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A summary is provided of some developments in the study of the southern Ontario Archaic archaeological record since the synthesis by Ellis et al. in the 1990 Archaeology of Southern Ontario to AD 1650 volume.
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyArchaic (Archaeology in Northeastern North America)Eastern North American Archaeologyeastern Archaic
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      Archaic (Archaeology in Northeastern North America)Evolutionary Ecologyeastern ArchaicShell Mound Archaic
These are page proofs of Chapter 20 in the volume Archaic Societies
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      Northeastern North America (Archaeology)Late Archaic ArchaeologyEarly Archaic Archaeologyeastern Archaic
A non-technical summary of the work from 2006-2015 at the Davidson Late Archaic site, Ontario (2500-1000 BC) is provided. In Part I (published separately) the site setting and methods use to investigate the site and its setting was... more
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      Northeastern North America (Archaeology)Prehistoric (Archaeology in Northeastern North America)North American archaeologyArchaic (Archaeology in Northeastern North America)
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      Evolutionary Ecologyeastern ArchaicShell Mound Archaicwestern Tennessee Valley
A large series of 56 AMS dates are reported from the Davidson site, occupied during both the “Broadpoint” and “Smallpoint” Late Archaic. The focus is on documenting the occupation history of the site itself. The dates on various features... more
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      ArchaeologyNortheastern North America (Archaeology)Archaic (Archaeology in Northeastern North America)Bayesian Radiocarbon Dating
Bissett, TG In review Re-Interpreting Western Tennessee’s Shell Mound Archaic: An Alternative Approach to Sampling and Dating New Deal-era Shell Mound Collections. In New Deal Archaeology in the Tennessee Valley: 1933 - 1942, edited by... more
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      3D GISEvolutionary EcologyRadiocarbon Dating (Earth Sciences)Archaeology of shell middens
This paper presents the modeling the drying process of shell mould layering process for the ceramic shell mould fabrication process. As this process involves the repeated drying of the different wetted/saturated layers, therefore modeling... more
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      Evolutionary EcologyMetal Castingeastern ArchaicShell Mound Archaic