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Prefazione L'integrazione economica è sempre stata un processo dinamico, ma in questi anni l'Unione europea (UE) sta attraversando un periodo di cambiamento drammatico. La crisi economica di lunga durata ha trasformato radicalmente la... more
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      European Union PoliticsPolitical economy of the European UnionEconomics of the European UnionPolitica Economica
crítico del capitalismo (El método marxista y su aplicación al estudio de la economía mundial actual)". En la elaboración de esta ponencia ha colaborado Xabier Arrizabalo Montoro, Profesor de Economía de la UCM y del mencionado Diploma.
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      European UnionEuropean Union LawFinancial Crisis of 2008/2009The future of the Euro as a reserve currency
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationEuropean LawEuropean Politics
Questo saggio si sofferma sugli esiti della crisi dell’euro visti dall’altra parte dell’Atlantico e sull’azione della Banca Centrale Europea (BCE) per salvaguardare l’Eurozona dai possibili fallimenti dei PIIGS. Anche la Legge di... more
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      Public FinanceEconomic policyPolitical economy of the European UnionEuropean Economics
With negative yielding assets and surprise, erratic movements from central bankers, individual savers and long-term institutional investors such as pension funds and insurance companies are being unjustly penalized. Nicolas Firzli,... more
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      Monetary PolicyPolitical economy of the European UnionQuantitative EasingFrench economy
Στο κείμενο αυτό εξετάζεται η πολιτική οικονομία της ΕΕ, η θέση του μαρξισμού και τα πολιτικά καθήκοντα της Αριστεράς. Παρουσιάζονται οι βασικές εναλλακτικές θεωρήσεις (επίσημη, ριζοσπαστική και μαρξιστική) της ευρωπαϊκής ενοποίησης και... more
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      MarxismEconomic CrisisPolitical economy of the European Union
The British Pound, which was once the world’s number one traded currency, gave its place gradually between the years of 1945-56 to the US Dollar. The UK lost its prime position in the world as the result of World War I and the declining... more
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      Political EconomyThe future of the Euro as a reserve currencyPolitical economy of the European UnionCurrency
С 1-ого января 2014-ого годаЛатвия планирует стать полноценным членом Европейского экономического и валютного союза (далее в тексте-ЭМС) и отказаться от национальной валюты. Общество, в свою очередь, неоднозначно оценивает необходимость... more
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      International TradeApplied EconometricsGlobal Financial CrisisEuro-Zone Crisis
We tested the economic activity and stock exchange of Croatia as a new country of European Union (EU) in order to investigate the 'Black Swan effect' from 2000 to 2013. The empirical findings obtained in application of OLS methodology and... more
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      Risk ManagementBehavioral EconomicsFinancial Market IntegrationPolitical economy of the European Union
La Commissione europea ha pubblicato il 13 gennaio 2015 una Comunicazione dal titolo “Making the best use of the flexibility within the existing rules of the Stability and Growth Pact” . La Comunicazione, senza apportare alcuna modifica... more
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      European UnionPolitical economy of the European UnionEurozoneStability and Growth Pact
ABSTRACT For the first time, this paper investigates the influence of ordoliberalism (OL) at both the ideational and regulative levels of European integration processes regarding agricultural policy (i.e. CAP), competition policy, and... more
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationEuropean Union PoliticsPolitical economy of the European Union
This volume aims to show that austerity is not an isolated phenomenon, a specific instance situated in recent events in Europe. On the contrary, the book argues that structural adjustment policies, an agenda that goes back quite some... more
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      Economic AnthropologyAnthropology of EuropeAnthropology of TimeHistory and anthropology
This paper reviews the extent to which EU budgetary tools provide a shock mitigation function and explores potential avenues to reform these tools to strengthen their stabilisation role. The EU budget is based on principles of medium-term... more
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationPublic Budgeting and FinanceEuropean Politics
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      EconomicsPolitical EconomyPolitical SciencePolitical economy of the European Union
The variety of capitalism-perspective is particularly well suited for an assessment of the broader political and economic effects of transnational private governance, given its focus on the interaction between the diverse economic... more
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      Critical European StudiesGovernanceSelf RegulationSelf-regulation
In Chapter 7, Vincent Gengnagel, Stephanie Beyer, Christian Baier and Richard Münch analyse the European Research Council as an example of a European contribution to a global academic capitalism. For EU integration to gain traction as a... more
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationSociology of KnowledgeResearch Policy
In this work, we analyzed the export- biased productivity, wage growth and the ULCP in Turkey. Then, by using input- output methods, we could show that Turkey has an economy which is able to be a part of the Euro system and Euro is... more
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      European StudiesInternational EconomicsMonetary EconomicsInstitutional Economics
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    • Political economy of the European Union