Recent papers in Preventive
Background. A randomized controlled trial was conducted to examine: (a) the effect of two physical activ-A considerable literature exists that suggests physiity modes on changes in subjective well-being (SWB) cal activity participation to... more
There is no research on the cost-effectiveness of recruitment methods for an obesity prevention trial of young children.
Background. Training residents in smoking cessation counseling could be part of tobacco control policy. The effect of such an intervention is unknown in Europe. This study provides an assessment of smoking cessation counseling practices... more
Background. Major questions remain unanswered about how best to accomplish multiple behavior change. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether there are differences in successfully changing multiple behaviors in computer-tailored... more
Background. As a part of the Vadstena Osteoporosis Prevention Project, the knowledge of osteoporosis was examined before the intervention program started, after 5 and 10 years. Methods. At baseline (in 1989) 15% of the population in two... more
Purpose. To present the development and feasibility testing of a sociocultural environmental change intervention strategy aimed at integrating physical activity into workplace routine.
Background. Reducing dietary fat has been identified as a potential means of preventing chronic disease. Several studies have identified methods of changing dietary fat consumption in small, intensive intervention settings. Fewer studies... more
Background. Psychological distress is severe in women who receive a report of abnormal findings on Pap smear, and may be one reason 10 -61% of such women fail to undergo follow-up testing.
Key Words: homicide; domestic violence; health multisite study was to describe health care use in the care utilization. year prior to murder of women by their intimate partner in order to identify opportunities for intervention to prevent... more
Objective. This study investigates the clustering of a broad range of health-compromising and delinquent behaviors. We examine whether these behaviors belong to a single but broad cluster, 'risk-taking behavior', and whether the nature... more
and psychological dimensions [1,2]. Cross-sectional and Background. Research on cognitive factors and motilongitudinal studies have found that increasing vational readiness for exercise is important for inamounts of physical activity are... more
A sustainable pattern of participation health behavior; social support. in physical activity is important in the maintenance of health and prevention of disease. College students are Recent research and consensus statements from the... more
To evaluate the combined effects and relative importance of socio-cultural factors as well as parents' subjectively perceived and objectively assessed environment on time children spent vigorously playing... more
Background.To address limited longitudinal nutrition data on children and adolescents, a self-administered food frequency questionnaire was designed for older children and adolescents. Initially, the Youth/Adolescent Questionnaire (YAQ)... more
Объект и задачи исследования В основе выражения предостережения лежит желание/наме-рение говорящего известить, предусмотреть, предупредить, пре-дотвратить, предостеречь, (заблаговременно/своевременно) опо-вестить, посоветовать, уберечь,... more
Background. Special challenges are encountered mailing at another site ($58). The direct telephone conwhen clinical trial recruitment targets a physician tact method utilized at one site serving primarily a practice-based population, as... more
This study evaluated the effects of a school-based dietary intervention program to increase fruit and vegetable consumption among fourth-graders. Twenty-eight elementary schools were randomized to an immediate intervention condition or to... more
Background. This study was undertaken to assess ing; nicotine; cutaneous administration; randomized the safety and efficacy of a treatment involving brief controlled trial. counseling and the nicotine patch among hospital inpatients and... more
Introduction. This paper discusses the factors associ-Latinas; Hispanic; women; correlates of mammography ated with breast cancer screening among low-educascreening; early detection. tion, low-income Latinas.
of increased efforts to reduce the prevalences of modi-Objective. This study aimed to examine the correfiable CHD risk factors in their populations to reduce spondence between seven established risk factors for CHD mortality. ᭧1998... more
workplace; program evaluation; food habits; psychol-Background. 5 a Day for Better Health is a simple ogy; Seattle. message encouraging people to eat more fruits and vegetables. The Seattle 5 a Day worksite investigators designed and... more
Background. The RESIDential Environment project (RESIDE) is a longitudinal study evaluating the impact of a new residential design code on walking.
Objective. To examine associations between availability of different types of food outlets and children's fruit and vegetable intake. Method. Parents of 340 5-6 and 461 10-12 year-old Australian children reported how frequently their... more
The seven country study data early in the 1960s indiin schools exists to date in Greece. The first attempt cated that the two islands of Greece studied (Crete and to apply a school-based health education intervention Corfu) had the lowest... more
Project was begun in an effort to address the health problems of the African-American residents of two rural Virginia counties. Smoking cessation was chosen as the principal target behavior in one county. Church coalitions were chosen as... more
The Study To Enhance Prevention by Understanding Practice (STEP-UP) clinical trial (1997-2000) resulted in sustainable increases in preventive service delivery in primary care practices. However, the process by which practice change can... more
Physical Activity Across the Curriculum (PAAC) was a three-year cluster randomized controlled trial to promote physical activity and diminish increases in overweight and obesity in elementary school children. Twenty-four elementary... more
Background. For women experiencing partner violence, women health care visits represent opportunities for physicians and patients to address intimate partner violence (IPV), a significant health threat for women.
The present study examined the level of physical activity (PA) and the associations between PA, intention to exercise, exercise habit strength, PE enjoyment and sources of motivation and PA behavior among adolescents aged 13, 14, and 16... more
A randomized controlled trial was conducted to examine: (a) the effect of two physical activity modes on changes in subjective well-being (SWB) over the course of a 12-month period in older, formerly sedentary adults (N = 174, M age =... more
Background. Studies of dating violence among Latino men and women have found that victims who are less acculturated have lower rates of dating violence. None of these studies have focused on adolescents. We assessed acculturation, ethnic... more
Fruits and vegetables may be beneficial on lipid profile of hyperlipidemic subjects. The present study was aimed to verify the effect of golden delicious apple on Lipid Profile in hyperlipidemic and overweight men. Forty six... more
A higher proportion of the control group had a postintervention STI or UP [odds ratio (OR) = 1.41, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.011.98]. Among participants who had no history of STIs or pregnancy, but who engaged in risky sexual... more