Population Census
Recent papers in Population Census
It is well known that Mozambique is characterized by wide variations in socio-economic indicators across provinces. According to available statistics, such differences have decreased in recent years. There has been great progress in both... more
The island of Puerto Rico has both a high population density and a long history of ineffective land use planning. This study integrates geospatial technology and population census data to understand how people use and develop the lands.... more
Yemen Economic Update is a quarterly report that consists of five sections. The first section highlights major economic and policy developments. The second section provides "flash indicators" for key economic variables that are available... more
The present paper examines the determinants of remittance behavior for Vietnam using data from the 2004 Vietnam Migration Survey on internal migrants. It considers how, among other things, the vulnerability of a migrant's life at the... more
This paper examines opportunities for children in Vietnam by estimating and analyzing the Human Opportunity Index (HOI). Employing data from different rounds of the Vietnam Household Living Standard Survey (VHLSS), the Multiple Indicator... more
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Abstract. In the introduction, the relevance of the study of ethnodemographic processes is justified, source base and the historiography of the study are examined, and the purpose of the work is to identify the peculiarities of the change... more
Despite the rising volume of remittances flowing to developing countries, their impact on the development of banking services in recipient countries has been largely unexplored. We examine this topic using county-level data for Mexico on... more
Aim This research examines the status of distribution, nesting habitat selection and conservation threats of lesser adjutant storks. Location Eastern Nepal Materials and Methods Direct observation along line transects method was used to... more
The island of Puerto Rico has both a high population density and a long history of ineffective land use planning. This study integrates geospatial technology and population census data to understand how people use and develop the lands.... more
The population of Mozambique is still growing, reaching 20.5 million in 2007.
This note points out that the World Bank, jointly with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) developed the Program for the Improvement of Surveys... more
Few representative surveys of households of migrants exist, limiting our ability to study the effects of international migration on sending families. We report the results of an experiment designed to compare the performance of three... more
It is well known that Mozambique is characterized by wide variations in socio-economic indicators across provinces. According to available statistics, such differences have decreased in recent years. There has been great progress in both... more
One of the logistical challenges in planning a population census is determining which dwellings each enumerator must visit within a census tract. This is known as the dwelling segmentation problem, which generally includes a set of... more