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Hymenophyllaceae constituye uno de los linajes más tempranamente divergente dentro de los helechos, habitan lugares hiperhúmedos y su aparición se ha datado en el cretácico temprano, previa a la ruptura de Gondwana; estas características... more
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The five basic historical biogeographic methods are: dispersalism, phylogenetic biogeography, panbiogeography, cladistic biogeography, and parsimony analysis of endemicity. Dispersalism derives from the traditional concepts of center of... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyZoologyComparative BiologyEvolution
Evaluation of PAE and endemicity analysis for identifying generalized tracks using snakes in Hidalgo, Mexico. One of the most important concepts in Panbiogeography is the generalized track, which represents an ancestral biota fragmented... more
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      PanbiogeographyMexicoMéxicoBiotic Components
Resumen Galianthe (Rubiaceae: Spermacoceae) es un género con los subgéneros Galianthe y Ebelia, éste último comprende 11 especies neotropicales, con centro de diversidad se encuentra en Brasil. El análisis panbiogeográfíco enfatiza la... more
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El Presente trabajo se basó en el análisis paleontológico y tafonómico de 415 ejemplares fósiles de flora y en la interpretación de las secuencias sedimentarias donde fueron colectados, que corresponden a la Localidad Río Ñumí de la... more
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      PanbiogeographyPaleobotany; Paleontology; PaleoecologyEvolutionary Biogeography
Uno de los estímulos en el progreso de la biogeografía ha sido el desarrollo y aplicación de nuevas tecnologías computacionales como los sistemas de información geográfi ca (SIG) y una variedad de métodos estadísticos espaciales. Dentro... more
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      BiogeographyPanbiogeographyGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
The Santa María Amajac paleolake is located in the central portion of Hidalgo, Mexico. Twenty-seven fossil taxa of aquatic and terrestrial plants, gastropods, ostracods, amphibians, and mammals identified previously in the area of the... more
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      PanbiogeographyFossilsTrack analysisNode
The five basic historical biogeographic methods are: dispersalism, phylogenetic biogeography, panbiogeography, cladistic biogeography, and parsimony analysis of endemicity. Dispersalism derives from the traditional concepts of center of... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyZoologyEconomicsComparative Biology
The five basic historical biogeographic methods are: dispersalism, phylogenetic biogeography, panbiogeography, cladistic biogeography, and parsimony analysis of endemicity. Dispersalism derives from the traditional concepts of center of... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyZoologyEconomicsComparative Biology
Over the last decades, Neotropical region has been subdivided into smaller units (areas of endemism), yet these subdivisions were not necessarily based on an evolutionary perspective. Consequently, these areas of endemism may be... more
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      BiogeographyHistorical BiogeographyPanbiogeographyDiptera
The geographic distribution of 27 species of the South American megafauna of herbivore mammals during the Late Pleistocene was analyzed in order to identify their distributional patterns. The distribution of the species was studied using... more
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Track analysis is the core of panbiogeographic analysis. In this work, we reflect on the formalization of track analysis, its methodological issues, and interpretations by using new software developments and from a contemporary... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyEvolutionary algorithmsEvolutionBiogeography
We analysed distributional data of 30 species of Oribatid mites of the Subantarctic subregion of southern South America in order to contribute to elucidate their biotic evolution. We constructed individual tracks for the species analysed,... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyZoologyBiogeographyPanbiogeography
ABSTRACT Silphidae in Mexico, as in other countries, are a broadly studied family of Coleoptera. However, their geographical distribution in this country has been poorly analyzed. The aim of this study was to perform a track analysis of... more
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      BiogeographyPanbiogeographyNeotropicsEvolutionary Biogeography
The Santa María Amajac paleolake is located in the central portion of Hidalgo, Mexico. Twenty-seven fossil taxa of aquatic and terrestrial plants, gastropods, ostracods, amphibians, and mammals identified previously in the area of the... more
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      PaleontologyBiogeographyHistorical BiogeographyPanbiogeography