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Inhuman eyes confront anyone who looks at the monoliths from Chavín de Huantar, a temple complex in the Peruvian Andes that dates to approximately 1000-1300 BC, and has attracted pilgrims 1 from great distances for thousands of years.... more
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      Material Culture StudiesPhenomenological Research MethodologyPrecolumbian CulturesPrecolumbian Andes
El Fuerte de Samaipata, commonly known as Samaipata, is an archaeological site in Bolivia. It was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1998. The most characteristic feature of the site is a natural rock that served as a wak’a... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyFinite Element Analysis (Engineering)3D Laser scanning (Architecture)Inca Archaeology
The study describes the results of the documentation of El Fuerte de Samaipata, a pre-Hispanic archaeological site in Bolivia on the UNESCO World Heritage List. It summarizes the most recent observations of the carvings on the rock of... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyRock Art (Archaeology)3D Laser scanning (Architecture)Inca Archaeology
Unlike art historians, archaeologists rarely make systematic attempts at attributing artefacts to individual artisans – they stop at the broader category of ‘provenance regions’ or ‘technical styles’. The identification of archaeological... more
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      ArchaeologyArt HistoryColombiaArchaeological Science SUMMARY Since man’s arrival on the American continent, pre-Columbian civilizations came in contact with other societies, whether neighbors or... more
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      Ceramic TechnologyCeramic Analysis (Archaeology)ArcheometriaArcheometry
Pre-Columbian art has been used by many artists as a reference, in many cases, with the intention of recovering a missing cultural heritage. In this research we will know one of these experiences analyzing one of the most important works... more
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      ArchaeologyArt HistoryContemporary ArtPrimitivism (Art History)
This is the oldest civilization in Mesoamerica and dates from 1500 BC to 400 BC. The Olmec are considered to be the "mother culture" in Mesoamerica. The term Olmec means "rubber people" in the Nahuatl (NOW WESEL), the language of the Aztec.
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      Maya ArchaeologyOlmec archaeologyPrecolumbian CulturesPrecolumbian Andes
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, in Washington, DC, is an institute of Harvard University dedicated to supporting scholarship internationally in Byzantine, Pre-Columbian, and Garden and Landscape Studies through... more
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      HumanitiesLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLibrary ScienceDigital Humanities
Analyzing and understanding the Aztec view of the cosmos is critical to extracting meaning from their texts, symbols, and belief system. The entire Aztec world view is constructed from that foundation, with myriad variations and... more
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      ReligionSocial and Cultural AnthropologySpiritualityShamanism
In this paper I recount my fieldwork with local Eugenian artist musician Samuel Becerra and his motivations for crafting clay flutes. Becerra is a formally trained musician with a specialization in pre-Columbian Mesoamerican music and a... more
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      FolkloreEthnographyAztec ArtEthnographic fieldwork
El objetivo de este informe es ofrecer una descripción de la exposición Taira, el amanecer del arte en Atacama. Taira es un alero rocoso con arte rupestre naturalista ubicado en el curso superior del río Loa, Región de Antofagasta, norte... more
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      Visual StudiesRock Art (Archaeology)Animals in ArtAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)
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      ArchaeologyMuseum StudiesMaterial Culture StudiesArgentina History
Keywords: pathology in art; pre-Columbian; West Mexico;
Colima; Nayarit; Jalisco; hunchbacks; jorobados
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      EthnomedicinePrecolumbian CulturesPrecolumbian ArtMedicine in art
This handbook is an educational resource designed for the Department of Education of the National Gallery of Victoria. It intends to facilitate the teaching and understanding of the NGV collection of Mesoamerican art. It comprises the... more
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      Museum learningMesoamerican ArchaeologyMuseum EducationMuseum Anthropology
M.A. Thesis
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Poco o nada se ha escrito sobre el aprecio de las élites gobernantes incas hacia la actividad artística y sus ejecutantes. Esta ponencia revela una consideración privilegiada de la práctica artística dentro del escalafón de la estructura... more
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      Inca ArchaeologyArqueologíaEstéticaHistoria del Arte
Volumen XV, número 60, año 1989
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      Precolumbian ArtMexican CodicesArte Precolombino
English Summary: This remarkable book is the fruit of 30 years of investigations of two archaeologists, husband and wife, Maria Magdalena and Andrzej Antczak, on the pre-Hispanic archaeology of the majestic Los Roques Archipelago,... more
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      EthnohistoryArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyZooarchaeology
Toro Muerto (valle del río Majes, Arequipa-Perú), es uno de los sitios arqueológicos más grandes del mundo y con mayor cantidad de expresiones petrográficas: en un área de 10 km2 se han registrado 2.584 bloques de rocas grabadas con... more
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      GeographyAndean ArchaeologyRock Art (Archaeology)Andean Culture
"iQUIENES BRAN?" . ESTA ES LA PREGUNTA MAs FRECUENTE QUE LE HACE EL PUnuco A LOS ARQUE6LOgas que se especializan en la regi6n comprendida entre Mesoamerica y los Andes Centrales -entre el territorio de los antiguos mayas y el Imperio... more
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      ColombiaChibchan LanguagesCosta RicaChibchan Archaeology
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyMaya ArchaeologyMaya ArtFigurines
This thesis is dedicated to my husband Richard for supporting me through this journey that is graduate school, and to my family for always encouraging me in my pursuit of an arts education.
