Papers by Erdem Bekaroglu
GeoJournal, 2024
Blue Anatolianism, first conceptualized by the Turkish intellectual Cevat Şakir Kabaağaçlı, asser... more Blue Anatolianism, first conceptualized by the Turkish intellectual Cevat Şakir Kabaağaçlı, asserts that, unlike the geographical imaginations of Ottomanism, Islamism, and Turkism, which were promoted as social identity projects during the Late Ottoman and Early Republican periods in today’s Türkiye, the various civilizations that have inhabited Anatolia have historically intertwined and synthesized on the peninsula, ultimately creating a distinct Anatolian identity. Blue Anatolianism, a new geographical imagination that focuses on cultural continuity rather than differences such as religion, language, or race, took root in Kabaağaçlı’s life during his period of exile in Bodrum (Halicarnassus) and gained recognition through the blue voyages he initiated immediately after World War II. Thanks to the semi-regular sea voyages made by a group of intellectuals along the Aegean and Mediterranean coasts of Turkey in the post-war period, Blue Anatolianism quickly gained both a core group and prominent supporters within the intellectual community. However, the political polarization in Türkiye during the Cold War, based on the left–right divide in the 1960s and 1970s and the nationalist-conservative ideology promoted as an antidote to socialism after the 1980 military coup, prevented Blue Anatolianism from reaching a wider audience and confined it to an intellectual circle. Nevertheless, revisiting Blue Anatolianism today as a geographical imagination holds the promise of overcoming the increasingly growing identity conflicts and social polarization in the country.
Social and Cultural Geography, 2024
This paper examines the critical shift in geographical knowledge
production under the increasingl... more This paper examines the critical shift in geographical knowledge
production under the increasingly authoritarian political regime in
Turkey, particularly in the aftermath of the unsuccessful 2016 coup
attempt. In this context, semi-structured interviews were conducted
with sixteen young geographers who experienced the authoritarian
shift in the political regime during their graduate studies. The narratives
of the interviewees indicate that the young geographers have
undergone a critical transformation with two significant aspects:
firstly, they reject the traditional style of geographical knowledge
production and instead embrace approaches integrated with social
theory, drawing from the extensive portfolio of contemporary geography.
Secondly, they approach socio-spatial phenomena in
a libertarian and critical manner, distinct from the lenses of the
authoritarian system. However, due to their legitimate concerns,
they often refrain from presenting such research on academic platforms.
In this regard, under an authoritarian regime, the critical
transformation consists of two dimensions: the arena where geographical
products are shared, and the underground, where geographical
‘black boxes’ are held and kept hidden from public view.
Geographical Review, 2024
This paper provides an analysis of the historical trajectory of Turkish geographical practice ove... more This paper provides an analysis of the historical trajectory of Turkish geographical practice over the past four decades, situated within the broader socio-political landscape of the country. The transmission of the modern geographical tradition from continental Europe to Turkey during the interwar period established the discipline as a holistic science of the human-environment relationship. Although this understanding started to change after the 1968 events, the 1980 Turkish military coup abruptly disrupted innovative endeavors in the discipline, prompting a resurgence of regionally focused synthesis within geography. This insular approach prevailed for several decades but began to evolve in response to the internationalization trends that emerged in the 2000s, with deliberate steps taken toward fostering innovation. Despite institutional damage resulting from the political developments following the 2016 military coup attempt, the discipline maintained its commitment to innovation. This paper critically examines the divergent responses of Turkish geography and its practitioners to the 1980 military coup and the 2016 coup attempt, highlighting the significant influence of globalization.
Oxford Bibliographies, 2023
DTCF Dergisi, 2022
İnsanın Yer sisteminin işleyişini değiştiren bir jeolojik kuvvet olduğunu ve yeryüzündeki etkinli... more İnsanın Yer sisteminin işleyişini değiştiren bir jeolojik kuvvet olduğunu ve yeryüzündeki etkinliği sayesinde artık yeni bir çağa geçildiğini savlayan Antroposen düşüncesi, özellikle yeni binyılın başından itibaren bir dizi tartışmaya konu olmaktadır. Söz konusu tartışmaların birden fazla boyutu olmakta birlikte, Antroposen olarak adlandırılacak yeni bir devrenin başlangıç zamanına yönelik olarak getirilen önerilerin birbirinden farklı içerimlere sahip olması, Antroposen’le ilgili tartışmalara politik bir bağlam da kazandırmaktadır. Bu doğrultuda bu çalışmada, Antroposen’in ne zaman başladığına ilişkin öne sürülmüş temel görüşler tanımlanmış ve her bir düşüncenin ne türlü politik imalara sahip olduğu irdelenmiştir. Antroposen’in başlangıcına yönelik öne sürülen hipotezler, esasında, Homo sapiens’in geçmişte deneyimlediği dört büyük geçiş dönemini milat olarak almaktadır. Bunlardan birincisi “tarım devrimi”, ikincisi 15. yüzyıldan itibaren Yeni Dünya ile Eski Dünya’nın karşılaşmasını ifade eden “küreselleşme 1.0”, üçüncüsü “sanayi devrimi” ve dördüncüsü ise İkinci Dünya Savaşı’ndan sonra küresel örgütlenme, büyüme ve verimlilikteki olağanüstü dönüşümleri imleyen “büyük hızlanma”dır. Bunlardan tarım devrimi ile sanayi devrimi enerji kullanımındaki, küreselleşme 1.0 ile büyük hızlanma ise örgütlenmedeki büyük değişimi yansıtmaktadır. Bunlardan birincisinde (Erken Antroposen hipotezi), Antroposen dünyasını ortaya çıkaran gelişme, uygarlığa geçişin -belki istenmeyen ama- doğal bir sonucudur ve küresel değişimin sorumluluğu insana aittir. İkincisinde (Orbis hipotezi ve sanayi devrimi hipotezi), bir buzularası dönemin sahip olduğu doğal sinyaller kolonyalizmle ya da sanayi devrimiyle aşılmıştır. Bu bakımdan tümüyle farklı bir çalışma moduna sıçramış olan bir dünyanın yaratılmasının sorumluluğu (beyaz, eril, Hristiyan olan) Batı Avrupalılara aittir. Üçüncüsünde ise (büyük hızlanma hipotezi), her ne kadar Antroposen dünyasını yapılandıran gelişmeler sanayi devriminden itibaren yaşanmaya başlamış olsa da, Yer sistemindeki fiziksel-kimyasal-biyolojik mekanizmalarda gözlenen olağanüstü değişimler İkinci Dünya Savaşı’ndan sonra gerçekleşmiştir ve bu doğrultuda, Antroposen’in etik ve politik sorumluluğunu gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkeler paylaşmak durumundadır.
