Psychoanalytic Training
Recent papers in Psychoanalytic Training
Russian translation of the "The ‘Impossible’ Training of Analysts". Elvio Fachinelli. From "In Freud’s Tracks Conversations from the Journal of European Psychoanalysis" edited by Sergio Benvenuto and Anthony Molino. Бесeда Эльвио... more
Actualmente, cuando alguien sueña con llegar a ser psicoanalista se enfrenta con un camino muy incierto. No existe ningún título de analista que otorgue institución alguna y, sin embargo, muchas ofrecen "formación", "estudios", incluso... more
The psychoanalytic movement is experiencing a serious crisis: its scientific consensus, social standing, and impact on practice in mental health have all been steadily declining over the last decades. This unfortunate process has been... more
Psychoanalysis is said to be old. Its social success and standing have been steadily declining over the last 30 years. The object of virulent albeit often poorly motivated criticism from testimonials of biologically oriented psychiatry,... more
Distribution électronique pour érès.
Si le contrôle est une pièce incontournable de la formation du psychanalyste, sa fonction reste problématique, et les travaux qui tentent de la fonder particulièrement peu nombreux au regard de ceux qui traitent de l’analyse de... more
Book Review
Written together with David Lerman
Written together with David Lerman
Written for the Lacan Symposium, 2013, held by the Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis, this paper explores the notions of the desire of the analyst in context with the praxis of being an analyst-in-training, and the formation of the... more
As psychoanalysis is still a powerful instrument of critics of ideology and a matrix for the freedom of thought, it must not lack a sincere critical reflection on itself, on its mission, and on its own history in order to over come the... more
The Future of Psychoanalysis: The Debate About the Training Analyst, System by Peter Zagermann, a collection of essays about the category of training analysis, pro and con, tackles one of the oldest problems in the education of... more
Capítulo 13 de la obra "LA TRADICIÓN INTERPERSONAL" (Ágora Relacional)
In this essay, the author's aim is to outline the specifics of psychoanalytic intervention and its current relevance. She explores the boundaries of the clinician's identity, (whether psychotherapist or psychoanalyst), examines the... more
The psychoanalytic movement is experiencing a serious crisis: its scientific consensus, social standing, and impact on practice in mental health have all been steadily declining over the last decades. This unfortunate process has been... more