Paul and Apocalyptic
Recent papers in Paul and Apocalyptic
Theologian Preston Sprinkle has been the subject of perennial controversy among a segment of Christians who affirm a traditional sexual ethic. Its most recent iteration was sparked by comments from Rosaria Butterfield. Butterfield is a... more
This paper aims to provide a critical evaluation of J. Louis Martyn’s assertion regarding the apocalyptic Paul and to suggest Paul’s apocalyptic Gospel in Galatians by investigating linguistic features and semantic patterns. Martyn... more
This article uses emergent theory to make sense of Paul's agency discourse in Romans 8, especially with respect to the liberating power of Torah.
최근까지 ‘묵시적 바울’의 연구 방식은 유대주의 문헌과 바울서신을 비교하는 것이 지배적이다. 이것은 바울의 묵시사상이 유대주의 종말론에서 기인했다는 전제에서 비롯된 연구 방식이다. 하지만 본 논문은 묵시를 유대주의뿐만 아니라 그레코-로마 사회에 공유되던 문화담화로 제안한다. 묵시는 초월적 공간과 시간에 관한 것이며, 초자연적인 현상에 대한 이해를 포괄한다. 그와 같은 이해는 문화 안에서 공유되며, 그것이 담화의 형태로... more
A list of select academic and professional publications.
1 Corinthians 15 and Romans 8 indicate that cosmic redemption for Paul involves the liberation of the physical universe and its human inhabitants from the powers that now subject and enslave them. For Paul, as for his Jewish... more
Intertextuality is a hermeneutical strand of poststructuralism. In biblical scholarship, since Hays's influential work Echoes of Scripture in the Letters of Paul (1989), the term has also been employed to refer to a later text's... more
Section A addresses Barth’s attempts in the prefaces to his commentary on Romans to explain and to justify his exegetical method in response to the accusation that he was “an enemy of historical criticism”. Section B treats a specimen of... more
Der Aufsatz prüft die Römerbriefauslegung von Douglas A. Campbell, der in Röm 3,1–9 und 9,27–11,1 einen Wortstreit zwischen Paulus und einem „Lehrer“ identifiziert. Campbells These stützt sich auf zwei Annahmen: viele Sätze im Römerbrief... more
What is the place of Christ in Paul’s narrative? This question is central to the debate between a salvation-historical and an apocalyptic reading of Paul. In this essay I analyze these different understandings of Paul’s narrative, arguing... more
Romans 5-8 revolve around God's dramatic cosmic activity and its implications for humanity and all of creation. Apocalyptic Paul measures the power of Paul's rhetoric about the relationship of cosmic power to the Law, interpretations of... more