The Anthropocene idea, which asserts that man is a geological force that changes the functioning of the Earth's system and that a new era has now been passed thanks to human activity on earth, is the subject of a number of discussions, especially since the beginning of the new millennium. Although the debates in question have multiple dimensions, the fact that the proposals for the beginning of a new period, which will be called the Anthropocene, have different implications, also adds a political context to the discussions about the Anthropocene. In this direction, the main ideas that were put forward about when the Anthropocene began were defined and the political implications of each thought were examined. The hypotheses put forward for the beginning of the Anthropocene, in fact, take the four major transition periods that Homo sapiens experienced in the past. The first of these is the "agricultural revolution", the second is "globalization 1.0", which expresses the encounter of the New World and the Old World since the 15th century, the third is the "industrial revolution" and the fourth is the extraordinary transformations in global organization, growth and productivity after the Second World War, that is "big acceleration". Of these, the agricultural revolution and the industrial revolution reflect the great change in energy use, and the great acceleration with globalization 1.0 reflects the great change in organization. In the first of these (Early Anthropocene hypothesis), the development that gave rise to the Anthropocene world is a -perhaps undesirable- natural consequence of the transition to civilization and the responsibility for global change belongs to humans. In the second (the Orbis hypothesis and the industrial revolution hypothesis), the natural signals of an interglacial period were overcome by colonialism or the industrial revolution. In this respect, the responsibility for the creation of a world that has leapt into an entirely different mode of operation rests with Western (white, masculine, Christian) Europeans. In the third (great acceleration hypothesis), although the developments that shaped the Anthropocene world began to be experienced since the industrial revolution, the extraordinary changes observed in the physical-chemical-biological mechanisms in the Earth system took place after the Second World War, and accordingly, developed and developing countries have to share their political and ethical responsibility.
Ege Coğrafya Dergisi, 2022
Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, Türkiye’deki akademik coğrafya dergilerinin ne ölçüde ulusal bir profi... more Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, Türkiye’deki akademik coğrafya dergilerinin ne ölçüde ulusal bir profile sahip olduğunu keşfetmektir. Bu bağlamda, günümüzde yayın hayatına devam etmekte olan altı coğrafya dergisi örneklenmiş, makale yazarlarının çalışma yeri esas alınarak bir veri havuzu oluşturulmuş ve analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular toplu olarak değerlendirildiğinde, coğrafya dergilerinin 2007 yılına kadar daha çok yerel bir karakterde olduğu, sonraki yaklaşık on yılda bir geçiş dönemi yaşadığı ve 2018 yılı itibariyle ulusal bir özellik sergilemeye başladığı ortaya çıkmaktadır. Coğrafya dergilerinde disiplin dışı alanlar (% 9.2) ile (Türkiye dışında çalışan) yabancı bilimcilerin (% 0.7) temsiliyet oranı göreceli olarak oldukça düşüktür. Dergiler özelinde ele alındığında, biri hariç tümü üniversitelerdeki akademik coğrafya birimleri tarafından basılan coğrafya dergilerinin hem kurum dışı skorlar hem de mekânsal yayılım bakımından büyük farklılıklar sergilediği görülmektedir. Bu bakımdan International Journal of Geography and Geography Education ile Doğu Coğrafya Dergisi’nin yüksek, Coğrafi Bilimler Dergisi ve Coğrafya Dergisi’nin düşük ulusal endeks değerlerine sahip olduğu, Ege Coğrafya Dergisi ile Türk Coğrafya Dergisi’nin ise bu iki uç arasında konumlandığı tespit edilmektedir. Çalışmada, Türkiye’deki coğrafya dergilerinin yerelden ulusala doğru olan bir geçiş sürecini deneyimlediği ve bu tip bir örüntünün ortaya çıkmasında rol oynayan en önde gelen faktörün, coğrafya camiasının niceliksel olarak artan ve mekânsal olarak genişleyen kompozisyonu olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.
The main purpose of this study is to discover to what extent academic journals of geography in Turkey have a national profile. In this context, six geography journals that continue to be published today were sampled, a data pool was created and analyzed based on the working place of the article authors. It is revealed that geography journals had a local character until 2007, experienced a transitional period in the next eleven years, and started to show a national character as of 2018. The representation rate of non-disciplinary fields (9.2 %) and foreign scientists (0.7 %) in geography journals is relatively low. Considering the journals in particular, geography journals show great differences in terms of both non-institutional scores and spatial distribution of working places of the article authors. In this respect, it has been shown that the International Journal of Geography and Geography Education and The Eastern Geographical Review have high national index values whereas the Journal of Geographical Sciences and Journal of Geography have low national index values. The Aegean Geographical Journal and the Turkish Geographical Review are located between these two extremes. In the study, it was concluded that geography journals in Turkey are experiencing a transitional process from local to national, and the most prominent factor that plays a role in the emergence of such a pattern is the quantitative growth of the geographical community and the spatial expansion of geographical units in the country.
Area, 2023
One of the ongoing debates in geography in the last quarter-century has been on the Anglo-America... more One of the ongoing debates in geography in the last quarter-century has been on the Anglo-American hegemony in the discipline. In the present study, the historicity of geographical practice in Turkey as a periphery country is focused on, and it is aimed to determine how hegemonic relations in geography are felt by the geographical agenda of a typical periphery country. For this purpose, a database was created based on citations to non-Turkish geographers (with regard to their workplaces) in the articles published in all academic geography journals in Turkey between the years 1943 and 2018. Analysis shows that multiple hegemonies are present in Turkish geography. While French and German geographical practices dominated the ‘long twentieth century’ of the discipline in Turkey as standard-setting and emulated practices, the twenty-first century has been dominated by Anglo-American hegemony, which serves as the governor of capitalist relations and unguided internationalisation in the academy. This pattern, which also reflects a sharp intellectual transformation in Turkish geography, provides a striking example of how localisation (Anglo- americanisation) can occur in line with internationalisation goals.
Political Geography, 2021
This paper examines the relation between abrupt, often violent political change producing dictato... more This paper examines the relation between abrupt, often violent political change producing dictatorships and the effect on universities, including the organization and content of academic disciplines. Those disciplines, we contend, can be radically altered, reshaped to conform to the state's new political imperatives. Our case study is the effect of the 1980 military coup d'état in Turkey on that country's tradition of academic geography. The coup was to quell Turkey's social unrest and political-economic instability of much of the 1970s. During the 1980-83 military junta that followed, political dissent was squashed, civil liberties removed, a Nationalistic-Islamic discourse (the Turkish-Islamic Synthesis) enacted, and higher-education centralized and brought under strict state control. The response of Turkish geographers was to turn inward, to practice an earlier regional descriptive tradition underlain by environmental determinism, which, seemingly neutral, bolstered the coup's political nationalism, diverting critical analysis. As a result, Turkish geography became ever-more intellectually distant from Anglo-American geography that during the 1970s increasingly repudiated its own earlier regionalism. Rather than moving forward, in order to survive Turkish geography returned to its past. It pursued a strategy of La Jetée after the 1962 French new wave film of the same name. It summoned the past in order to come to the aid of the present.
ÖZNE, 2020
Bu çalışmada, Yer’in geçmişini inşa etme çabalarından biri olarak küresel deniz seviyesi eğrisini... more Bu çalışmada, Yer’in geçmişini inşa etme çabalarından biri olarak küresel deniz seviyesi eğrisinin çizilmesine odaklanılmakta; iklimsel değişimlerin bir dolaylı kaydı olan ve tropikal bölgelerdeki mercan resiflerinin U/Th tarihleme analizleriyle belirlenen deniz düzeyi oynamalarının rasyonalist ve anti-rasyonalist modelleri irdelenmektedir. Muhtelif çekirdek grupların laboratuvar mikro-mekanlarında bir dizi aktantla gerçekleştirdiği işbirliği sonucu çizilen deniz seviyesi eğrisinin, inşa edilen bir temsil olarak yorumu ve kullanımı ihtiyatlılık gerektiren imajlarının, bilginin dolaşımı sırasında dışsallık etkisi sayesinde nesnellik ve kesinlik kazanması sorunsallaştırılmakta; bu doğrultuda, bilimin yapılma biçiminden çok onun algılanma biçimindeki değişimin önemi vurgulanmaktadır.
