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This paper explores the tension within advanced capitalist economies between the growing need for social security and emerging pressures to scale back the Welfare State. Empirical evidence related to recent Welfare State developments is... more
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      EconomicsSocial WorkWelfare StatePolicy Studies
What happens when similar measures are being introduced in different national contexts? This article studies the ways in which patient choice has been articulated in public and official reports on health care in the two contexts of Sweden... more
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      SociologyPolitical SciencePolicy StudiesPublic Administration and Policy
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      Political SciencePolicy StudiesPublic Administration and PolicyNational Minimum Wage
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      Political SciencePolicy StudiesEconomic DevelopmentPublic Administration and Policy
Este artículo explora la contribución de la antropología social al estudio de la política pública. Se pregunta cómo “funcionan” estas políticas y qué les puede sugerir un antropólogo a los científicos sociales que desean estudiar el tema.... more
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      AnthropologyPolicy StudiesPolíticas PúblicasAntropología
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      Political SciencePolicy StudiesPublic Administration and Policy
Scholars have qplauded and critiqued the "equity" dimensbas of the four-year mayoral administration of Harold Washington in Chicago (1983-1987). Much of the debate has centered on how to assess the progress of equity planning and... more
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      Political SciencePolicy StudiesPublic Administration and Policy
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      Political SciencePolicy StudiesThe Classical TraditionClassical
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      Political SciencePolicy StudiesPublic Administration and Policy
1. ถอดรหัส “พรมแดน” นโยบายศึกษา 2. นโยบายศึกษาในมุมมอง Welfare Economics: ศึกษานโยบายในฐานะการสร้างความเป็นอยู่ที่ดีของสังคมส่วนรวม 3. นโยบายศึกษาในมุมมอง Public Choice และ Behavioral Economics:... more
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      Policy StudiesThailand
This article analyzes factors affecting countries ' commitment to mitigating global climate change within the scope of existing international institutions. The commitment level is operationalized as an ordinal variable ranging from an... more
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      Political SciencePolicy Studiesglobal Climate changePublic Administration and Policy
Environmental "public voluntary programs" (PVPs) involve government offers of positive publicity and technical assistance to firms that reach certain environmental goals. A growing body of empirical work suggests these programs generally... more
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      Political SciencePolicy StudiesPublic Administration and Policy
The article reviews three major controversies in the microfinance field: vehicles, technologies, and performance assessments for financial service delivery. Then it proposes that these controversies be resolved by a perspective... more
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      Political SciencePolicy StudiesDeveloping CountryPublic Administration and Policy
In this article, we examine long-term state budget trends to find evidence of punctuated equilibrium. We use the American states as a broad set of institutional variation with which to examine the nature of policy change through the lens... more
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      Political SciencePolicy StudiesPublic Administration and Policy
"Since ‘9/11’ and the global war on terrorism that followed, Muslim clerics and intellectuals in India have been under pressure from various quarters to publically denounce terrorism. This demand has come from media, political parties and... more
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      Social MovementsPolice ScienceInternational RelationsTerrorism
Recently, the policy community has been paying particular attention to Local Exchange and Trading Schemes (LETS) as potential bridges into work for the unemployed. Up until now, however, there has only been piecemeal evidence on whether... more
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      SociologyEconomic SociologyEconomic GeographyCommunity Engagement & Participation
To avoid molecular damage of biomolecules due to oxidation, all cells have evolved constitutive and responsive systems to mitigate and repair chemical modifications. Archaea have adapted to some of the most extreme environments known to... more
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      MicrobiologyParapsychologyLawConstitutional Law
Since 2014, the Education Bureau (EDB) has provided additional recurrent funding to primary and secondary schools for Enhanced Chinese Learning and Teaching for Non-Chinese Speaking Students (“CSL Funding”) as well as After-school Support... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionPolicy StudiesEthnic minoritiesChinese education
In this article, we present for the first time systematic evidence that the percentage of minority faculty has a significant positive relationship with overall college matriculation rates in urban school districts across the nation.... more
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      Political SciencePolicy StudiesPublic Administration and PolicyRole Models
The era of public management change is said to challenge traditional "command and control" modes of governance, encouraging a move toward either more informal forms of (co-) governance or markettype incentives and competition. Regardless... more
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      Public AdministrationCultural TheoryPolitical SciencePolicy Studies
There has been a continuous attack on education, particularly alternative, progressive, democratic and liberatory forms of education that seek social justice and an equality of opportunity for all to develop. In the UK this has led to an... more
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      Critical TheorySociologySocial ChangeSocial Theory
Ireland's Early Childhood Education and Care Sector is now a full and vibrant one. A dynamic policy context underpins practice within a framework of quality service provision and an evolving and developing professional workforce. This... more
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      Policy Analysis/Policy StudiesEducationSocial PolicyPolicy Analysis and Decision Making
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      Political SciencePolicy StudiesPolicy ChangePublic Administration and Policy
We investigate the central premise of the theory of markets in education, namely that parents value academic standards. We ask what parents really want from schools and whether different types of parents have similar preferences. We... more
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      Political SciencePolicy StudiesPrimary SchoolSchool Choice
This Impact Report identifies and summarises the diverse impacts, resulting from the £500m of UK funding of Science and Technology in 2013, using numerous quantitative metrics and short case study extracts. It shows how the varied... more
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      EntrepreneurshipManagementEngineeringElectrical Engineering
