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The success of maternally transmitted endosymbiotic bacteria, such as Wolbachia, is directly linked to their host reproduction but in direct conflict with other parasites that kill the host before it reaches reproductive maturity.... more
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      SymbiosisBiological SciencesWolbachiaParasitoids
Checklist de especies de parasitoides de la familia Braconidae registradas en el estado de Chihuahua, México.
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The influence of temperatures on the life parameters of the solitary oothecal parasitoid Evania appendigaster, was investigated in the laboratory. Parasitized oothecae of Periplaneta americana were left to develop under seven constant... more
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      ParasitologyEntomologyPest ManagementBiotechnology
Una plaga potencial por efectos del cambio climático La región andina de Colombia es considerada como uno de los ecosistemas más vulnerables al cambio climático. Un aumento proyectado en la temperatura media anual del aire para el... more
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      EntomologyColombiaImpacts Of Climatic Change On AgricultureIntegrated Pest Management
The world Sclerogibbidae are revised. The following four genera are recognized: Caenosclerogibba Yasumatsu, Sclerogibba Riggio & De Stefani-Perez, Probethylus Ashmead and the fossil new genus Pterosclerogibba. The world species belonging... more
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White mango scale (Aulacaspis tubercularis Newstead) pest is threatening mango production in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Being a new pest, there are no clear adaptable management practices ready for farmers to implement. This has caused... more
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      PesticidesParasitoidsMango productionAulacaspis tubercularis
Question: How is variation in offspring size (between broods) related to brood size? Hypotheses: Variance in offspring size (between broods) should decrease with increasing brood size as predicted by Charnov and colleagues’ (Charnov and... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyAnimal BehaviorLife historyBiology
The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is a harmful pest of many plants. In Egypt, the presence of S. frugiperda in maize fields was reported in 2019. The aim of this study was to record the... more
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      ParasitologyFish ParasitesParasitesLaporan
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      EntomologyAgricultural EntomologySystematic EntomologyHymenoptera
No abstract
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      IrrigationForecastingBotanical literaturePlant Secondary Metabolites
Parasites (ectoparasites or endoparasites) are a major cause of diseases in man, his live‐ stock and crops, leading to poor yield and great economic loss. To overcome some of the major limitations of chemical control methods such as... more
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      MicrobiologyParasitologyEntomologyVeterinary Medicine
Comperiella calauanica sp. n., an encyrtid endoparasitoid of coconut scale insect, Aspidiotus rigidus Reyne discovered in Calauan, Laguna, Philippines is described and illustrated. This highly invasive armoured scale insect is a... more
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      EntomologyBiologyAgricultural EntomologyBiodiversity
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The whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) is an enormously polyphagous insect pest showing the intercrop movement, high reproduction, resistances to insecticides, under-leaf habitat, and virus transmission. In the past decades, numerous... more
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      Biological ControlInteractionsParasitoidsHost Plants
Fall armyworm larvae, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith), were collected from sweet corn plants (Zea mays L.) in fields located in three south Florida counties. Fields were sampled from 2010 to 2015 during the fall and spring seasons.... more
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      Biological ControlParasitoidsSpodoptera Frugiperda
Parasites and other natural enemies of poneromorph ants - Several animal groups are able to circumvent the extensive defenses of ants and their colonies, invading and residing within the nests, and sometimes establishing parasitic... more
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The susceptibility of C. maculatus and D. basalis to Jatropha seed oil was evaluated under laboratory conditions. The adults of C. maculatus and D. basalis had the same susceptibility to Jatropha seed oil but the parasitoid was relatively... more
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      Jatropha curcasParasitoidsCallosobruchus maculatusSeed oil
The generic limits of Nesolinoceras Ashmead are redefined. The genus is characterized by the supraclypeal and supraantennal areas covered by distinct, uniformly spaced striae; antenna without white band; foretibia distinctly swollen,... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)HymenopteraNew SpeciesIchneumonidae
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      EntomologyUkrainian StudiesEcologySystematic Entomology
Biocontrol provide quickly feasible so as to attain a well-balanced microbial association with a greatest of useful organisms prior to pathogens are present. It has long contemplated a prospective alternate to pesticidal plan of action... more
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      Biological ControlParasitoidsPredatorsInsect pests
Abstract. 1Parasitoid wasps are species-rich and likely to be sensitive indicators of environmental change. Malaise traps are widely used for sampling certain taxa of parasitic Hymenoptera, but little is known about how they should best... more
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      Survey SamplingSurvey MethodologyInsect EcologySpecies Richness
__________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT Zeiri, A., Braham, M., and Braham, M. 2013. Parasitoids of the almond bark beetle Scolytus amygdali in Tunisia. Tunisian Journal of Plant Protection 8:... more
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Keywords Hypodinerus, Andes, Colombia, parasitic wasp, Cryptini The taxonomic limits of the Neotropical genus Dotocryptus Brèthes are reviewed. The genus is characterized mainly by the very long ovipositor, at least 2.2× as long as hind... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)AndesHymenopteraNew Species