Posseible, 2020
Bu çalışmanın temel tezi, birbirinden farklı seviyelerdeki uygarlıklar arasındaki sosyal mücadele... more Bu çalışmanın temel tezi, birbirinden farklı seviyelerdeki uygarlıklar arasındaki sosyal mücadelelerin aslında mekânsal bir boyuta da sahip olduğudur. Bu boyut, sosyal mücadelelerin yalnızca lokasyonel bir özellik göstermesini değil ama aynı zamanda-ve hatta daha çok-çatışan grupların mekâna ilişkin algılarındaki derin farklılığı ifade etmektedir. Bu doğrultuda, sosyal mücadelelerin aslında mekânsal bir çatışma olarak da okunabileceğini, hatta mekânsal kavrayışa ilişkin derin farklılıkların sosyal çatışmalara yol açabileceği tezini temellendirmek üzere, yazıda, kurgusal bir deney olarak Pandora uydusundaki, tarihsel bir deney olaraksa Amerikalardaki karşılaşmalar ve bu olaylar sonucundaki mücadele kuramsal bir perspektifte yorumlanmaktadır.
The main thesis of this study is that social struggles between civilizations at different levels actually have a spatial dimention. This dimention expresses not only those social struggles having locational properties but also-even more frequently-huge differences in the perceptions of the conflicting groups about space. Accordingly, in order to justify the thesis that social struggles can actually be read as a spatial conflict, and even huge differences related to spatial perception may lead to social conflicts, the encounters and resultant conflicts in Pandora as a fictional experiment and in Americas as a historical experiment are theoretically interpreted.
DTCF Dergisi, 2020
Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, öncelikle coğrafya disiplininin tarihi ve felsefesinin makroepistemolo... more Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, öncelikle coğrafya disiplininin tarihi ve felsefesinin makroepistemolojik tartışmaların görünür örneği konumunda olduğu hipotezini pekiştirmektir. Bunun için destekleyici göstergeler tespit edilmiş ve sınanabilir bir hipotez içerisinde çerçevelenmiştir. Bu hipotezde, coğrafyanın tarihinin ve felsefesinin epistemolojik tartışmalara yeni bir açılım sağlama olanağı taşıdığı da savunulmaktadır. Coğrafyada bu bağlamda bir kavram-yorulması olmadığından bu disiplin yeni yaklaşımların tartışılması için diğerlerinden daha uygundur. Çok-paradigmalılık tespiti, tamamlanmış olan doktora tezleri üzerinden üç bilme stili açığa çıkarmıştır. Disiplin içerisindeki çeşitlenmenin mevcudiyetinin tespiti, çeşitlenmenin nasıl kavramsallaştırılacağına ve hangi metaepistemolojik- teorinin seçileceğine dair meta-teorik problemi açığa çıkarmıştır. Bu çalışmada seçilen çerçeve, Kuhncu paradigmatik modellemedir. Kuhn'un modelinin, coğrafi bilme biçimlerini kodlayan bilgi kuramsal temeli kavrayabilen model olduğu ve yine coğrafi bilme biçimleri merkezli olarak disipliner-epistemik toplulukların neden ve nasıl oluştuklarını açıklayabilme işlevini büyük oranda yerine getirdiği görülmüştür.
Posseible, 2019
This study, which focuses on the styles of scientific thinking in the geographical praxis, claims... more This study, which focuses on the styles of scientific thinking in the geographical praxis, claims that geography has been characterized historically by three different styles of scientific thinking. The styles that are created by revisiting geographical thinking in the light of the modern world-system analysis are called holistic one-cultural, systematic-empirical, and systematic-two cultural, respectively and provide the framework in which the Crombiean scientific thinking styles (Crombie, 1994) can be embedded and understood. It was concluded in this attempt at constructing geographical styles with an abductive reasoning that the Crombiean modernist macro-scale framework could only be meaningful and enhanced by a discipline-specific reconstruction of the styles exhibited by singular sciences historically.
Coğrafi pratiğin tarihsel olarak sergilediği bilimsel düşünce stillerine odaklanan bu çalışma, coğrafyanın tarihsel olarak üç farklı bilimsel düşünce stiliyle karakterize olduğunu öne sürmektedir. Coğrafi düşünün modern dünya-sistemi analizi ışığında yeniden okunması neticesinde oluşturulan stiller sırasıyla holistik-tek kültürcü, sistematik-empirik, sistematik-iki kültürcü olarak adlandırılmakta ve Crombieci bilimsel düşünce stillerinin (Crombie, 1994) içerisine yerleştirilip anlam bulabileceği çerçeveyi sağlamaktadır. Coğrafi stillerin abdaktif bir uslamlamayla inşa edildiği bu girişimde, Crombieci modernist makrocu çerçevenin, ancak tekil bilimlerin tarihsel olarak sergiledikleri stillerin disipliner-spesifik bir rekonstrüksiyonuyla anlam bulabileceği ve geliştirilebileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.
Türk coğrafyacılığının disipliner ilişkilerini analiz etme girişiminde bulunan bu çalışmanın teme... more Türk coğrafyacılığının disipliner ilişkilerini analiz etme girişiminde bulunan bu çalışmanın temel amacı, Türk coğrafyacılığının 1943-2015 yılları arasında bilgi transferinde bulunduğu alanları tespit etmek ve bu bağlamda Türk coğrafyacılığının yaşadığı kültürel dönüşümün tarihselliğini ortaya koymaktır. Akademik Türk coğrafya dergilerinde yayınlanmış makalelerin atıf analizi yöntemiyle incelendiği bu çalışmadan elde edilen bulgular, Türk coğrafyacılığında 1990'lara kadar verilen atıflarda bir jeoloji üstünlüğünün söz konusu olduğunu, bu tarihten itibaren jeolojinin etkisinin azalmaya başladığını ve 2000'li yıllar ile birlikte sosyal/beşeri bilim disiplinlerinin öne çıkmaya başladığını göstermektedir. Bu değişim, aynı zamanda, disiplinin 2000'li yıllara kadar sürdürdüğü tek kültürcü pratiğin iki kültürcü bir pratiğe evrilmeye başlaması süreciyle de bir koşutluk içerisindedir.
Anahtar kelimeler: Türk coğrafyacılığı, modern dünya-sistemi, disipliner ilişki, iki kültür, atıf analizi.
Bu çalışmada, ilk defa Amerikan coğrafyacı William Pattison tarafından 1964 yılında kavramsal çer... more Bu çalışmada, ilk defa Amerikan coğrafyacı William Pattison tarafından 1964 yılında kavramsal çerçevesi çizilen coğrafyanın dört geleneği, Türk coğrafyacılığının tarihsel gelişiminin daha iyi bir anlayışının elde edilmesi amacıyla disiplin özelinde incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla, Türk coğrafyacıları tarafından 1943-2016 yılları arasında üretilen doktora tezleri ait oldukları coğrafi geleneğe göre sınıflandırılarak analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmanın bulguları, tüm periyot dikkate alındığında, en baskın pratiğin bölgesel geleneğe ait olduğunu; bunu yerbilimi geleneği ile mekansal geleneğin izlediğini ortaya koymaktadır. Türk coğrafyacılığında tarihsel olarak en zayıf pratik ise insan-çevre geleneğine aittir. Dört geleneğin Türk coğrafyacılığındaki örüntüsü, 1943-1989 yılları arasında yerbilimi geleneğinin; 1990-2016 yılları arasında ise bölgesel geleneğin baskınlığıyla karakterize olmaktadır. Coğrafi geleneklerin Türk coğrafyacılığı özelindeki bu kompozisyonu, 1990 öncesi dönemdeki yerbilimi geleneğinin ve merkez üniversitelerin egemenliğinin, 1990 sonrasında bölgesel gelenek ve çevre üniversitelerin egemenliğiyle yer değiştirdiğini; bu bakımdan, Türk coğrafyacılığının güncel kompozisyonunun geleneksel coğrafya pratikleri ile çağdaş coğrafya pratiklerinin birlikte, yan yana yaşadığı bir örüntüyle karakterize olduğunu göstermektedir.
