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The present study builds on earlier work by which introduced the generative notion of threshold concepts within (and across) disciplines, in the sense of transforming the internal view of subject matter or part thereof. In this earlier... more
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      EpistemologyTeaching and LearningReflective PracticeHigher Education
The term green marketing refers to the planning, development and promotion of products or services that satisfy the needs of consumers for quality, output, prices and services without a negative effect on the environment with regard to... more
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      Green MarketingProductsAwarenessConsumers
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Undertaking independent project work in overseas locations, and especially in developing countries, can be both a rewarding and challenging experience. Challenges encountered by students in their host country will include: adapting to an... more
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      PlanetInternational FieldworkStudent supervision
Making Peace with the Earth bears witness to the wars taking place in our times against the earth and people. It also tells the stories of struggles to defend the earth and people’s Rights to land and water, forests, seeds and... more
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      Natural ResourcesEnvironmental EthicsAnthropoceneOrissa
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For the last two years a second year overseas residential field course run by the School of Geography in the University of Manchester has been restructured into a Problem-based Learning format. This paper reports on the reasons for... more
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Does small mean less? Not necessarily. In an era of housing crises, environmental unsustainability and social fragmentation, the need for more sociable, affordable and sustainable housing is vital. The answer? Shared living - from joint... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyPolitical ScienceUrban And Regional Planning
Objective: the purpose of this work is to review research on the role of minerals in Medical Geology, highlighting the importance and interrelationships between geological factors and human health. Materials and methods: qualitative study... more
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      PhysicsTime SeriesDensityMass
This review examines definitions of formative assessment and the factors that control the effectiveness of feedback. It summarises the various ways of delivering formative feedback and discusses the problems that may be encountered when... more
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Undergraduate teaching should be informed by research. The extent to which this is the case and how this is best practised is the subject of this paper. Learning strategies that seek to embed research within the undergraduate programme... more
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      Human GeographyCase StudySouth AustraliaPlanet
and employability policies for undergraduate attainment, to see what we can learn from them, and how they might be implemented. It then uses a seven basic skill attributes (such as numeracy, ICT etc) on a year-on-year approach... more
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Student is aware of or attending to something in the environment.
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We present newly derived stellar parameters and the detailed abundances of 19 elements of seven stars with small planets discovered by NASA's Kepler Mission. Each star save one has at least one planet with a radius <= 1.6 R_Earth,... more
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      PhysicsOrganic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaAstrophysics
when writing up geology? How do we improve their writing and communication competencies? The study A short study funded by the GEES Subject Centre was undertaken to analyse the key weaknesses in geology students' writing at undergraduate... more
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This paper looks at the reasons students often complain of 'not enough time' in practical assignments. One reason is that they come across 'sticking points' at a late stage and cannot deal with them satisfactorily. The use of... more
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O projeto SOS Planeta - desafio: recicla, reduz, reaproveita, foi iniciado há quatro anos, tendo tido como participantes turmas do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (CEB), pertencentes a escolas da região do Algarve, Portugal. Os alunos... more
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      Environmental EducationGamificationEducação AmbientalSustentabilidade
Planet Politics is about rewriting and rethinking International Relations as a set of practices, both intellectual and organisational. We use the polemical and rhetorical format of the political manifesto to open a space for... more
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      SociologyInternational RelationsInternational Relations TheoryClimate Change
This article describes the development of a module on 'Greening Business', which aims to provide practical and skills-based sustainability education to students from any subject discipline and provide students with the knowledge,... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceHigher EducationEnvironmental Change
Undergraduate dissertations may provide up to one third of the weighting of the final year of a degree in Geography and are seen as important indicators of graduates' independent research ability by prospective employers. This project... more
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Journal articles offer students an invaluable insight into current research and active debates. However, students are reluctant to engage with journals, and citation analyses suggest that their use is declining in favour of more... more
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Of the terrestrial planets, Earth and probably Mercury possess substantial intrinsic magnetic fields generated by core dynamos, while Venus and Mars apparently lack such fields. Thermal histories are calculated for these planets and are... more
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Living with fire is a challenge for human communities because they are influenced by socio-economic, political, ecological and climatic processes at various spatial and temporal scales. Over the course of 2 days, the authors discussed how... more
