Parallel Coordinate Plots
Most downloaded papers in Parallel Coordinate Plots
Data visualization is very useful method of data processing and data mining. This paper deals with an approach of visualization multivariate large data sets using parallel coordinates. In the following text there is detailed description... more
Mathematical abstraction is an important process in teaching and learning mathematics so pre-service mathematics teachers need to understand and experience this process. One of the theoretical-methodological frameworks for studying this... more
Parallel Coordinates are a widely used visualization method for multivariate data analysis tasks. In this paper we discuss the techniques that aim to enhance the representation of categorical data in Parallel Coordinates. We propose... more
Dans cet article, nous discutons les techniques disponibles pour la représentation de données catégorielles au sein des Coordonnées Parallèles, une méthode de visualisation largement répandue dans les tâches d’analyse de données... more