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      Scaling upPharmaceutical science
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      Materials ScienceKineticsDrug deliveryDrug Delivery System
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      Drug DiscoveryChemical BiologyMolecular RecognitionCombinatorial Chemistry
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      KineticsDrug deliveryDrug Delivery SystemDelivery System
In a number of recent guidance documents, the FDA has placed more emphasis on the meaningful comparison of dissolution profile data. For example, the FDA scale-up and post-approval changes–modified release (SUPAC–MR) guidance indicates... more
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      Scaling upPharmaceutical science
Hydrogels are one of the upcoming classes of polymer-based controlledrelease drug delivery systems. Besides exhibiting swelling-controlled drug release, hydrogels also show stimuli-responsive changes in their structural network and hence,... more
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      BiophysicsBiotechnologyDrug DiscoveryDrug delivery
The quality system of any modern pharmaceutical company is the pharmaceutical quality system (PQS), which extends the GMP standards to all stages of the medicinal productslife cycle, from pharmaceutical development to its withdrawal from... more
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    • Pharmaceutical science
Background: The present review article provides an overview of the published literature concerning microbial quality of medicinal plants and products and their decon-tamination methods. It is important to analyze different aspects... more
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      MicrobiologyPharmacyHerbal MedicinePharmaceuticals
Penelitian tentang perbandingan profil pelepasan dan kinetika obat secara in vitro dari formula mikrokapsul ekstrak cacing tanah (Lumbricus rubellus) yang dibuat dari Eudragit ® RS dan Eudragit ® RL telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini... more
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      PharmaceuticsAntimicrobial activityDrug Delivery SystemsDissolution
BACKGROUND: Carvedilol is an antihypertensive drug use for management of hypertension. It has the half-life of 6 hr and oral bioavailability of 25% due to first pass metabolism. The total daily dose of carvedilol is 25 mg, hence it... more
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    • Pharmaceutical science
Aim: The pharmaceutical industries spend a significant amount on the advertisement and promotion of their products, of which the largest division is spent on the visits of sales representatives of these industries to the physicians.... more
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      Pharmaceutical EducationPharmaceutical TechnologyPharmaceutical CarePharmaceutical Biochemistry
The current market for dry powder inhalers (DPIs) has over 20 devices in present use and at least another 30 under development. Clinicians recognize that DPIs are a suitable alternative to pressurized metered dose inhalers (pMDIs) for... more
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    • Pharmaceutical science
High-throughput synthesis and screening technologies have enhanced the impact of computational chemistry on the drug discovery process.
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      BioinformaticsComputational ChemistryInformaticsBiotechnology
S-Nicotine, the principal psychoactive constituent of Nicotiana tabacum, underpins addiction to tobacco smoking. Although tobacco consumption is a leading cause of death worldwide, nicotine itself is also proposed to have potential... more
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      BioinformaticsMolecular MedicineDrug DiscoveryNicotine
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      GeneticsImmunologyImmune responsePharmaceutical science
Do you think it is easier to be starting a career in science now than maybe 50 years ago? Actually it is much more difficult. It was much easier in my day-there was more funding and almost any person who was at all competent didn't have... more
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      PsychiatrySchizophreniaSystems BiologyMolecular Neuroscience
BACKGROUND: Curcumin is poorly permeable as well as sparingly soluble drug with varying interpersonal and intrapersonal bioavailability. The main purpose of present work was to develop self Microemulsifying drug delivery system (SMEDDS).... more
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    • Pharmaceutical science
Modulation of the immune system can be addressed through a variety of specific and non-specific approaches. Many agents of synthetic and natural origin have stimulatory, suppressive or regulatory activity. There is growing evidence that... more
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      Traditional MedicineSystems BiologyInflammationDrug Discovery
Many ion channels are recognized as amenable targets for a range of disease states and conditions. However, the process of discovering drugs is highly influenced by the chemical doability, the biological confidence in rationale of the... more
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      Drug DiscoveryCell BiologyBiomedical TechnologyIon Channels
Adapalene (ADP) is a representative of the third retinoids generation and successfully used in first-line acne treatment. ADP binds to retinoic acid nuclear receptors. The comedolytic, anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative, and... more
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      PharmacologyCancerDermatologyPharmaceutical Chemistry
The information age has made the electronic storage of large amounts of data effortless.The proliferation of documents available on the Internet, corporate intranets, news wires and elsewhere is overwhelming. Search engines only... more
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      BioinformaticsNatural Language ProcessingText MiningDrug Discovery
Large-scale comparative analysis of drug-target polymorphism structures enables the rational design of next generation 'super drugs' -drugs that are less prone to development of drug resistance or that work for the largest possible... more
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      BiochemistryPharmacogenomicsPolymorphismClinical Trial
Purpose: Natural gums are widely used in pharmaceuticals, food industry and cotton industry because of its easy availability, low cost and devoid of toxicity. Current study focuses on the extraction of gum from tamarind seed and subjected... more
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      PharmacologyPharmacyPharmaceutical TechnologyClinical Pharmacology
Advances in bioinformatics and protein modeling algorithms, in addition to the enormous increase in experimental protein structure information, have aided in the generation of databases that comprise homology models of a significant... more
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      Structural BiologyComputational BiologyDrug DiscoveryDrug metabolism
Vaccinology has experienced a dramatic resurgence recently, as traditional methodologies of using attenuated live pathogens or inactivated whole pathogens have been either ineffective or are not an acceptable risk for several disease... more
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      BiochemistryImmunologyVaccinesDrug Discovery
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      BiochemistryImmunologyImmune responseToxicology
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      BiotechnologyDrug DiscoveryPharmaceutical ChemistryCommerce
Combinatorial biosynthesis utilizes the enzymes from antibiotic (and other natural product) biosynthetic pathways to create novel chemical structures. The manipulation of modular polyketide synthases (PKSs) has been the major focus of... more
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyAntimicrobialsProtein Engineering
Antimicrobial resistance is the ability of a microorganism to tolerate antimicrobial treatments. It is a problem in Africa, due to the very fact that folks are susceptible to infections and that they have an enormous appetite for... more
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      Literature ReviewPharmaceutical science
Combinatorial chemistry: 20 years on... 'The mass of a protein library...would exceed that of the universe by more than two hundred orders of magnitude.'
