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La stesura dell’inventario del fondo dell’Archivio notarile di Monterotondo, conservato presso l’Archivio di Stato di Roma, ha permesso di individuare in modo imprevisto, all’interno di protocolli notarili, i due inventari dei beni del... more
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      BaroccoGiuseppe GaribaldiPittura RinascimentoRinascimento
the charm of woods and trees, the beauty of flowers, the pleasures of the countryside in living color, he so captured the true essence of nature that he opened the eyes of painters not only of his own day but (in this matter especially)... more
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      Flemish PaintingFlemish drawings16th and 17th century Dutch and Flemish ArtRoman Landscape
può essere riprodotta o trasmessa in qualsiasi forma o con qualsiasi mezzo elettronico, meccanico o altro senza l'autorizzazione scritta dei proprietari dei diritti e dell'editore.
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      Paul BrilCesare NebbiaSisto VGuerra, Giovanni
L’argomento dell’articolo consiste nello studio nato attorno al ritrovamento (nel 2007) di dieci quadri di provenienza Peretti Montalto rintracciati dall’autore nella Collezione Patrizi Montoro. L’identificazione delle opere è partita dal... more
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      Italian Baroque artHistory of CollectingPaul BrilAntonio Tempesta
N egli ultimi anni alcuni studiosi hanno, in diverse sedi, pubblicato articoli riguardanti la figura di Orazio Maffei (1580 -1609; )) e il suo Palazzo di Montecavallo 1 . In particolare, nel 1995 il giornalista dell'Ansa Umberto d'Arrò... more
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      Italian Baroque artLandscape paintingPaul BrilCarracci School
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      DesirePhilosophie EsthetiquePaul Briléternité
This thesis focuses on Paul Bril's contribution to the development of Classical Landscape in Rome's art circles in the 17th century, a pivotal period of European landscape painting during its evolution. At the same time, the study... more
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      16th and 17th century Dutch and Flemish ArtPaul BrilDutch Italianate painters
This article traces the Italian nature or inspiration of art pieces that have been preserved in the convents of Dominican contemplative Sisters of Madre de Dios de Baena and Jesús Crucificado de Córdoba. Unpublished documentation supports... more
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      Jan Brueghel the ElderPaul BrilDominican OrderBassano family painters
"Newly discovered artworks by Agostino Ciampelli and a Flemish collaboration". In my first essay/book I present a series of previously unpublished artworks by the Florentine artist Agostino Ciampelli. And a collaboration between him and... more
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      MethodologyPatronage (History)Italian Baroque artRenaissance Rome
Paul Bril e Jan Brueghel il Vecchio furono letteralmente ammaliati dal fascino dell'acropoli di Tivoli, lambita dal fiume Aniene che ai piedi dell'elegante tempio della Sibilla si getta nell'orrida valle sottostante, dando vita a un... more
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      16th Century Netherlandish Art17th Century Netherlandish ArtLandscape paintingsFlemish Painting
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtFlemish PaintingHistory of Collecting
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      Old Master drawingsFlemish PaintingFlemish drawings16th and 17th century Dutch and Flemish Art
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      RinascimentoPaul BrilOrsiniVedutismo
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      Old Master drawingsJan Brueghel the ElderPieter Bruegel the ElderPaul Bril
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      ArtOld Master drawingsDrawingsFlemish drawings
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      Old Master drawingsFlemish PaintingFlemish drawingsFlemish Baroque Art
La collana Pensieri ad Arte ospita volumi di Storia dell'Arte e dell'Architettura dedicati all'Italia e a Roma in particolare. Con un arco cronologico aperto dal medioevo alla contemporaneità, la collana offre un nuovo spazio a indagini... more
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      History of Plague17th-Century StudiesMicrohistoryLandscape painting
Presentation on the 'Light on Italy' gathering in Groningen, april 2013 Het getekende oeuvre van de romeinse schilder Gaspare Celio (1571-1640) werd tot op heden niet gepubliceerd, maar recent onderzoek naar deze geridderde kunstenaar en... more
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      Art HistoryPrints and DrawingsPaul BrilMatthijs Bril
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      Old Master drawingsDrawingsFlemish drawings16th and 17th century Dutch and Flemish Art
schede delle opere: Lodewyk Toeput detto Pozzoserrato (?), Veduta marina con roccia
Henri Bles, detto Civetta (attr.), Paesaggio con san Cristoforo
(Galleria Borghese), p. 318, n. 98 e  pp. 250-251, cat. 65.
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      Landscape HistoryPaul BrilGalleria BorgheseFlemish Landscape
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      Old Master drawingsFlemish drawingsFlemish Baroque ArtPaul Bril