Media economics in India has been triggered from three quarters: debates in the political economy of media culture; reflections on sectors of media businesses; and, over the last decade, by the flashpoints in media policy. This undulating... more
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      Media StudiesMedia EconomicsMedia EducationMedia Literacy
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      Political SciencePolicy StudiesPublic Administration and Policy
... Eric Lindquist is Associate Research Scientist and Associate Director of the Institute for Science, Technology and Public Policy, Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas ... EDUH, Higher education institutions; university... more
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      Political SciencePolicy StudiesPublic Administration and Policy
Discussing Foucault’s and Deleuze’s work on meaning-making, the article argues that we might make better use of the intersubjectivity of a meaning when interpreting emotions. Interpreting emotions in texts remains complicated because... more
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      Policy Analysis/Policy StudiesPolitical ScienceGilles DeleuzePolicy Studies
It has long been acknowledged that there is a gap between the advancement of GIS in the research field and its application in planning practice. This paper demonstrates the potential for employing simple GIS mapping overlays as a way of... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyUrban GeographyRegional Geography
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsComparative ReligionSociology
Title I of the Americans With Disabilities Act prohibits employment discrimination against disabled people. This article provides an overview of how the courts have interpreted the duty t o accommodate an individual wilh a disabilily,... more
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      Political SciencePolicy StudiesPublic Administration and Policy
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      Development EconomicsPolicy Analysis/Policy StudiesPublic AdministrationDevelopment Studies
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      Political SciencePolicy StudiesPolicy ImplementationPublic Administration and Policy
ing implementation of plan recommendations were resources (funding and a full-time coordinator), willing land owners, and networks. In the Lower Saxony cases, collaborative plans were seen as less impactful, but nevertheless the process... more
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      Political SciencePolicy StudiesPublic Administration and Policy
The popularity of governance can be seen across academic genres. In some ways, the tremendous amount of theorizing on the subject has created contentious areas of debate. However, the approach that I argue will move the discussion forward... more
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      Political SciencePolicy StudiesPublic Administration and Policy
The benefits of autonomous vehicles (AVs) are widely acknowledged, but there are concerns about the extent of these benefits and AV risks and unintended consequences. In this article, we first examine AVs and different categories of the... more
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      BusinessInformation SystemsManagementRisk Management and Insurance
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      Political SociologyConstitutional LawMulticulturalismPeace and Conflict Studies
There has been immense growth of financial services worldwide in the past few decades. This globalisation has led to increased cross-border activities enhancing global financial intermediation. Unfortunately, this development has been... more
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      Development EconomicsInternational LawInternational DevelopmentMoney Laundering
Education policy in Pakistan, as in other developing countries, faces the challenge of poor implementation. The article explores the history of education policy in Pakistan and describes the conventional accounts of policy failures. It... more
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      HistoryCognitive SciencePolicy StudiesEducation Policy
วิทยานิพนธ์ “การเมืองของถ้อยคำในชายแดนใต้/ปาตานี: การประกอบสร้าง “สันติภาพ” ในความขัดแย้งชาติพันธุ์การเมือง” มีคำถามหลักว่าในความขัดแย้งทางการเมืองที่มีการใช้ความรุนแรงกันถึงตายนั้น... more
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      Cultural StudiesInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesInternational Law
At the core of this dissertation is a critical examination of the disjuncture between the policy and practice of sport for development. Drawing on a vertical case study of gender, sport, and education in the Pacific Island nation of... more
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      GlobalizationEthnographyPacific Island StudiesInternational Development
The armed conflict in the state of Jammu and Kashmir has touched the lives of all the people living in the valley in some way or other. Though, many women have become direct as well as indirect victims of this conflict. This paper is a... more
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      Policy StudiesWomen and Gender StudiesWomen and Armed Conflict
When considering the merits of deliberative democracy, it is important to look to the experience of the American jury system. The jury has demonstrated the potential for citizen deliberation to play a central role in longstanding... more
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      Political SciencePolicy StudiesPublic Administration and Policy
Understanding the influence of policy knowledge (analysis, evaluation) on policy change represents a long-standing quest in the policy sciences. Despite attempts of Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF) scholars, the first to embark... more
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      Political SciencePolicy StudiesPublic Administration and Policy
This article is aimed at crafting an interpretive policy analysis as a predictive tool by using the proposal to relocate Israeli military bases. Since the mid-2000s, the Israeli government has promoted a new plan to transfer military... more
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      Political SciencePolicy StudiesPublic Administration and Policy
This paper dwells in a large space of encounter between theorizing poverty and the poverty of theorizing, through operating with ‘theory’ as means for [and end of] activating tropes as, and for, political interventions. In the first part,... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisHistoryEuropean History
Recently we have witnessed the worldwide adoption of many different types of innovative technologies, such as crowdsourcing, ridesharing, open and big data, aiming at delivering public services more efficiently and effectively. Among... more
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      ManagementRisk Management and InsuranceInformation TechnologyPolicy Analysis/Policy Studies
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      Social PolicyPolitical SciencePolicy StudiesPublic Administration and Policy
This study sought to evaluate the effectiveness of the girlchild affirmative action policy in secondary schools in Zimbabwe using Christian and Ndarama high schools as case studies. Both theoretical study and empirical research methods... more
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      Gender StudiesEducationPolicy StudiesGender and education