Priority of John
Recent papers in Priority of John
In theological research of The Christian Community and in anthroposophical circles, there is a tendency to follow the chronology of John rather than the synoptics. Questioning this tendency initially, this paper follows research by Andrew... more
(New upload, previously already some hunderes of views) Symposion in Salzburg am 10. März 2000. Mit Beiträgen von Paul N. Anderson, Klaus Berger, James H. Charlesworth, Albert Fuchs, Josef Hainz, Martin Hasitschka, Peter L. Hofrichter,... more
(New upload, already some hundreds of views) Alle drei synoptischen Evangelien haben das Johannesevangelium benützt. Vollständige griechische Synopse und Exegese der Textparallelen. Analyse der Minor Agreements.
Page 1. to make the first move in salvation. Now, we might look at certain types of sinner and say, 'Well, I can see how it might be true of someone who is addicted to some particular sub-stance or behaviour which they don't... more
This document contains the PowerPoint slides for my presentation at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Eastern Great Lakes Biblical Society (SBL). You may download this file from my website at
This is the handout I will use for my presentation at the Eastern Great Lakes regional SBL Annual Meeting on March 10, 2016. The document may be downloaded from my website at
In this paper I argue that the Foot Washing of John 13:1–17, as literary composition, is a creative imitation of the Foot Washing and Anointing of Luke 7:36–50. Comparison of the respective settings, action descriptions, dialogs, and... more