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      Ottoman art and architectureThe Gardens of Ottoman PalacesOttoman Palace Rİtuals and CeremoniesYıldız Sarayı
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesDiplomacyOttoman Empire
Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association 6,1 (2019): 21-37
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesOttoman EmpireCeremony, Ritual and Performance
Yabancı devletler n "Kapı" olarak anılan Osmanlı Sarayı'na elç ler göndermes se Devlet-Âl yye'n n azamet n n b r gösterges olarak algılanmış ve bu anlayış net ces nde elç göndermeler ne z n ver lerek Osmanlı başkent n n dost veya düşman... more
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesDiplomacyOttoman Empire
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    • Ottoman Palace Rİtuals and Ceremonies
In the sixteenth-century Ottoman world, state ideology was to a great extent reflected in historians' perceptions and writings. What affected the historian's pen was manifested in the brush of the painter/designer (na āş) as well. These... more
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      Ottoman Palace Rİtuals and CeremoniesOttoman Court
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      Ottoman HistoryMedieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryProsopography
1^ * r>' t>!»man!ı Sarayın d a Y em ek lerin M evsim lere G ö re D ü z en len m esi ve J-**b»bettyle İlişkisi", Türk M u tfağ ı Seırt[x>zyıtmt< B ildirileri (31 E kim-I Kn ])-Ankara, 19H2, s. 245-257
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      Food HistoryHistory Of Food ConsumptionHistory of FoodFood Consumption
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    • Ottoman Palace Rİtuals and Ceremonies
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    • Ottoman Palace Rİtuals and Ceremonies
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      Court historyİttihat ve TerakkiOttoman Palace Rİtuals and CeremoniesII. Meşrutiyet
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      History of HungaryCeremonial DressTransylvaniaEarly Modern Hungarian History
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      ArchaeologyOttoman HistoryIslamic ArchaeologyOttoman Archaeology
İlk dönemlerde Rumeli’de sonraki yüzyıllarda Anadolu’da bir köyde hayata gelen bir çocuk fiziki özellikleri ve yetenekleri ile seçilerek devşirme sistemi içine girmektedir. Sistem içinde, kabiliyeti ve itaatkârlığı oranında yükselerek,... more
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesOttoman EmpireOttoman Military History
Topkapı Sarayı Haremi --Osmanlı Hanedan ailesinin konutu olarak--hükümranlık yapısını kavramak için temel örneklerden biridir. Bu yazının çıkış noktası "mimarlık görsel bir iletişim aracıdır" kabulüdür. Osmanlı Hanedanı kendi konutunu... more
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      Spatial AnalysisSpace and PlaceMiniature BooksHistory of Ottoman Art and Architecture
Access to the Ottoman sultans was highly regulated in terms of both space and ceremonial. This was particularly true in the case of ambassadors arriving from foreign states to present their credentials at the centre of imperial life,... more
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesOttoman Diplomacy and EuropeOttoman Palace Rİtuals and Ceremonies
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      Ottoman HistoryEarly Modern HistoryEarly Modern EuropeHistory of Hungary
Saray teşkilatı denilince akla hemen Enderun geliyorsa da Enderun’dan da önce var olan teşkilat Babüssaade teşkilatıdır. Babüssaade ağalarının tamamı beyaz tenli hadım ağalardan oluştuğu için ak ağalar olarak da isimlendirilen bu... more
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesOttoman EmpireState Formation (Ottoman Empire)
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      History of TextilesCross-Cultural StudiesByzantine ceremonialOttoman Palace Rİtuals and Ceremonies
SIR – There were several significant factual errors in your review of Istanbul: A Tale of Three Cities by Bettany Hughes (Saturday Review, January 28):... more
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      Ottoman HistorySovereigntyPicture BooksIslamic Studies
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      TextilesDress and identityByzantine ceremonialOttoman Palace Rİtuals and Ceremonies
Edirne Kapı is a gate in the Byzantine land walls of Constantinople. Constructed in the fifth century, Edirne Kapı would become central to the city’s Ottoman topography after Mehmet II’s conquest of the city in 1453. The Ottoman additions... more
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      Byzantine ceremonialOttoman Palace Rİtuals and CeremoniesIstanbulByzantine fortifications