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Program 2021-2022 : The research project "Platonisms of Late Antiquity: Philosophical and Religious Interactions" aims to create a regular meeting place for scholars working on the interactions between philosophical and religious thought... more
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      PhilologyReligionHistory of ReligionAncient Philosophy
The economy of the common: a study of the cultural assemblage of contemporary  capitalism [PhD thesis, in Finnish]
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      AnthropologyPolitical EconomyCommonsProperty
Seventeenth century rational epistemology led by Descartes is based on n assumption that the whole truth related to the existence can be revealed by means of principles in mind. That structure was criticized by 18th century philosophers... more
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    • Philososphy
David Wilder ("Think Wilder") summarizes Roberts's main points and evaluates them.
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      ReligionFuture StudiesPsychologyPhilosophy of Mind
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      Antonin ArtaudFriedrich NietzschePhilososphyTheater