In this study, the four traditions of geography whose conceptual framework was for the first time drawn by William Pattison in 1964, empirically analyzed in the context of modern Turkish geography to have a better understanding of development of the discipline in Turkey. For this purpose, Ph.D. thesis written by geographers from 1943 to 2016 have been classified and then analyzed according to the traditions they belong to. Results show that the area studies (regional) tradition constitutes the most dominant form of disciplinary practice, followed by the earth-science and the spatial traditions. The man-land tradition is characterized by the weakest practice in Turkish geography historically. However, such a pattern shows periodical changes. While in the first period between 1943-1989 the earth-science tradition was the leading one, in the second period between 1990-2016 the area studies (regional) tradition became the dominant form of scientific practice in the discipline. This pattern reveals that the dominance of the earth-science tradition and the leading universities in the pre-1990 period of Turkish geography were replaced by the dominance of the regional tradition and peripheral universities after 1990s. In this respect, the study concludes that the contemporary composition of Turkish geography is characterized by a pattern in which traditional geographical practices and contemporary geographical practices have a sort of symbiosis.
Bu değerlendirmede, özellikle İkinci Dünya Savaşı'ndan bu yana Anglo-Amerikan dünyadaki değişen b... more Bu değerlendirmede, özellikle İkinci Dünya Savaşı'ndan bu yana Anglo-Amerikan dünyadaki değişen beşeri coğrafya pratiğine odaklanılmaktadır. Anglo-Amerikan beşeri coğrafyasındaki söz konusu altmış yıllık dönem disiplinin önceki yapısıyla karşılaştırıldığında hemen hemen tanınmayacak bir durumdadır. Bu süreçte öne çıkan ilk büyük değişim " kantitatif devrim " olarak bilinmektedir ve üç temel karakteristeğe sahiptir: Tanımlamada kesinlik, mekansal düzel arayışı ve bilim felsefesinin çeşitli konularıyla kurulan ilişki. 1970'li yıllarda, kısmen değişen sosyal bağlamın da etkisiyle beşeri coğrafyada ortaya çıkan ikinci büyük değişim ise " radikal alternatif " tir. Bu yeni yönelim, kantitatif coğrafya pratiğine karşı çıkarak sosyal ve ekonomik eşitsizlik, yoksulluk ve insan hakları gibi çeşitli konuları disiplinin gündemine sokmuştur. Özellikle 1980'lerden itibaren beşeri coğrafyada beliren üçüncü büyük değişim olan " kültürel dönüş " ise, disiplinin portfolyosuna önemli bir boyut kazandırmıştır. Ortak insani özelliklerin ve kültürün yaşamın önemli bir bölümünün temelini oluşturduğu ve aynı zamanda bunların mekansal yapılarda içerildiğine ilişkin bir farkındalılık sayesinde kültürel dönüş, birbirinden farklı tipteki coğrafi pratikler arasındaki bariyerleri yıkmaya yönelik bir arayışla hibrit bir anlayış üzerinde durmuştur. Bu gelişmelerle birlikte günümüz beşeri coğrafyacıları bir yandan mekansal analizciler ve sosyal teorisyenler olarak iki ana grupta yer alırken, diğer yandan da bir dizi gelenekle karakterize olan disiplin, çekişmeli ve çok-paradigmalı bir girişim haline gelmiştir.
In this review, it is focused on changing practices within human geography in the English-speaking, predominantly Anglo-American world since the Second World War. This sixty year long period in the contemporary Anglo-American human geography is almost unrecognisable from the discipline's former composition. First major change in this period is generally known as " quantitative revolution " which has three salient characteristics: rigour in description, search for spatial order and the relationship with the various aspects of the philosophy of science. However, by the 1970s, the second major change, partly a product of changing social context, was the " radical alternative " that covered issues such as social and economic inequality, poverty and civil rights stimulating negative reactions to quantitative geography. The third major change, called as " cultural turn " , from the late 1980s on, added a further major strand to human geography's portfolio. This new orientation emphasised hybridity, seeking to break down barriers between different types of geography through as awareness that common human traits and culture underpin most of life and are inscribed in spatial structures. With these developments, human geographers today are sometimes placed in two main groups-spatial analysts and social theorists-and the discipline, characterized by a number of traditions, has became contested and a multi-paradigmatic enterprise.
Türkiye'deki fiziki coğrafyanın değişen disipliner pratiğini soruşturan bu yazının temel amacı, b... more Türkiye'deki fiziki coğrafyanın değişen disipliner pratiğini soruşturan bu yazının temel amacı, bir öz-değerlendirme çalışması olarak, fiziki coğrafyanın yayın pratikleri bakımından gösterdiği tarihsellik ile bu tarihselliğin ortaya çıkardığı örüntüyü, Batı'daki fiziki coğrafya pratiğiyle makro ölçekte karşılaştırmalı olarak incelemektir. Bu doğrultuda, çalışmada dört farklı veri serisi (Türk coğrafya dergilerinde fiziki coğrafya yayınlarının performansı, fiziki coğrafya alanında yapılmış doktora tezlerinin sayısı, jeomorfoloji çalışmalarının yerbilimi dergilerindeki performansı ve de fiziki coğrafyanın SCI-SSCI veri tabanında taranan dergilerdeki yayın performansı) kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular, Türk fiziki coğrafyasının 1990'lı yılların ortalarına dek disiplinin en güçlü kanadını oluşturduğunu, bu tarihlerden sonra ise daralma sürecine girerek coğrafyanın küçük ortağı haline geldiğini ortaya koymaktadır. Genel olarak Türk yerbilimi literatüründeki ve 2005 yılına kadar da uluslararası platformdaki görünürlülüğü oldukça düşük olan Türk fiziki coğrafyasının uluslararası yayın performansında 2005 yılı itibariyle dikkate değer bir ivmelenme gözleniyor olsa da, bu pratik büyük ölçüde aktör bağımlı olup, disiplindeki kurumsal bir dönüşümün çıktısı niteliğinde değildir. Bu çalışmada, Anglo-Amerikan muadillerinden farklı olarak, Türk fiziki coğrafyasının disipliner pratiğinin kendine özgü değişen bir bağlama sahip olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Bu bağlam, söz konusu alt-disiplinin Türk coğrafyası içerisinde küçüldüğü, kendisini kurumsal olarak yenileyemediği, daha çok aktör bağımlı ve işbirliklerine dayalı bir şekilde uluslararasılaşmaya başladığı karmaşık bir örüntüyü yansıtmaktadır. Bu karmaşık örüntünün günümüzdeki kompozisyonu, Türk coğrafyasının makro ölçekte yerelde fiziki coğrafya-dışı alanlar, uluslararası platformda ise fiziki coğrafya tarafından temsil edildiğini göstermektedir.
The aim of this study, as a disciplinary review, is to question the changing disciplinary practices of Turkish physical geography in a historical and empirical context. Four data sets (performances of physical geography publications in geography journals in Turkey, number of Ph.D. thesis made in physical geography, performances of geomorphology articles in the local earth science journals, performances of Turkish physical geography articles in the SCI-SSCI data base) are used in this study. Results show that, on one hand, Turkish physical geography dominated the whole discipline until the mid-1990s but afterwards the sub-discipline gradually became the small partner of geography in Turkey. On the other hand, Turkish physical geography practices simply ignored the quantitative revolution developed firstly in the Anglo-American geography by the time of 1960s, and reproduced its descriptive, pure empiricists and map-making practices onwards. While Turkish physical geography has had a very low publication records in local earth science journals as well as international journals, by 2005; it has been observed a relatively sharp upward trend in the rate of international publication records of Turkish physical geography since that time. This trend, however, is mostly actor-depended and does not indicate any institutional restructuring occurred in the discipline. The study concludes that, apart from its Anglo-American counterparts, Turkish physical geography has its own disciplinary context. Such a context shows that physical geography has been getting smaller in the discipline and also has not renewed its institutional structure considerably and also its international publication records depend mostly on the national/international collaboration in which Turkish partners take a small part. Such a complex disciplinary pattern clearly shows that Turkish geography, now, is represented by non-physical geographers locally while international disciplinary representation is made by physical geographers.
Türk coğrafyasının tarihsel gelişiminde Batılı coğrafya okullarının etkisi: Ampirik bir analiz, 2013
Özet: Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türk coğrafyasının tarihsel gelişiminde etkisi altında kaldığı Batılı ... more Özet: Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türk coğrafyasının tarihsel gelişiminde etkisi altında kaldığı Batılı coğrafya okullarını belirlemek ve disiplinin evrimindeki belirli tarihsel dönemleri ayırt etmektir. Bu doğrultuda, Türk Coğrafyasının tarihsel gelişiminin örneklenebileceği akademik dergilerde yayımlanan makalelerin kaynakçalarında yer alan eserler ait oldukları dillere göre sınıflandırılarak analiz edilmiştir. Referans analizine dayalı olan bu çalışmanın bulguları, Türk Coğrafyasının ilk akademik dergisinin hayata geçtiği 1943 yılından günümüze (2010) birbirinden farklı Batılı coğrafya okullarının etkisi altında kaldığını ve bu okulların bilim yapma pratiğini benimsediğini göstermektedir. Türk Coğrafyası 1943’ten 1980 yılına dek Kıta Avrupası’nda yer alan (temel olarak Fransız ve Alman) coğrafya okullarının etkisi altında kalmıştır. 1980 yılından 2000 yılına dek geçen 20 yıllık periyotta ise, büyük ölçüde içine kapanan disiplin kendine has bir bilim yapma pratiği geliştirmiştir. Türk Coğrafyası, 2000’li yılların başından itibaren Anglo-Amerikan coğrafya geleneğinin etkisi altına girerek hem disiplini hem de dünyadaki ana akım coğrafyayı yeniden keşfetme sürecine girmiş görünmektedir. Kendine has problemleri olmakla birlikte bu periyod, Türk Coğrafyasının yeniden yapılanacağı ve kendisini uluslararası standartlara göre yeniden üreteceği bir umut olarak öne çıkmaktadır.
Abstract: The aim of this study is to determine the dominant influences of Western schools of geography on Turkish geography and to distinguish main historical periods throughout the development of the discipline in Turkey. In this respect, we made a comprehensive reference analysis of papers published by Turkish geographers in the main local geography journals for the period of 1940s to 2010. Here, references cited by Turkish geographers have been classified according to written languages of original sources (Turkish, English, German, French and others). This type of study suggests that Turkish geography developed under the strong influences of geography schools in continental Europe (especially French and German) for the period of 1943 to 1980. Data show that there is a sharp break in this tradition in early 1980s in that Turkish geography suddenly stops following up any mainstream geography schools outside but instead becomes self-enclosed until 2000s. Influences of Anglo-American geography tradition on the discipline have begun to be dominant since early 2000s and from this time onwards, Turkish geography apparently in the period of new hopes in that the discipline tries to re-discover and re-establish itself by considering contemporary geography practices mainly in the Anglo-American geography.
Keywords: Turkish geography, Geographic thought, History of geography, Western schools of geography, Reference analysis, Turkey
Papers by Erdem Bekaroglu
production under the increasingly authoritarian political regime in
Turkey, particularly in the aftermath of the unsuccessful 2016 coup
attempt. In this context, semi-structured interviews were conducted
with sixteen young geographers who experienced the authoritarian
shift in the political regime during their graduate studies. The narratives
of the interviewees indicate that the young geographers have
undergone a critical transformation with two significant aspects:
firstly, they reject the traditional style of geographical knowledge
production and instead embrace approaches integrated with social
theory, drawing from the extensive portfolio of contemporary geography.
Secondly, they approach socio-spatial phenomena in
a libertarian and critical manner, distinct from the lenses of the
authoritarian system. However, due to their legitimate concerns,
they often refrain from presenting such research on academic platforms.
In this regard, under an authoritarian regime, the critical
transformation consists of two dimensions: the arena where geographical
products are shared, and the underground, where geographical
‘black boxes’ are held and kept hidden from public view.
The Anthropocene idea, which asserts that man is a geological force that changes the functioning of the Earth's system and that a new era has now been passed thanks to human activity on earth, is the subject of a number of discussions, especially since the beginning of the new millennium. Although the debates in question have multiple dimensions, the fact that the proposals for the beginning of a new period, which will be called the Anthropocene, have different implications, also adds a political context to the discussions about the Anthropocene. In this direction, the main ideas that were put forward about when the Anthropocene began were defined and the political implications of each thought were examined. The hypotheses put forward for the beginning of the Anthropocene, in fact, take the four major transition periods that Homo sapiens experienced in the past. The first of these is the "agricultural revolution", the second is "globalization 1.0", which expresses the encounter of the New World and the Old World since the 15th century, the third is the "industrial revolution" and the fourth is the extraordinary transformations in global organization, growth and productivity after the Second World War, that is "big acceleration". Of these, the agricultural revolution and the industrial revolution reflect the great change in energy use, and the great acceleration with globalization 1.0 reflects the great change in organization. In the first of these (Early Anthropocene hypothesis), the development that gave rise to the Anthropocene world is a -perhaps undesirable- natural consequence of the transition to civilization and the responsibility for global change belongs to humans. In the second (the Orbis hypothesis and the industrial revolution hypothesis), the natural signals of an interglacial period were overcome by colonialism or the industrial revolution. In this respect, the responsibility for the creation of a world that has leapt into an entirely different mode of operation rests with Western (white, masculine, Christian) Europeans. In the third (great acceleration hypothesis), although the developments that shaped the Anthropocene world began to be experienced since the industrial revolution, the extraordinary changes observed in the physical-chemical-biological mechanisms in the Earth system took place after the Second World War, and accordingly, developed and developing countries have to share their political and ethical responsibility.
