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Les langues naturelles, en tant que systèmes qui imposent une forme sémantique à une substance amorphe, reflètent et influencent en même temps la perception de celle-ci. La culture aussi. L'un des facteurs qui manifestent l'emboîtement du... more
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      LexicologyCognitive SemanticsConceptual MetaphorTerminology
No es ninguna novedad que, para conocer una cultura, uno debe conocer la lengua en que ésta se expresa. Tampoco es nada nuevo decir que, para conocer una lengua hay que conocer la cultura que está "detrás" de la misma 1 . Pero no es menos... more
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      LexicologyPragmaticsSemanticsLinguistic Anthropology
Birds as Food: Anthropological and Cross Disciplinary Perspectives is a collection of essays by anthropologists and contributors from other disciplines. Traditions of using birds as food exist in almost all human societies past and... more
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      OrnithologyPoultry ScienceAnthropology of FoodHistory Of Food Consumption
Birds as Food: Anthropological and Cross Disciplinary Perspectives is a collection of essays by anthropologists and contributors from other disciplines. Traditions of using birds as food exist in almost all human societies past and... more
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    •   14  
      OrnithologyPoultry ScienceAnthropology of FoodHistory Of Food Consumption
COMMENSALISME ENTRE LA TARENTE DE MAURITANIE Tarentola mauritanica ET LE TRAQUET À TÊTE BLANCHE Oenanthe leucopyga leucopyga EN ALGÉRIE Mots-clés: Tarentola mauritanica, Oenanthe leucopyga leucopyga, Commensalisme, Reproduction, Algérie.... more
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      Ornithologie Populaireornithologie
Birds as Food: Anthropological and Cross Disciplinary Perspectives is a collection of essays by anthropologists and contributors from other disciplines. Traditions of using birds as food exist in almost all human societies past and... more
    • by 
    •   14  
      OrnithologyPoultry ScienceAnthropology of FoodHistory Of Food Consumption