The success of maternally transmitted endosymbiotic bacteria, such as Wolbachia, is directly linked to their host reproduction but in direct conflict with other parasites that kill the host before it reaches reproductive maturity.... more
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Parasitoid pembawa polydnavirus (PDV) adalah kelompok parasitoid dari famili Braconidae dan Ichneumonidae (ordo Hymenoptera) yang memiliki PDV sebagai simbion obligat dalam saluran reproduksi betinanya. PDV termasuk dalam grup... more
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      ParasitologyMedical parasitologyGiardiasisParasitoids
The phylogeny of the ichneumonid parasitoid wasp subfamily Ateleutinae is investigated based on molecular data from five genes. A total of 36 species are included in the ingroup. Maximum likelihood analyses recovered a strongly supported... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyBiogeographyHymenopteraMolecular phylogenetics
In the present study that was conducted between the period October 2006 -April 2007, fish species of whiting (Merlangius merlangus Nordmann, 1840), twaite shad (Alosa immaculata Bennett, 1835), turbot (Psetta maxima L., 1758) and picarel... more
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      ParasitologyFish ParasitesParasitesMedical parasitology
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)EntomologyEcologySystematic Entomology
Mesochorinae is a relatively small but widely distributed subfamily of Ichneumonidae, with most species occurring in the Neotropical Region. Currently, there are two classifications in use regarding mesochorine genera, causing numerous... more
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Classical biological control of insects has a long history of success, with high benefit-cost ratios. However, most attempts to introduce a biological control agent have been unsuccessful, largely because the agent does not establish in... more
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      Biological ControlSpecies DiversityParasitoids
A study was carried out to survey parasitoid species associated with the brown soft scale insect, Coccus hesperidum L. (Homoptera: Coccidae) on citrus trees at Lattikia, Syria for the two years 2010 and 2011. Four citrus orchards, at each... more
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      Survey MethodologySyriaCitrusParasitoids
The subfamily Cryptinae Kirby, 1837 is considered the largest group in the Ichneumonidae with more than 400 described genera including around 4500 species. The subfamily has a worldwide distribution and its members play a key role in the... more
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The spotted wing drosophila is an invading polyphagous species, which causes damage on small stone fruits. In Brazil, the species was detected in 2013. This study registers the occurrence of parasitoids Leptopilina boulardi (Barbotin,... more
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Diaeretiella rapae (McIntosh) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Aphidiinae) was described as Aphidius rapae by McIntosh in 1855. In 1960, Starý described a new genus Diaeretiella and put the species under it. A number of synonymy of D. rapae is... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)AphidsBiocontrolDiaeretiella rapae
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      EntomologySystematic EntomologyHymenopteraFicus Carica
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      EntomologyBiologyParasitoid BiologyHymenoptera
Maruca vitrata (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) commonly known as legume pod borer is known to infest many leguminous crops. In the recent rearing records of larval parasitoids from M. vitrata three species of wasps have been bred,... more
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      EntomologyBiological ControlIntegrated Pest ManagementParasitoids
The aims of this study were to identify the Hymenoptera fauna associated with watermelon crops and assess the influence of Pitfall, Moericke and McPhail traps in capturing these insects in the semiarid environment of the state of Rio... more
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      AgricultureBiological ControlIntegrated Pest ManagementHymenoptera
1Insect parasitoids comprise a large fraction of terrestrial biodiversity. Because of this diversity, species-level conservation of most parasitoid species is impractical and habitat conservation must substitute. However, habitat... more
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      Conservation BiologyForest Ecology And ManagementForest EcologyInsect Ecology
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      EntomologyEcologyAgricultural EntomologyParasitoid Biology
Phyllocnistis citrella (Stainton) and its presence rate in compared to other parasitoids in the Syrian coastal area Essra Ahmad ) 1 ( ; Loay Aslan ) 2 ( and Nabil Abo Kaf (3)
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      SyriaParasitoidsCitrus Leaf Miner
Six species of pteromalid wasps associated with plant galls, Rosa beggeriana Schrenk, Ephedra major Host and Salix pycnostachya Andersson were collected from Kerman province, during 2010-2011. The identified wasps belong to four genera:... more
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      ParasitoidsPlant Galls
In this study, Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera) specimens have been evaluated. The specimens have been collected among 2007-2009 during the research named determination of pollinator bee biodiversity of cherry orchards in Sultandağı reservoir... more
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      Systematic EntomologyParasitoids
The aim of this work was to assess the diversity of Hymenoptera in an orange orchard / Brazilian Savannah fragment interface in Descalvado, State of São Paulo, Brazil, using Moericke, Malaise and pitfall traps. The sampling was carried... more
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      Agricultural EntomologyBiodiversityHymenopteraBiodiversity Conservation
We report the first record of Megaselia scalaris (Loew) infesting laboratory stocks of the praying mantis (Parastagmatoptera tessellata, Saussure). M. scalaris, the scuttle fly, is a cosmopolitan species with a broad niche as it performs... more
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      ParasitologyParasite EcologyMegaselia scalaris (Scuttle Fly)Emerging Parasites
Studies were carried out in the Arab Republic of Egypt to study certain aphid species infestation, their associated parasitoids on Cabbage, Cauliflower, faba bean, oleander plant (Dafla), cucumber, corn and cowpea plants. Survey and... more
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