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      ArchaeologyArt HistoryRitualCentral America and Mexico
The portrait-vessels of the Moche culture are one of the most enigmatic categories of prehispanic Andean ceramics. They were produced mainly between the 3rd and 7th centuries A.D., in workshops located in the Santa, Virú, Moche, and... more
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      IconographyPortraitsPortraiturePrecolumbian Cultures
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      Art HistoryAndean studiesPrecolumbian Art
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      ArqueologíaHistoria del ArteIconography and IconologyPrecolumbian Art
In ancient Maya cities, "E Groups" are sets of buildings aligned with the movements of the sun. This volume presents new archaeological data to reveal that E Groups were constructed earlier than previously thought. In fact, they are the... more
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      ArchaeologyAnthropologyArchitectureSocial and Cultural Anthropology
Ancient people used architectural space to track the movement of heavenly astronomical bodies and, in the process, create hierophanies. In particular, where and when is visual information dramatized by the hierophantic play of light and... more
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      ArchaeologyAnthropologyArt HistoryArchitecture
Breve recuento de la obra de Juan Manuel Sánchez desde la influencia del arte precolombino de Costa Rica y de Mesoamérica.
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      Costa RicaArqueologíaHistoria del ArtePrecolumbian Art
Resumen En este artículo presentaremos un corpus iconográfico mochica conformado por vasijas de asa estribo, asa lateral y cántaros en los cuales se destacan en relieve personajes muertos involucrados en una danza. Con una metodología de... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyCultural MusicologyPre-Columbian ArtArchaeology of Ritual and Magic
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      History of Collections (Archaeology)Precolumbian CulturesHistory of Collecting and AntiquarianismPrecolumbian Art
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      EthnohistoryArchaeologyEthnoarchaeologyChinese Studies
The inhabitants of the Pre-Columbian world created numerous religious belief systems, many of which included huge pantheons of deities, human sacrifice, and state controlled worship. The Andeans, and the Incas in particular, had a unique... more
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      Art HistoryShamanismAndean CultureAnimism
Esta tesis estudia las dinámicas de continuidad y cambio entre la cultura material procedente del período prehispánico, en diversas sociedades que habitaron en las regiones que hoy conforman Venezuela y proximidades, con las del presente... more
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      VenezuelaHistoria del ArtePrecolumbian CulturesAmazonas
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      Art HistoryIndigenous StudiesArt TheoryAndean Archaeology
Ancient depicted sign language system used to translate the signs on the Moundville Disk. Historically based gesture signs and other historical documentation are used to backup the interpretation.
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      Native American StudiesPrehistoric ArchaeologySymbolismAncient Religion
"Moche Mural Painting and Pictorial Orthodoxy at Pañamarca." Short essay for the Museo de Arte de Lima's exhibition catalogue Moche y sus vecinos: Reconstruyendo identidades, edited by Cecilia Pardo and Julio Rucabado (2016). Watercolor... more
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      Precolumbian ArtMural paintingMoche Archaeology
Volumen XV, número 58, año 1987
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      Mesoamerican ArtPrecolumbian CulturesPrecolumbian ArtCacaxtla
Motywacje skłaniające ludzi do zmieniania swego wyglądu, wykorzystywane przy tym techniki oraz efekty, jakie można osiągnąć w wyniku tych zmian są tak samo zróżnicowane jak kultury tworzone przez ludzi na przestrzeni dziejów. Potrzeba... more
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      Precolumbian CulturesAncient TattooingPrecolumbian ArtPrecolumbian archaelogy
Although captive images have been examined for the Classic Maya, we lack a thorough understanding of depicted captives as a pictorial motif. Furthermore, the convention of ‘tagging’ Late Classic Maya captive sculptures with identifying... more
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      Maya ArtPrecolumbian Art
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      Andean ArchaeologyAndean CultureInca ArchaeologyPrecolumbian Cultures
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologySymbolic InteractionIsland archaeologyAmazonian Archaeology
The topic of this work is the anura, i.e. frogs and toads, in Moche iconography. Its primary aim is to establish if the anura were, in Moche cosmovision, associated with rains and agricultural fertility. During the early stages of this... more
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      HerpetologyArchaeologyIconographyArt History
1. Le XIXe siècle : le "temps des musées" 2. Structuration du système marchand-critique et essor du collectionnisme au XIXe siècle. 3. Collectionner les objets "de soi" et "des autres" (1878-1938) : entre ethnographie et enjeux... more
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      Economic HistoryCultural SociologyArt Economics and MarketsMuseum Studies
Interregional Interaction in Ancient Mesoamerica explores the role of interregional interaction in the dynamic sociocultural processes that shaped the pre-Columbian societies of Mesoamerica. Interdisciplinary contributions from leading... more
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      Latin American StudiesArchaeologyAnthropologyArt History
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyMesoamerican ArchaeologyClassic Maya (Archaeology)Maya Archaeology
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyTeotihuacanEtnozoologyEtnobiologia
Se revisa las principales tradiciones de escultura cerámica surgidas durante el periodo preclásico en el Altiplano de México y los estados de Colima, Jalisco y Nayarit. Además, se plantea un análisis de las figurillas desde el punto de... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyAnthropomorphic FigurinesPrecolumbian CulturesPrecolumbian Art
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      IncasPrecolumbian AndesPrecolumbian ArtAndean Art
A detailed iconographic analysis of the Aztec Calendar Stone, also known as the Stone of the Sun, provides evidence for a new interpretation of the imagery in relation to an eclipse event linked to the end of the world in the Aztec... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyMesoamericaAstronomyPrecolumbian Art