Program 2021-2022 :
The research project "Platonisms of Late Antiquity: Philosophical and Religious Interactions" aims to create a regular meeting place for scholars working on the interactions between philosophical and religious thought during the Roman Empire and Late Antiquity.
It seeks to better understand, on the one hand, the impact of religious thought on the emergence and construction of Neoplatonic philosophies and, on the other hand, to identify the philosophical sources of religious thought, in particular those found in the Gnostic, Hermetic and Chaldean Oracles texts.
It takes over a previous collaborative project, "Plotinus and the Gnostics", broadening its field of research in terms of chronology (before and after Plotinus) and in terms of the corpus studied (Medioplatonic, Hermetic, etc.), and is directly linked to the theme of the database receive the zoom link for this session and the future ones, please send a
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Mercredi 15 Décembre 2021 : Aeons, Fullnesses, and Lesser Gods
Workshop animé par Dylan Burns et George Karamanolis
Vendredi 11 Février 2022 : Plotin, les Gnostiques et les Chrétiens
Jean-Marc Narbonne : L’hypothétique ‘Grand traité de Plotin (30-33)’ : un état de la question.
Izabela Jurasz : L’âme composée à partir des éléments (psukhê ek tôn stoikheiôn) dans la critique de Plotin (33 [II 9] 5, 16-19). Une nouvelle hypothèse.
Vendredi 18 Mars 2022 : Le Traité 10 de Plotin et les Gnostiques
Workshop animé par Luciana Gabriela Soares Santoprete, Anna van den Kerchove, Jean-Daniel Dubois et Daniela Taormina
Vendredi 1 Avril 2022 : Divination and Theurgy
Andrei Timotin : Trois théories antiques de la divination : Plutarque, Jamblique, Augustin.
Crystal Addey : Platonic Philosopher-Priestesses and Female Theurgists.
Mardi 10 Mai 2022 : Hermeticism, Mithraicism and Neoplatonism
Christian Bull : The Hermetic Sciences in the Way of Hermes: Worldview and Practices.
Andreea-Maria Lemnaru-Carrez : Mithra dans l’Antre des Nymphes de Porphyre.