Prebiotic Chemistry
Recent papers in Prebiotic Chemistry
What do you know about evolutionary theory? Or, maybe there are two questions here: (1) What do you think you know; (2) What do you actually know? Quite irrespective of whether individuals believe in evolution or they are opposed to it,... more
The present paper offers a review of recent (post-1980) work on amino acid adsorption and thermal reactivity on oxide and sulfide minerals. This review is performed in the general frame of evaluating Bernal's hypothesis of prebiotic... more
The current book is not about trying to prove the truth of this or that scientific or religious account about the origins of either human beings, in particular, or life, in general. ‘The Origin of Life' is about the problems surrounding... more
Context: Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) are known as oligofructanes, oligosaccharides or oligofructose, which fall within the concept of prebiotics. One of the methods most commonly used in the industry for quantification and quality... more
It is widely agreed that the standard genetic code must have been preceded by a simpler code that encoded fewer amino acids. How this simpler code could have expanded into the standard genetic code is not well understood because most... more
There are growing indications that life began in a radioactive beach environment. A geologic framework for the origin or support of life in a Hadean heavy mineral placer beach has been developed, based on the unique chemical properties of... more
This study aims to investigate the effect of fructooligosaccharide (FOS) (0.5, 1, 2, 3, and 4%) supplementation on the growth and survival of Bifidobacterium breve and Bifidobacterium longum in glucose, fructose, lactose, and sucrose (2,... more
Minimal protocell concepts have high intellectual and practical value. Following chemoton theory, developed by Tibor Gánti in 1971, we suggest that a minimal protocell Volume 259; Pages 167-211 E. Szathmáry et al.
The Strecker reaction of aldehydes with ammonia and hydrogen cyanide first leads to α-aminonitriles, which are then hydrolyzed to α-amino acids. However, before reacting with water, these aminonitriles can be trapped by aminothiols, such... more
The existence of the ribose moiety in biomolecules poses two problems for prebiotic chemistry. First, the exclusive presence of the furanose isomer in RNA has to be accounted for since furanose is a minor form in solution and does not... more
This study aimed to investigate the effect of mannan-oligosaccharide (MOS) on the lipogram and selected organ functions in hyperlipidemic rats. Animals were subjected to different treatments for 60 days. Balanced basal diet was supplied... more
The synthesis and crystal structure of rhodamine 590 acid phthalate (RhAP) have been reported. This novel solid-state rhodamine derivative not only has a longer fluorescence lifetime compared to rhodamine solid-state matrixes where... more
We show that carbonaceous chondrite meteorites actively and selectively catalyze the formation of relevant prebiotic molecules from formamide in aqueous media. Specific catalytic behaviours are observed, depending on the origin and... more
Geologic settings capable of driving prebiotic oligomer synthesis reactions remain a relatively unexplored aspect of origins of life research. Natural nuclear reactors are an example of Precambrian energy sources that produced unique... more
Amphiphilic bilayer membrane structures (vesicles) have been postulated to have been abiotically formed and spontaneously assemble on the prebiotic Earth, providing compartmentalization for the origin of life. These vesicles are similar... more
Many studies have reported condensation reactions of prebiotic molecules, such as the formation of peptide bonds between amino acids, to occur to some degree on mineral surfaces. We have studied several such reactions on the same divided... more
Uno de los mayores retos de las investigaciones espaciales es la búsqueda de señales de vida pasada o presente en nuestro Sistema Solar, y evidencia de ella son las moléculas o compuestos orgánicos. Más allá de su búsqueda, los mayores... more