The main purpose of this study is to discover to what extent academic journals of geography in Turkey have a national profile. In this context, six geography journals that continue to be published today were sampled, a data pool was created and analyzed based on the working place of the article authors. It is revealed that geography journals had a local character until 2007, experienced a transitional period in the next eleven years, and started to show a national character as of 2018. The representation rate of non-disciplinary fields (9.2 %) and foreign scientists (0.7 %) in geography journals is relatively low. Considering the journals in particular, geography journals show great differences in terms of both non-institutional scores and spatial distribution of working places of the article authors. In this respect, it has been shown that the International Journal of Geography and Geography Education and The Eastern Geographical Review have high national index values whereas the Journal of Geographical Sciences and Journal of Geography have low national index values. The Aegean Geographical Journal and the Turkish Geographical Review are located between these two extremes. In the study, it was concluded that geography journals in Turkey are experiencing a transitional process from local to national, and the most prominent factor that plays a role in the emergence of such a pattern is the quantitative growth of the geographical community and the spatial expansion of geographical units in the country.
The main thesis of this study is that social struggles between civilizations at different levels actually have a spatial dimention. This dimention expresses not only those social struggles having locational properties but also-even more frequently-huge differences in the perceptions of the conflicting groups about space. Accordingly, in order to justify the thesis that social struggles can actually be read as a spatial conflict, and even huge differences related to spatial perception may lead to social conflicts, the encounters and resultant conflicts in Pandora as a fictional experiment and in Americas as a historical experiment are theoretically interpreted.
Coğrafi pratiğin tarihsel olarak sergilediği bilimsel düşünce stillerine odaklanan bu çalışma, coğrafyanın tarihsel olarak üç farklı bilimsel düşünce stiliyle karakterize olduğunu öne sürmektedir. Coğrafi düşünün modern dünya-sistemi analizi ışığında yeniden okunması neticesinde oluşturulan stiller sırasıyla holistik-tek kültürcü, sistematik-empirik, sistematik-iki kültürcü olarak adlandırılmakta ve Crombieci bilimsel düşünce stillerinin (Crombie, 1994) içerisine yerleştirilip anlam bulabileceği çerçeveyi sağlamaktadır. Coğrafi stillerin abdaktif bir uslamlamayla inşa edildiği bu girişimde, Crombieci modernist makrocu çerçevenin, ancak tekil bilimlerin tarihsel olarak sergiledikleri stillerin disipliner-spesifik bir rekonstrüksiyonuyla anlam bulabileceği ve geliştirilebileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.
Anahtar kelimeler: Türk coğrafyacılığı, modern dünya-sistemi, disipliner ilişki, iki kültür, atıf analizi.
In this study, the four traditions of geography whose conceptual framework was for the first time drawn by William Pattison in 1964, empirically analyzed in the context of modern Turkish geography to have a better understanding of development of the discipline in Turkey. For this purpose, Ph.D. thesis written by geographers from 1943 to 2016 have been classified and then analyzed according to the traditions they belong to. Results show that the area studies (regional) tradition constitutes the most dominant form of disciplinary practice, followed by the earth-science and the spatial traditions. The man-land tradition is characterized by the weakest practice in Turkish geography historically. However, such a pattern shows periodical changes. While in the first period between 1943-1989 the earth-science tradition was the leading one, in the second period between 1990-2016 the area studies (regional) tradition became the dominant form of scientific practice in the discipline. This pattern reveals that the dominance of the earth-science tradition and the leading universities in the pre-1990 period of Turkish geography were replaced by the dominance of the regional tradition and peripheral universities after 1990s. In this respect, the study concludes that the contemporary composition of Turkish geography is characterized by a pattern in which traditional geographical practices and contemporary geographical practices have a sort of symbiosis.
In this review, it is focused on changing practices within human geography in the English-speaking, predominantly Anglo-American world since the Second World War. This sixty year long period in the contemporary Anglo-American human geography is almost unrecognisable from the discipline's former composition. First major change in this period is generally known as " quantitative revolution " which has three salient characteristics: rigour in description, search for spatial order and the relationship with the various aspects of the philosophy of science. However, by the 1970s, the second major change, partly a product of changing social context, was the " radical alternative " that covered issues such as social and economic inequality, poverty and civil rights stimulating negative reactions to quantitative geography. The third major change, called as " cultural turn " , from the late 1980s on, added a further major strand to human geography's portfolio. This new orientation emphasised hybridity, seeking to break down barriers between different types of geography through as awareness that common human traits and culture underpin most of life and are inscribed in spatial structures. With these developments, human geographers today are sometimes placed in two main groups-spatial analysts and social theorists-and the discipline, characterized by a number of traditions, has became contested and a multi-paradigmatic enterprise.
The aim of this study, as a disciplinary review, is to question the changing disciplinary practices of Turkish physical geography in a historical and empirical context. Four data sets (performances of physical geography publications in geography journals in Turkey, number of Ph.D. thesis made in physical geography, performances of geomorphology articles in the local earth science journals, performances of Turkish physical geography articles in the SCI-SSCI data base) are used in this study. Results show that, on one hand, Turkish physical geography dominated the whole discipline until the mid-1990s but afterwards the sub-discipline gradually became the small partner of geography in Turkey. On the other hand, Turkish physical geography practices simply ignored the quantitative revolution developed firstly in the Anglo-American geography by the time of 1960s, and reproduced its descriptive, pure empiricists and map-making practices onwards. While Turkish physical geography has had a very low publication records in local earth science journals as well as international journals, by 2005; it has been observed a relatively sharp upward trend in the rate of international publication records of Turkish physical geography since that time. This trend, however, is mostly actor-depended and does not indicate any institutional restructuring occurred in the discipline. The study concludes that, apart from its Anglo-American counterparts, Turkish physical geography has its own disciplinary context. Such a context shows that physical geography has been getting smaller in the discipline and also has not renewed its institutional structure considerably and also its international publication records depend mostly on the national/international collaboration in which Turkish partners take a small part. Such a complex disciplinary pattern clearly shows that Turkish geography, now, is represented by non-physical geographers locally while international disciplinary representation is made by physical geographers.
Abstract: The aim of this study is to determine the dominant influences of Western schools of geography on Turkish geography and to distinguish main historical periods throughout the development of the discipline in Turkey. In this respect, we made a comprehensive reference analysis of papers published by Turkish geographers in the main local geography journals for the period of 1940s to 2010. Here, references cited by Turkish geographers have been classified according to written languages of original sources (Turkish, English, German, French and others). This type of study suggests that Turkish geography developed under the strong influences of geography schools in continental Europe (especially French and German) for the period of 1943 to 1980. Data show that there is a sharp break in this tradition in early 1980s in that Turkish geography suddenly stops following up any mainstream geography schools outside but instead becomes self-enclosed until 2000s. Influences of Anglo-American geography tradition on the discipline have begun to be dominant since early 2000s and from this time onwards, Turkish geography apparently in the period of new hopes in that the discipline tries to re-discover and re-establish itself by considering contemporary geography practices mainly in the Anglo-American geography.
Keywords: Turkish geography, Geographic thought, History of geography, Western schools of geography, Reference analysis, Turkey
production under the increasingly authoritarian political regime in
Turkey, particularly in the aftermath of the unsuccessful 2016 coup
attempt. In this context, semi-structured interviews were conducted
with sixteen young geographers who experienced the authoritarian
shift in the political regime during their graduate studies. The narratives
of the interviewees indicate that the young geographers have
undergone a critical transformation with two significant aspects:
firstly, they reject the traditional style of geographical knowledge
production and instead embrace approaches integrated with social
theory, drawing from the extensive portfolio of contemporary geography.
