Promotion & tenure resources/outreach for teaching faculty
Recent papers in Promotion & tenure resources/outreach for teaching faculty
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Public higher education has seen a drastic shift in the makeup of its professoriate over the last several decades. Whereas in 1975 contingent faculty made up 55% of all professors in America, that number rose to just over 75% by 2011.... more
"The challenges facing tenure-track faculty in the areas of digital technology are unique. The relative infancy of web and multimedia technology has created an unexpected quandary for digital scholars teaching within academia. In many... more
Texas Tech University: Lubbock, Texas 2 The Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication (CPTSC) was founded in 1973 to promote programs in technical and scientific communication, promote research in technical and... more
Junior faculty face greater challenges as a result of time constraints and administrative duties, which may impact their quest for tenure and promotion. Faculty may feel overwhelmed and frustrated by their countless responsibilities,... more
Purpose: This research describes how well the newly implemented college and departmental tenure and promotion policies encourage faculty efforts to seek and secure external funding at Texas State University-San Marcos (Texas State).... more
Pre-tenure faculty integrating service-learning into their professional roles are often uncertain about its position in the faculty reward system. This study gathered data from administrators at five institutions of higher education in... more
How I learnt to maximize the value of TV, radio and publication interviews to reach and help the people I most want to support.
On December 1, 2011, the full professors at Claremont School of Theology unanimously recommended two of my colleagues and me for tenure. Provided that the Board of Trustees approves their recommendation and two extremes never come to... more
One of the greatest values of American education is the right to education yourself. The education is possible for all ages and for all social segments. Most importantly, this education is not an ideology, but an education which is... more
A questionnaire about how academic performance is evaluated and the importance of teaching and research was completed by 265 faculty at a UK research university. Factor analysis followed by t-tests showed that male faculty had a more... more
On March 8, 2013, the Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice hosted an all-day symposium featuring more than forty speakers at the University of California, Berkeley School of Law to celebrate and invite responses to the book entitled,... more
This ASHE Higher Education report is devoted to the rise of non-tenure track faculty (NTTF) in higher education. This new majority, comprising 65% of new faculty hires, poses significant challenges to the professoriate. The authors... more
In Behind the Seams, the editors and authors reflect on the oft-hidden path from initial submission to published piece. This feature centers on a recorded audio conversation—not an interview, but an open-ended discussion—built around... more