Polygraph , Lie Detection
Recent papers in Polygraph , Lie Detection
A unique method for estimating the accuracy of the Comparison Question Test (CQT) -a psychophysiological detection of deception method ("polygraph") -in the field is presented, based on a combined probabilistic and algebraic model. It is... more
EUROPEAN POLYGRAPH Чикаго: где полиграф становится наукой Key words: History of polygraph, polygraph in Chicago, John E. Reid
The potentiality of prior expectations of polygraph examiners to affect the outcome of a test is considered a main flaw of polygraph testing. In particular, it has been pointed out that the most commonly used polygraph technique; the... more
Blagovremeno otkrivanje pravih činjenica u vezi sa mogućim ugrožavanjima ili nastalim štetama, jeste temelj za sprečavanje korporativnih malverzacija, kradja, prevara, mita, sukob interesa, iznude, pronevere i sl. Da bi Vam pomogli da što... more
Спешу из собственного опыта поведать вам о том, как действительно проходит проверка на полиграфе (детекторе лжи), как он работает на самом деле, как к нему готовиться, и можно ли это сделать вообще-подготовиться к полиграфу. Итак, первый... more
How does the polygraph work when testing a non-typical person's responses during a high-stakes interview?
The article containes brief presentation of structure and procedures sequence of the technique for psychological assessment of the testimony reliability in the legal practice. The technique is a set of special procedures, developed for... more
Polygraph or the Psychophysiological Detection of Deception, is a short blanket that can not cover everything without paying in errors, a clever polygraph examiner and a wise usage of polygraph must make a choice whether to cover the feet... more