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Fermented foods containing probiotic bacteria have been used for many years to improve the health or treatment of some diseases. Nowadays, the Therapeutic properties of probiotics are becoming more and more obvious to everyone, insofar as... more
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      Intestinal MicrofloraNeuropsychiatric DiseasePsychobioticsProbiotic food
Este capítulo forma parte de una compilación: Luis A. Lázaro et al (2014): MICROBIÓTICA, Madrid (España), Ediciones i. Más información: / La Microbiótica es un nuevo término que alude al estudio y... more
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      Clinical PsychologyMicrobiota-gut-brain axisPsychobiotics
Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be self-archived in electronic... more
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