Secondly, they approach socio-spatial phenomena in
a libertarian and critical manner, distinct from the lenses of the
authoritarian system. However, due to their legitimate concerns,
they often refrain from presenting such research on academic platforms.
In this regard, under an authoritarian regime, the critical
transformation consists of two dimensions: the arena where geographical
products are shared, and the underground, where geographical
‘black boxes’ are held and kept hidden from public view.
The Anthropocene idea, which asserts that man is a geological force that changes the functioning of the Earth's system and that a new era has now been passed thanks to human activity on earth, is the subject of a number of discussions, especially since the beginning of the new millennium. Although the debates in question have multiple dimensions, the fact that the proposals for the beginning of a new period, which will be called the Anthropocene, have different implications, also adds a political context to the discussions about the Anthropocene. In this direction, the main ideas that were put forward about when the Anthropocene began were defined and the political implications of each thought were examined. The hypotheses put forward for the beginning of the Anthropocene, in fact, take the four major transition periods that Homo sapiens experienced in the past. The first of these is the "agricultural revolution", the second is "globalization 1.0", which expresses the encounter of the New World and the Old World since the 15th century, the third is the "industrial revolution" and the fourth is the extraordinary transformations in global organization, growth and productivity after the Second World War, that is "big acceleration". Of these, the agricultural revolution and the industrial revolution reflect the great change in energy use, and the great acceleration with globalization 1.0 reflects the great change in organization. In the first of these (Early Anthropocene hypothesis), the development that gave rise to the Anthropocene world is a -perhaps undesirable- natural consequence of the transition to civilization and the responsibility for global change belongs to humans. In the second (the Orbis hypothesis and the industrial revolution hypothesis), the natural signals of an interglacial period were overcome by colonialism or the industrial revolution. In this respect, the responsibility for the creation of a world that has leapt into an entirely different mode of operation rests with Western (white, masculine, Christian) Europeans. In the third (great acceleration hypothesis), although the developments that shaped the Anthropocene world began to be experienced since the industrial revolution, the extraordinary changes observed in the physical-chemical-biological mechanisms in the Earth system took place after the Second World War, and accordingly, developed and developing countries have to share their political and ethical responsibility.
The main purpose of this study is to discover to what extent academic journals of geography in Turkey have a national profile. In this context, six geography journals that continue to be published today were sampled, a data pool was created and analyzed based on the working place of the article authors. It is revealed that geography journals had a local character until 2007, experienced a transitional period in the next eleven years, and started to show a national character as of 2018. The representation rate of non-disciplinary fields (9.2 %) and foreign scientists (0.7 %) in geography journals is relatively low. Considering the journals in particular, geography journals show great differences in terms of both non-institutional scores and spatial distribution of working places of the article authors. In this respect, it has been shown that the International Journal of Geography and Geography Education and The Eastern Geographical Review have high national index values whereas the Journal of Geographical Sciences and Journal of Geography have low national index values. The Aegean Geographical Journal and the Turkish Geographical Review are located between these two extremes. In the study, it was concluded that geography journals in Turkey are experiencing a transitional process from local to national, and the most prominent factor that plays a role in the emergence of such a pattern is the quantitative growth of the geographical community and the spatial expansion of geographical units in the country.
The main thesis of this study is that social struggles between civilizations at different levels actually have a spatial dimention. This dimention expresses not only those social struggles having locational properties but also-even more frequently-huge differences in the perceptions of the conflicting groups about space. Accordingly, in order to justify the thesis that social struggles can actually be read as a spatial conflict, and even huge differences related to spatial perception may lead to social conflicts, the encounters and resultant conflicts in Pandora as a fictional experiment and in Americas as a historical experiment are theoretically interpreted.
Coğrafi pratiğin tarihsel olarak sergilediği bilimsel düşünce stillerine odaklanan bu çalışma, coğrafyanın tarihsel olarak üç farklı bilimsel düşünce stiliyle karakterize olduğunu öne sürmektedir. Coğrafi düşünün modern dünya-sistemi analizi ışığında yeniden okunması neticesinde oluşturulan stiller sırasıyla holistik-tek kültürcü, sistematik-empirik, sistematik-iki kültürcü olarak adlandırılmakta ve Crombieci bilimsel düşünce stillerinin (Crombie, 1994) içerisine yerleştirilip anlam bulabileceği çerçeveyi sağlamaktadır. Coğrafi stillerin abdaktif bir uslamlamayla inşa edildiği bu girişimde, Crombieci modernist makrocu çerçevenin, ancak tekil bilimlerin tarihsel olarak sergiledikleri stillerin disipliner-spesifik bir rekonstrüksiyonuyla anlam bulabileceği ve geliştirilebileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.
Anahtar kelimeler: Türk coğrafyacılığı, modern dünya-sistemi, disipliner ilişki, iki kültür, atıf analizi.
In this study, the four traditions of geography whose conceptual framework was for the first time drawn by William Pattison in 1964, empirically analyzed in the context of modern Turkish geography to have a better understanding of development of the discipline in Turkey. For this purpose, Ph.D. thesis written by geographers from 1943 to 2016 have been classified and then analyzed according to the traditions they belong to. Results show that the area studies (regional) tradition constitutes the most dominant form of disciplinary practice, followed by the earth-science and the spatial traditions. The man-land tradition is characterized by the weakest practice in Turkish geography historically. However, such a pattern shows periodical changes. While in the first period between 1943-1989 the earth-science tradition was the leading one, in the second period between 1990-2016 the area studies (regional) tradition became the dominant form of scientific practice in the discipline. This pattern reveals that the dominance of the earth-science tradition and the leading universities in the pre-1990 period of Turkish geography were replaced by the dominance of the regional tradition and peripheral universities after 1990s. In this respect, the study concludes that the contemporary composition of Turkish geography is characterized by a pattern in which traditional geographical practices and contemporary geographical practices have a sort of symbiosis.
In this review, it is focused on changing practices within human geography in the English-speaking, predominantly Anglo-American world since the Second World War. This sixty year long period in the contemporary Anglo-American human geography is almost unrecognisable from the discipline's former composition. First major change in this period is generally known as " quantitative revolution " which has three salient characteristics: rigour in description, search for spatial order and the relationship with the various aspects of the philosophy of science. However, by the 1970s, the second major change, partly a product of changing social context, was the " radical alternative " that covered issues such as social and economic inequality, poverty and civil rights stimulating negative reactions to quantitative geography. The third major change, called as " cultural turn " , from the late 1980s on, added a further major strand to human geography's portfolio. This new orientation emphasised hybridity, seeking to break down barriers between different types of geography through as awareness that common human traits and culture underpin most of life and are inscribed in spatial structures. With these developments, human geographers today are sometimes placed in two main groups-spatial analysts and social theorists-and the discipline, characterized by a number of traditions, has became contested and a multi-paradigmatic enterprise.