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      HistoryToxicologyDrug DiscoveryChemical Biology
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      PharmacologyBioinformaticsToxicologyLife Sciences
Apoptosis or programmed cell death is a set of ordered events that enables the selective removal of cells from tissue and is essential for homeostasis and proper function of multicellular organisms. Components of this signaling network,... more
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      BiochemistryGene TherapyPharmaceutical TechnologyDrug Discovery
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      BiotechnologyNuclear Magnetic ResonanceDrug DiscoveryNMR Spectroscopy
ABSTRACT: Accurate identification of important plants is essential for their safety, efficacy and herbal remedies. The study was aimed to identify 4 locally available medicinal plants using DNA barcoding approach. Genomic DNA was... more
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      BiochemistryBiotechnologyPlant biotechnologyDNA Barcoding
In this study, the combination of etodolac and colchicine was studied for its anti-inflammatory activity. Thirty rats of either sex were divided into five groups' viz. control (received vehicle); an etodolac alone (received 46 mg/kg... more
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    • Pharmaceutical science
Objective: To evaluate anti-inflammatory potential of rind extract of Punica granatum by in-vitro anti-inflammatory model and its phytochemical evaluation. Method: The fractionation of methanolic extract of Punica granatum rind was done... more
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      PharmacyPharmacy PracticeCommunity PharmacyClinical Pharmacy
Adapalene (ADP) is a representative of the third retinoids generation and successfully used in first-line acne treatment. ADP binds to retinoic acid nuclear receptors. The comedolytic, anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative, and... more
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      PharmacologyCancerDermatologyPharmaceutical Chemistry
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      BiochemistryDrug DiscoverySelf AssemblyChemical Biology
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      Drug DiscoveryEnzyme InhibitorsNeoplasmsPharmaceutical science
Pharmaceutical companies are facing an urgent need to both increase their lead compound and clinical candidate portfolios and satisfy market demands for continued innovation and revenue growth. Here, we outline an emerging approach that... more
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      BioinformaticsGenomicsMetabolismComputational Biology
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    • Pharmaceutical science
Directed evolution is a broadly applicable technology platform that is ideally suited to address the need for protein optimization and to fully exploit the therapeutic potential of biologics. The approach takes advantage of the remarkable... more
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      BiochemistryMolecular MedicineDrug DiscoveryDirected evolution
Arthritis is a common disease in which the end-point results in joint replacement surgery. This article reviews the use of nutraceuticals as alternative treatments for pathological manifestations of arthritic disease. The efficacy of fish... more
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      NutraceuticalsClinical TrialMolecular MedicineDrug Discovery
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      PharmacologyBioinformaticsStructural BiologyEcology
The intimate connection, both physical and biochemical, between blood vessels and bone cells has long been recognized. Genetic, biochemical, and pharmacological studies have identified and characterized factors involved in the... more
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      GeneticsMolecular MedicineFractureDrug Discovery
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      Molecular MedicineCancerDrug DiscoveryEnzyme Inhibitors
-exchange resins (IER), or ionic polymer networks, have received considerable attention from pharmaceutical scientists because of their versatile properties as drug-delivery vehicles. In the past few years, IER have been extensively... more
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      BiochemistryBiophysicsChemistryDrug Discovery
Could you describe the early defining events that shaped your development as an entrepreneurial scientist? When I was getting my doctorate, there was a fortuitous convergence of interest and opportunity in that I was working on a group of... more
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      EntrepreneurshipBiochemistryGenomicsDrug Discovery
Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are broad-range morphogens that have significant functional roles in early and late embryonic development. For example, genetic analyses in mice have demonstrated that FGFs play crucial roles in mesoderm... more
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      EndocrinologyPhysiologyMolecular MedicineSignal Transduction
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      BioinformaticsNatural Language ProcessingText MiningDrug Discovery