Recent papers in Palindromes
We define a new relation on words by a finite series of insertions and/or deletions of palindromic subwords. In particular we concentrate on insertion or deletion of Watson–Crick palindromes. We show that the new relation ∼θ is, in fact,... more
Set against the back drop of the Belgian Congo made famous by Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, Barbara Kingsolver‟s The Poisonwood Bible depicts the trial and tribulation of a missionary's family and the inner lives of its five... more
In this paper we consider several types of equations on words, motivated by the attempt of characterizing the class of polyominoes that tile the plane by translation in two distinct ways. Words coding the boundary of these polyominoes... more
A transcription of Machaut's Rondeau 14, "Ma fin est ma commencement" ("my end is my beginning"). The score is rendered to be read both forwards and backwards as necessitated by the music. For an animated video of the score with a... more
Archeoastronomia: un'interpretazione astronomica del quadrato magico del Sator proposta alla luce dello splendido e recentissimo rinvenimento di Aosta. Nella chiesa dedicata a Sant'Orso, ad Aosta, è infatti venuto alla luce un grande... more
В статье рассматривается ряд формальных литературных приемов, основанных на математических закономерностях. Эти приемы предложили и (или) практиковали участники французской группы "УЛИПО", основанной Раймоном Кено и Франсуа Ле Лионне. В... more
Palindromy Pana Johna. Notatki na marginesie lektury. "Do źródeł" z. 6/11, 2014.
Un "nuova" testimonianza del Palindromo del Sator, rinvenuta nella chiesa parrocchiale di Paluzza, piccolo e suggestivo paese in provincia di Udine.
The discovery of the pilot wave that creates a simple algorithm that allows access to the Quantum Gravitational Memories. In the Memories are found nearly infinite amounts of data and information presented by the waves in the form of... more
El presente estudio consiste en un análisis en torno a los palíndromos utilizados por el compositor Anton Webern, localizados específicamente en su Sinfonía Opus 21 (Segundo movimiento). Este trabajo recorre y reúne algunos análisis... more
Se conoce a Juan Filloy como el escritor de tres siglos y el autor de miles de palíndromos que, según él, le confieren el récord mundial (Ambort 59). Escribió aproximadamente cincuenta novelas, la mitad de las cuales permanece inédita... more
Some music, more than others, prompts heightened awareness of the passage of time—certainly some passages from Beethoven’s late sonatas and quartets, or, in Feldman’s Rothko Chapel, the chord conspicuously sustained by the chorus whose... more
Zu den Arbeiten Brigitta Falkners
Nel corso dei secoli l'uomo ha creato complesse costruzioni enigmistiche realizzate con numeri o lettere; una delle più famose è il "Quadrato Magico" o "Palindromo del Sator", presente in molte località italiane.
The paper analyzes the phenomenon of wolf in apocryphal prayers, whether those be the prayers referring to the direct action taken against the rabid wolf, or the ones in which wolf appears only as a segment, but which are aimed at the... more
In 1979 and 1980, Word Ways: The Journal of Recreational Linguistics printed a series of articles on the early history, religious symbolism, and cultural significance of the rotas square, an ancient Latin-language palindromic word... more
The Y-chromosome is a powerful tool for population geneticists to study human evolutionary history. Haploid and largely non-recombining, it should contain a simple record of past mutational events. However, this apparent simplicity is... more
A lossless compression algorithm, for genetic sequences, based on searching individual exact Repeats, Reverse, Complement & Palindrome is reported. The compression results obtained in the algorithm show that the exact R2CP are one of the... more
A proposito di "Tenet" di Christopher Nolan
During Jacques Derrida’s earlier phases, his stylistique acts-out (in the sense of "performs") the same project evident in his semantic. Derridean stylistic practice and thematics both undertake the project of deconstructing entitative... more
Trapezoidal words are words having at most n+1 distinct factors of length n for every n ≥ 0. They therefore encompass finite Sturmian words. We give combinatorial characterizations of trapezoidal words and exhibit a formula for their... more
Single-and multi-base (loop) mismatches can arise in DNA by replication errors, during recombination, and by chemical modification of DNA. Single-base and loop mismatches of several nucleotides are efficiently repaired in mammalian cells... more
A four-page article about palindromic poetry that traces a feminine genealogy, considering Su Hui's multi-directional, fourth-century, Star Gauge; Sinologist and Oulipo member Michèle Métail's study, Wild Geese Returning: Chinese... more
Visual Poetry: Tacit Ore strives to make bijoux (a reversible necklace) of seven letters, palindromically arrayed on the collarbones. Each dangling line is also a palindrome that in one way or another describes the glyph from which it... more
In this paper we solve some open problems related to (pseudo)palindrome closure operators and to the infinite words generated by their iteration, that is, standard episturmian and pseudostandard words. We show that if ϑ is an involutory... more
We give an O(n log n)-time, O(n)-space algorithm for factoring a string into the minimum number of palindromic substrings. That is, given a string S[1..n], in O(n log n) time our algorithm returns the minimum number of palindromes S 1 ,.... more
In this paper we solve some open problems related to (pseudo)palindrome closure operators and to the infinite words generated by their iteration, that is, standard episturmian and pseudostandard words. We show that if ϑ is an involutory... more
We prove some new results concerning the structure, the combinatorics and the arithmetics of the set PER of all the words w having two periods p and q, p <q, which are coprimes and such that ]w] = pfq-2.
We investigate the least number of palindromic factors in an infinite word. We first consider general alphabets, and give answers to this problem for periodic and non-periodic words, closed or not under reversal of factors. We then... more
The artistic and literary practices in Internet have achieved, in addition to consolidating a fragmented aesthetic, the ambitious avant-garde project of dematerialization of the work of art. New electronic creations reflect a different... more
This paper discusses four newly discovered technopaegnia in Musaeus’s Hero and Leander. The author argues that they are interconnected and constitute a complex literary game that spreads almost over the whole poem. The characteristic... more
The Y-chromosome is a powerful tool for population geneticists to study human evolutionary history. Haploid and largely non-recombining, it should contain a simple record of past mutational events. However, this apparent simplicity is... more
In this paper we solve some open problems related to (pseudo)palindrome closure operators and to the infinite words generated by their iteration, that is, standard episturmian and pseudostandard words. We show that if ϑ is an involutory... more