The aim of this study, as a disciplinary review, is to question the changing disciplinary practices of Turkish physical geography in a historical and empirical context. Four data sets (performances of physical geography publications in geography journals in Turkey, number of Ph.D. thesis made in physical geography, performances of geomorphology articles in the local earth science journals, performances of Turkish physical geography articles in the SCI-SSCI data base) are used in this study. Results show that, on one hand, Turkish physical geography dominated the whole discipline until the mid-1990s but afterwards the sub-discipline gradually became the small partner of geography in Turkey. On the other hand, Turkish physical geography practices simply ignored the quantitative revolution developed firstly in the Anglo-American geography by the time of 1960s, and reproduced its descriptive, pure empiricists and map-making practices onwards. While Turkish physical geography has had a very low publication records in local earth science journals as well as international journals, by 2005; it has been observed a relatively sharp upward trend in the rate of international publication records of Turkish physical geography since that time. This trend, however, is mostly actor-depended and does not indicate any institutional restructuring occurred in the discipline. The study concludes that, apart from its Anglo-American counterparts, Turkish physical geography has its own disciplinary context. Such a context shows that physical geography has been getting smaller in the discipline and also has not renewed its institutional structure considerably and also its international publication records depend mostly on the national/international collaboration in which Turkish partners take a small part. Such a complex disciplinary pattern clearly shows that Turkish geography, now, is represented by non-physical geographers locally while international disciplinary representation is made by physical geographers.
Abstract: The aim of this study is to determine the dominant influences of Western schools of geography on Turkish geography and to distinguish main historical periods throughout the development of the discipline in Turkey. In this respect, we made a comprehensive reference analysis of papers published by Turkish geographers in the main local geography journals for the period of 1940s to 2010. Here, references cited by Turkish geographers have been classified according to written languages of original sources (Turkish, English, German, French and others). This type of study suggests that Turkish geography developed under the strong influences of geography schools in continental Europe (especially French and German) for the period of 1943 to 1980. Data show that there is a sharp break in this tradition in early 1980s in that Turkish geography suddenly stops following up any mainstream geography schools outside but instead becomes self-enclosed until 2000s. Influences of Anglo-American geography tradition on the discipline have begun to be dominant since early 2000s and from this time onwards, Turkish geography apparently in the period of new hopes in that the discipline tries to re-discover and re-establish itself by considering contemporary geography practices mainly in the Anglo-American geography.
Keywords: Turkish geography, Geographic thought, History of geography, Western schools of geography, Reference analysis, Turkey
knowledge, its conceptualization as a distinct field was invented in the
19th century. Preceding this era, various intellectual endeavors with
geographical attributes, such as place writing, cartography, exploration,
mathematics, and astronomy, characterized by diverse traditions,
underwent a profound metamorphosis during the institutionalization of
modern knowledge structures. Geography, as a university discipline,
became delineated in terms of its subject matter and scope and came to
be practiced by professionals employing specific methodologies. Despite
being a relatively recent invention, geography managed to construct
itself while maintaining a connection to tradition, thereby embracing the
legacy of a profound historical lineage. The raison d'être of the discipline
lies in its endeavor to comprehend the essence of places through a
holistic synthesis of human-environment interaction, culminating in the
notion of regional geography. Although a novel creation, this tradition
was transferred to Turkey during the interwar period, primarily
influenced by France and Germany, which served as intellectual sources for the modernization efforts during the late Ottoman and early
Republican eras. The subsequent involvement of Turkish students who
pursued education in these countries and later assumed positions at
the prominent educational institutions of the time played a pivotal role
in the establishment of this tradition. In this regard, one of the prominent
centers of geography in Turkey is the Geography Institute at Ankara
University (DTCF: The Faculty of Languages, History and Geography),
founded in 1935. This study aims to provide a retrospective analysis of
nearly a century of regional geography, focusing on the transfer,
construction, and institutionalization of the geographical tradition from
Continental Europe in the interwar period. Furthermore, it examines the
changing nature of the discipline following the 1980 coup as well as its
adaptation to contemporary orientations starting from the onset of the
new millennium within the context of actors, rituals, and the national
and international socio-political background.
“Hegemonyayı Haritalamak: Türk Coğrafyacılığındaki Entelektüel Değişim Üzerine Ampirik Bir Araştırma”, bu sorulara üç çeyrek yüzyıllık bir zaman serisinin ampirik analiziyle cevap bulmaya çalışmaktadır.
Coğrafya Nedir?: Bir giriş niteliğinde olan bu bölümde coğrafyanın organizasyonel yapısı ve temel araştırma soruları tartışılmaktadır.
Coğrafyanın Temelleri: Bu bölümde ise; özel olarak insan-çevre ilişkileri odağa alınarak, coğrafya pratiğinin Antik Dönem’den 1950’lere kadar olan tarihsel gelişimi ele alınmaktadır.
1950-1980 Arasında Coğrafya: Disiplinin mekânsal bir bilim olarak gelişimi eleştirel bir tarzda bu bölümde değerlendirilmektedir.
Paradigmalar ve Devrimler: Bilim felsefesindeki temel tartışmalara bir giriş niteliği de taşıyan bu bölümde ise, coğrafyadaki paradigma değişimlerinin bir analizi sunulmaktadır.
Pozitivizm ve Post-pozitivist Eleştiriler: Bu bölümde pozitivizm, eleştirel teori, hümanist coğrafya, davranışsal coğrafya ve yapısalcılık ayrıntılı bir şekilde tartışılmaktadır.
Yeni Eğilimler ve Düşünceler: Bu son bölümün kapsamında ise eleştirel cevaplar; yapılaşma teorisi, realizm, post-yapısalcılık, post-modernizm, feminizm ve aktör-ağ teorisi bulunmaktadır. Bölüm boyunca, ayrıca, uydu görüntüleri ve CBS (Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri) gibi yeni araştırma araçları ile coğrafi araştırmanın geleceği de tartışılmaktadır.
Coğrafya: Tarihi, Felsefesi ve Temel Kavramları, karmaşık düşünceleri hem akılcı hem de anlaşılabilir bir üslupla soruşturmaktadır. Metin kutuları içerisindeki açıklamaları, araştırma örnekleri ve her bir bölümün sonundaki tartışma sorularıyla birlikte elinizdeki kitap coğrafya öğrencileri, coğrafyacılar ve coğrafyaya ilgi duyanlar için vazgeçilmez bir kaynak niteliğindedir.
(apsl), widespread volcanism and N-S shortened thick crust resulted from the contractional tectonics. However, recent
geophysical studies suggest that this high plateau has a crustal thickness of ~45 km, ~10 km thinner than that of expected.
Combined with its geology, this situation shows that the region is lack of mantle lithosphere but supported by hot mantle.
In this study, we used two simple geomorphic indices to understand possible surface manifestations of this mantle
supported dome structure in the region. The first indice, drainage basin asymmetry factor (AF), indicates that basins
south of the 39° N and 40° N exhibit systematically higher values suggesting that basins in this part of the plateau distorted
southward. In contrast, basins north of the 39° N and 40° N show generally lower values. Although Erzurum and Pasinler
basins are in a symmetrical state (AF ~50), remaining basins like Kelkit, Tekman, Horasan, Kağızman-Tuzluca and Ağrı
are clearly asymmetrical and distorted northward. The second indice, ratio of valley floor width to valley height (Vf),
exhibits minimum values in the northern part of the plateau starting from Kelkit in the west to Kağızman-Tuzluca basin
in the east. This concave shaped arc exactly coincides with the dome axis where AF values diverge. Our basin-based analyses clearly suggest that the high plateau has an asymmetrical dome shape with an axis slipped northward. The dome
axis also marks the highest rate of vertical tectonic uplift zone, which possibly defines the area where the most active part
of the mantle located beneath the plateau.