Physician Assisted Death
Recent papers in Physician Assisted Death
In December 2015, Germany implemented its first official law regulating organized assistance to suicide. Prior to the imple- mentation of the §217 of the criminal code, assisted suicide was already regulated by 18 different sets of... more
El concepto de muerte asistida comprende una heterogénea variedad de prácticas, cuyo denominador común es garantizar al ciudadano su derecho a participar en las decisiones relacionadas con su propio proceso de muerte, para que sea tan... more
Over the past 20 years, trends have emerged, supporting state legislative and judicial action concerning the legalization of euthanasia (mercy killing), and the approval of physician-assisted suicide for those nearing death as an... more
At the end of life, psychiatrists are often asked to assess a patient’s capacity to refuse treatment, but the role of the psychiatrist in this situation is much broader. Even when a person’s mental capacity is not at issue, subtle and... more
An exploration of the issue of physician-assisted suicide through the close reading of three contemporary Canadian narratives.
Interdisciplinary and comparative research aims to establish: (a) if the challenge in differentiating between short-term and chronic psychological pain is legally problematic for the Canadian justice system; (b) if chronic, irremediable... more
Ganzini and colleagues’ finding that 3 of the 18 Oregonians who received a prescription for a lethal drug met caseness criteria for depression raises concerns about the state’s Death with Dignity Act, which demands a psychiatric review... more
Kritische Betrachtung des Themas „Sterbehilfe“, basierend auf Nagels Thesen „Der Tod ist ein Übel.“ bzw. „Es ist schlimm zu sterben."
John Arras argues against the legalization of physician-assisted suicide and active euthanasia on the basis of social costs that he anticipates will result from legalization. Arras believes that the legalization of highly restricted... more
The slippery slope argument has been the mainstay of many of those opposed to the legalisation of physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia. In this paper I re-examine the slippery slope in the light of two recent studies that examined... more
On May 25, 1995, the parliament of Australia’s Northern Territory passed the Northern Territory Rights of the Terminally Ill Act [1] making voluntary euthanasia legal. This act allows physicians to prescribe and administer lethal... more
Feminists continue to express concerns over the legalization of physician-assisted death (PAD). Some worry that women are more likely than men to request PAD due to societal stereotypes and the pressures put on women to be... more
A partir de la delimitación del objeto y contenido del derecho fundamental a la vida tal y como está consagrado en nuestro entorno constitucional, este estudio examina las tensiones a las que ciertas demandas lo someten y sus... more
Conflating physician-assisted death with palliative care is a growing concern in medicine. Palliative care is symptom management medical care without actively shortening the end-of-life trajectory of a terminal illness. Physician-assisted... more
Objective: The aim of the paper is to determine the role that psychiatrists should play in legislation that establishes a right to active voluntary euthanasia (AVE). Method: One version of the “slippery slope” argument, usually invoked... more
On October 19, 2015, Justin Trudeau’s Liberals won a majority of seats in the 42nd Canadian General Election. Within one week, news media were reporting that the new government would consider asking the Supreme Court of Canada to extend... more
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Over two decades of Dutch experience with voluntary assisted dying can inform deliberations about the nature of a regulatory framework in Australian jurisdictions. This article considers three issues from this perspective: 1. Whether... more
Although assisted dying has been most commonly presented within a medicalised framework, the notion of de-medicalisation is employed in this paper to suggest that there are emerging models of assisted dying in which some medical aspects... more
An exploration of consumer/survivors/patients' views on assisted death and the recent legislation in Canada
An exploration of consumer/survivors/patients' views on assisted death and the recent legislation in Canada
Physician-assisted death (PAD) has been enacted in a number of international jurisdictions, with several extending access to PAD for persons whose condition is not terminal, including those with a mental disorder. We argue that based on... more