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      Climate ChangeCoupled Human and Natural SystemsInterdisciplinarityGlobal Health
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      PolishHolocaustChristian TheologyJewish
Racism, discrimination and rebellion are three issues which still exist in the world we live these days. Racism is a belief that some groups are superior while some other groups are inferior. Discrimination is the unequal or unfair and... more
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      ArtRace and EthnicityEthnicityRace
 Access to any celestial body in solar system in about five years.  Shorter trip time for human missions. (Radiation !)  Larger payload for science missions including landers, rovers or submarines.  Capability of long duration science... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringPhysicsAstrobiologyPlanet
This article is a little different from those in most issues of Planet. Rather than report on the outcomes of initiatives already undertaken, in this case initiatives into student retention, this article will propose an alternative way of... more
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      Political SciencePlanet
This paper reports on the fi ndings from a GEESfunded project carried out at one UK Higher Education Institution comparing the environmental attitudes and behaviour of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences (GEES) students and those... more
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      Environmental SciencePolitical ScienceFocus GroupPlanet
This paper reports on the fi ndings from a GEESfunded project carried out at one UK Higher Education Institution comparing the environmental attitudes and behaviour of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences (GEES) students and those... more
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      Environmental SciencePolitical ScienceFocus GroupPlanet
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      PlanetTeaching Earth Sciences
1 Exploring Our Digital Planet 2 Hardware Basics: Inside the Box 3 Hardware Basics: Peripherals 4 Software Basics: The Ghost in the Machine 5 Productivity Applications 6 Graphics, Digital Media, and Multimedia 7 Database Applications and... more
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Careful observations were made at 86.1 GHz to derive the absolute brightness temperatures of the Sun (7914 + or - 192 K), Venus (357.5 + or - 13.1 K), Jupiter (179.4 + or - 4.7K), and Saturn (153.4 + or - 4.8 K) with a standard error of... more
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      PhysicsAntennasData AnalysisSpectroscopy
... SMREKAR Suzanne E. (1) ; ELKINS-TANTON Linda (2) ; LEITNER Johannes J. (3) ; LENARDIC Adrian (4) ; MACKWELL Steve (5) ; MORESI ... Texas, ETATS-UNIS (5) Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, ETATS-UNIS (6) Monash University,... more
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We study the interaction between the planetary magnetosphere and atmosphere of the close-in extrasolar planets HD 209458b and OGLE-TR-56b with the stellar wind during the evolution of their host stars. Recent astrophysical observations of... more
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      PhysicsDust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)AstrophysicsMagnetic field
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Context. Until now the search of peculiar exoplanetary shadows, particularly those caused by exorings, was focused on the detection of a second-order photometric difference between the ringed and ringless (circular) transiting shadows.... more
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      PhysicsDust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)AstrophysicsExoplanet
Evidence from the solar system suggests that, unlike Venus and Mars, the presence of a strong magnetic dipole moment on Earth has helped maintain liquid water on its surface. Therefore, planetary magnetism could have a significant effect... more
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Planet Politics is about rewriting and rethinking International Relations as a set of practices, both intellectual and organisational. We use the polemical and rhetorical format of the political manifesto to open a space for... more
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      SociologyInternational RelationsInternational Relations TheoryClimate Change
R adio astronomers first detected planets beyond our solar system in 1991 (NASA 2012). Now, armed with state-of-the-art telescopes and other high-tech tools, astronomers spot new planets at an astonishing rate. Indeed, it seems NASA... more
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Observations of circumstellar environments that look for the direct signal of exoplanets and the scattered light from disks have significant instrumental implications. In the past 15 years, major developments in adaptive optics,... more
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      PhysicsDust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)Adaptive OpticsAstronomy
About 20 years after the discovery of the first extrasolar planet, the number of planets known has grown by three orders of magnitude, and continues to increase at neck breaking pace. For most of these planets we have little information,... more
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      PhysicsDust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)AstrophysicsPlanet
In this work, we present transit timing variations detected for the exoplanet TrES-5b. To obtain the necessary amount of photometric data for this exoplanet, we have organized an international campaign to search for exoplanets based on... more
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      PhysicsSpace TimePlanetInfrared
We propose to extend our initial IRAC survey for widely-separated sub-stellar mass companions around extra-solar planetary systems in order to have a complete, volume-limited sample of Exoplanet systems within 50 pc of the Sun. Our survey... more
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      PhysicsPlanetary SystemsPlanet
The PTF Orion project is a part of the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF), a survey for astronomical transients being undertaken with a dedicated wide-field CCD array installed on the Palomar 48" telescope. The Orion project is an... more
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      Star FormationTime SeriesEclipsing BinariesPlanet