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The development of systems capable of recognizing and categorising emotions is of interest to researchers in various scientific areas including artificial intelligence. The traditional notion that emotions and rationality are two separate... more
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      Instrumentation EngineeringBioinformaticsPhysiologyHuman Physiology
A unique method for estimating the accuracy of the Comparison Question Test (CQT) -a psychophysiological detection of deception method ("polygraph") -in the field is presented, based on a combined probabilistic and algebraic model. It is... more
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      Criminal LawDeception / Lying (Deception Lying)Deception DetectionPolygraphy
EUROPEAN POLYGRAPH Чикаго: где полиграф становится наукой Key words: History of polygraph, polygraph in Chicago, John E. Reid
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      History of Forensic Science and MedicineInvestigative InterviewingPolice InterrogationPolygraph , Lie Detection
The potentiality of prior expectations of polygraph examiners to affect the outcome of a test is considered a main flaw of polygraph testing. In particular, it has been pointed out that the most commonly used polygraph technique; the... more
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      Deception DetectionPolygraph , Lie DetectionPolygraphComparison Question Test
Blagovremeno otkrivanje pravih činjenica u vezi sa mogućim ugrožavanjima ili nastalim štetama, jeste temelj za sprečavanje korporativnih malverzacija, kradja, prevara, mita, sukob interesa, iznude, pronevere i sl. Da bi Vam pomogli da što... more
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      Polygraph , Lie DetectionPolygraph Testing
Спешу из собственного опыта поведать вам о том, как действительно проходит проверка на полиграфе (детекторе лжи), как он работает на самом деле, как к нему готовиться, и можно ли это сделать вообще-подготовиться к полиграфу. Итак, первый... more
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      Facial Cues, Lie Detection, CommunicationPolygraph,lie DetectionPolygraph , Lie DetectionLie detection
How does the polygraph work when testing a non-typical person's responses during a high-stakes interview?
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      Criminal JusticeAutismAutism Spectrum DisordersAutism and Language
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      PolygraphyPolygraph , Lie DetectionLie detectionGuilty Knowledge Test
The article containes brief presentation of structure and procedures sequence of the technique for psychological assessment of the testimony reliability in the legal practice. The technique is a set of special procedures, developed for... more
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      Psychological AssessmentPolygraph , Lie Detection
Researchers in medicine and psychology have studied emotions and the way they influence human thinking and behaviour for decades. Recently computer scientists have realised the importance of emotions in human interactions with the... more
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      PhysiologyPsychologyPsychological AssessmentEmotion
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      Civil in Rem ForfeitureLaw EnforcementPlea BargainingPolygraph , Lie Detection
Polygraph or the Psychophysiological Detection of Deception, is a short blanket that can not cover everything without paying in errors, a clever polygraph examiner and a wise usage of polygraph must make a choice whether to cover the feet... more
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      Polygraph , Lie DetectionRigCQTRelevant Issue Gravity