tuberculosis consists of simultaneous use of a number of drugs for a prolonged period of time, therefore anti-tuberculosis... more
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      Young AdultRisk factorsAge FactorsRisk Factors
Riesgo nutricional en pacientes con tuberculosis pulmonar: ¿cuestión del paciente o de los servicios de salud?
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      Statistical AnalysisAdolescentMedicineLogistic Regression
Objectives To develop and implement an educational outreach programme for the integrated case management of priority respiratory diseases (practical approach to lung health in South Africa; PALSA) and to evaluate its effects on... more
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      Primary CarePrimary Health CareAdolescentBritish medical history
Precondition to prevention and control of morbidity and mortality of myocardial ischemia--coronary disease, is its good diagnostic. Goal of this study is to asses diagnostic significance of positive trademill stress test in diagnosis of... more
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      ZoologyPsychologyCognitive ScienceNursing
Methods. We conducted a case-control study of tuberculosis cases identified during 1990 -2001 using the General Practice Research Database in the United Kingdom. Cases were patients with a first time diagnosis of tuberculosis accompanied... more
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      PsychologyImmunologyAdolescentAdipose tissue
Tuberculosis continues to be a major global health problem. Lack of accurate, rapid and costeffective diagnostic tests poses a huge obstacle to global TB control. While several new diagnostic tools are being developed and evaluated for... more
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      AlgorithmsFluorescence MicroscopyTuberculosisMycobacterium tuberculosis
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      Treatment OutcomeLung FunctionProspective studiesTuberculosis
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      ChildInfantClinical SciencesPublic health systems and services research
To study the impact of fused (18)F-fluoro-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG)-hybrid positron emission tomography (PET) and computed tomography (CT) images on conformal radiation therapy (CRT) planning for patients with esophageal carcinoma.... more
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      Computed TomographyRadiation TherapyPositron Emission TomographyMultivariate Analysis
Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the indications and results of video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) for the management of tuberculosis in 10 patients with unusual clinical and radiologic presentation for the disease.... more
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      Lung CancerTuberculosisDeveloping CountryDifferential Diagnosis
Background Vitamin D was used to treat tuberculosis in the pre-antibiotic era, and its metabolites induce antimycobacterial immunity in vitro. Clinical trials investigating the effect of adjunctive vitamin D on sputum culture conversion... more
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      TreatmentVitamin DVitaminsMedicine
Treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis has become one of the major problems in public health. Understanding the molecular mechanisms of drug resistance has been central to tuberculosis research in recent times. DNA microarray... more
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      Biological SciencesMycobacterium tuberculosisMultidrug ResistanceMembrane transport proteins
The mycobacterial antigens and the factors related to protection for the development of active tuberculosis are not known. In a natural model of tuberculosis, we studied 10 patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis (non-protective... more
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      ImmunologyImmune responseFamilyInnate immunity
operations for pulmonary tuberculosis were performed at our institution, a former sanatorium located in northern Italy. Patients with tuberculoma and pleural tuberculous disease were excluded from this series. Cavitary sequelae,... more
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Background-Cardiac papillary fibroelastoma (CPF) is a primary cardiac neoplasm that is increasingly detected by echocardiography. The clinical manifestations of this entity are not well described.
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      Cognitive ScienceAdolescentComorbidityCardiac Surgery
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      HIVProspective studiesTuberculosisDeveloping Country
The aim of present study was to investigate whether there was any delay in the diagnosis and treatment of inpatients with smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis followed-up in our centre.We reviewed clinical records in February 1999 and... more
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      Respiratory MedicineRiskTurkeyAdolescent
Objective: To assess treatment outcomes and determinants of outcome among tuberculosis patients. Design: A longitudinal study design involving a cohort of sputum smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients at initiation of therapy, who... more
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      RiskTreatment OutcomeRisk assessmentNigeria
Objectives: To analyse the traditional and molecular epidemiology of drug-resistant tuberculosis (DRTB) in Houston and Harris County, Texas in the setting of decreasing disease incidence. Methods: Case-control study of 193 patients with... more
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      Multivariate AnalysisMolecular EpidemiologyTuberculosisMycobacterium tuberculosis
PE and PPE proteins appear to be important for virulence and immunopathogenicity in mycobacteria, yet the functions of the PE/PPE domains remain an enigma. To decipher the role of these domains, we have characterized the triacylglycerol... more
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      Electron MicroscopyBiological SciencesInfection and immunityTuberculosis
La tuberculose pulmonaire est un problème majeur de santé publique. Dans sa forme commune, le diagnostic est habituellement aisé, mais elle peut se présenter sous une forme trompeuse et entrainer un retard diagnostic et thérapeutique.... more
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    • Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Background: We planned to raise public awareness and decentralize directly observed tuberculosis treatment at village level using volunteer community members in order to reduce prolonged delays in seeking care and improve compliance to... more
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      Health CarePublic HealthCommunity Health WorkersTuberculosis
Isoniazid (INH) is an effective first-line antituberculosis drug. KatG, a catalase-peroxidase, converts INH to an active form in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and katG mutations are major causes of INH resistance. In the present study, we... more
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyBiologyMedicine
The HN878 strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is regarded as "hypervirulent" due to its rapid growth and reduced survival of infected mice when compared with other clinical isolates. This property has been ascribed due to an early... more
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      ImmunologyBiologyCytokinesImmunology of the Gut
Radiation induced breast cancer is a highly complex phenomenon, which most likely involves the accumulation of several genetic and epigenetic events. Studies of atomic bomb survivors, patients who underwent multiple fluoroscopic... more
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      GeneticsEpidemiologyRadiationBreast Cancer
Retreatment of tuberculosis is the leading risk factor for drug resistance if the management is not adequate and complete. The objective of this study was to evaluate the management of cases of retreatment in Cotonou. This was a... more
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      Treatment OutcomeAdolescentMedicineBenin
Molecular tests show low sensitivity for smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis (SNPT). We propose a screening and risk assessment system for SNPT using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) based on patient́s signals and symptoms. Prognostic... more
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyInfectious DiseasesMycobacterium tuberculosis
To explore the feelings and experiences of TB patients, and to highlight how TB stigma may affect case finding and compliance with treatment. Qualitative research approach using focus groups and individual interviews. Sekondi-Takoradi... more
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      Focus GroupsGhanaQualitative ResearchAdolescent
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o impacto do treinamento da equipe do Programa Saúde da Família (PSF) e da busca ativa domiciliar na detecção de casos de TB em uma comunidade de baixa renda de Fortaleza. MÉTODOS: Intervenção realizada na área de... more
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      PovertyHealth CareBrazilTuberculosis
The regulatory role of vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene variants of BsmI, ApaI, TaqI, and FokI polymorphisms on vitamin D3-modulated macrophage phagocytosis with live Mycobacterium tuberculosis and lymphoproliferative response to M.... more
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      ImmunologyPolymorphismMacrophagesClinical immunology
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      Environmental MonitoringTuberculosisClinical SciencesScandinavian
and sharing with colleagues.
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      Organic ChemistryMedicinal ChemistryMycobacterium tuberculosisMice
Métodos. Se diseñó un estudio de casos y testigos pareados por edad y por municipio de tratamiento. Se seleccionaron como casos 251 pacientes mayores de 15 años que abandonaron el tratamiento antituberculoso y como testigos pacientes que... more
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      AdolescentTuberculosisNicaraguaRisk factors
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      Facial ParalysisMagnetic Resonance ImagingAtherosclerosisRheumatoid Arthritis
Limited data exists to inform contact tracing guidelines in children and HIV-affected populations. We evaluated the yield and additionality of household contact and source case investigations in Swaziland, a TB/HIV high-burden setting,... more
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Aspergillus infections are among the most feared opportunistic infections in humans because they are capable of causing several distinct pulmonary diseases. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of Aspergillus species in... more
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      AspergillusCOPDAntifungalAntifungal Activity
This paper explores the architecture of the Mount Sinai Sanatorium in Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts (Qc) to disentangle the role of religion in the treatment of tuberculosis. In particular, we analyze the design of Mount Sinai, the jewel in the... more
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      TuberculosisChildDeveloping CountryInfectious Disease
mended for the prevention of active disease. However, the adverse effects and acceptability of this preventive therapy are largely uncharacterized. We prospectively followed 157 high-school students exposed to, and probably infected with,... more
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      AdolescentDisease OutbreaksProspective studiesMicrobial genetic and drug resistance
Thoracopulmonary actinomycosis can mimic various lung pathologies such as bronchogenic carcinoma, tuberculosis and fungal pneumonia, to name but a few. The common causative agent is Actinomyces israelii. The disease is successfully... more
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      Treatment OutcomeLung DiseasesDifferential DiagnosisClinical Sciences
Introduction: As India aims to end Tuberculosis (TB) by 2025, increased prevalence of Multi-Drug Resistant (MDR) strains continues to be a major public health concern.
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      Indian studiesTuberculosis and Infectious DiseaseIndiaIndology
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      Prospective studiesKeratinAge FactorsPulmonary Tuberculosis
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      AdolescentBone marrowSkinRespiratory Tract Infections
Detection of latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a challenge in the diagnosis of asymptomatic, subclinical tuberculosis. We report the development of an immunofluorescence technique to visualize and enumerate M. tuberculosis in latently... more
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      Medical MicrobiologyImmunohistochemistryConfocal MicroscopyBiological Sciences
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      SociologyProgram EvaluationHealth SciencesNursing
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      BiologyMembrane ProteinsNatureBiological Sciences
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      MiningPreventionHIVSouth Africa
Efecto de la fluticasona inhalada sobre la inflamación pulmonar administrada durante y después de la sensibilización de cobayas Utilidad de la PAAF guiada por TC en el diagnóstico de lesiones mediastínicas Fracciones inspiratorias... more
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      GeneticsAlgorithmsMedical MicrobiologyTuberculosis
The present investigation was carried out to determine the possible bioactive components of tuber of Ruellia tuberosa L. (Acanthaceae) using GC-MS analysis. Twenty five compounds were identified. The prevailing compounds in the ethanol... more
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      Tuberculosis and Infectious DiseaseVegetables and TubersTuberculosis (History)Bioactive molecules
Pulmonary embolism is a complication of pulmonary tuberculosis that has received little emphasis in the literature. We describe a 52 year old male, with no risk factors for thromboembolic disease referred to our service for an in depth... more
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      CameroonTreatment OutcomeEchocardiographyMycobacterium tuberculosis