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The " Natural Problem of Consciousness " is the problem of understanding why there are presently conscious beings at all. Given a non-reductive naturalist framework taking consciousness as an ontologically subjective biological... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyHuman EvolutionPhilosophy of MindPhilosophy of Science
Explorations of the traditional branches of philosophy and (the seemingly endless differentiation of the philosophical discourse into) new, highly specialized, always more microscopic, areas of doing professionalized philosophy, in an... more
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The Pribram-Bohm holoflux theory, a model describing the topology of consciousness in the universe, is presented here to address the issue posed by David Chalmers in his “hard problem of consciousness.” The theory emerges from an integral... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindCosmology (Physics)Transpersonal Psychology
A case study. and introduction ©2015-23 by Frits Kaal (72ys) In this study I will demonstrate forty years of 'figuration-building,,' bubbles, 'clouds,' stigmas and stereotypes at Bijlmermeer, Amsterdam, remaining static in several key... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyEnvironmental SociologyEconomic Sociology
Die Frage nach der Natur des menschlichen Geistes ist das zentrale Thema sowohl der Philosophie des Geistes, als auch der Neurowissenschaften. Die beiden Disziplinen stellen dabei allerdings verschiedene Aspekte in den Mittelpunkt:... more
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      Cognitive ScienceMetaphysicsPhilosophy of MindEpistemology
Epistemología de la Tecnología: La interacción entre tecnología y ambiente en las Evaluaciones de Impacto Ambiental desde la perspectiva filosófica post-industrial.
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      Philosophy of ScienceInterdisciplinary StudiesFilosofia De Las CienciasFilosofía de la tecnología
Hands undoubtedly matter. Few, I suspect, would disagree. Yet The Hand, an Organ of the Mind uses this commonplace to dispel what is termed the "intellectualist illusion" (p370), the illusion that the things we do with our hands are... more
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      Artificial IntelligencePhenomenologyInterdisciplinary StudiesPhilosophy of Mind, Cognitive Sciences, Epistemolgy
The aim of the paper is to offer a characterisation of delusional systems of belief. The view defended in the paper is that the explanations that appear in delusional systems of belief do not effect a reduction in the number of things... more
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      EpistemologyPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy of Mind, Cognitive Sciences, Epistemolgy
I examine the significance and promise of the " paradigm shift " evinced by the emergence and reception of the " embodied and situated cognition " research program (ESC) in the past few decades. Such a program puts in question age-old... more
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    • Philosophy of Mind, Cognitive Sciences, Epistemolgy
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophy of MindMemory (Cognitive Psychology)Philosophy of Psychology
The Bystander effect is a social phenomenon which holds that people’s ability to help reduces when amongst a crowd. Utilising the phenomenology of Martin Heidegger, I explore why the presence of others can cause inaction in bystander... more
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      PhenomenologyMartin HeideggerHeideggerSocial Influence
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      KantPhilosophy of Mind, Cognitive Sciences, EpistemolgyDignaga