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      Archaic (Archaeology in Northeastern North America)Evolutionary Ecologyeastern ArchaicShell Mound Archaic
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      Evolutionary Ecologyeastern ArchaicShell Mound Archaicwestern Tennessee Valley
Bissett, TG In review Re-Interpreting Western Tennessee’s Shell Mound Archaic: An Alternative Approach to Sampling and Dating New Deal-era Shell Mound Collections. In New Deal Archaeology in the Tennessee Valley: 1933 - 1942, edited by... more
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      3D GISEvolutionary EcologyRadiocarbon Dating (Earth Sciences)Archaeology of shell middens
This paper presents the modeling the drying process of shell mould layering process for the ceramic shell mould fabrication process. As this process involves the repeated drying of the different wetted/saturated layers, therefore modeling... more
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      Evolutionary EcologyMetal Castingeastern ArchaicShell Mound Archaic