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      Tabu SearchGenetic AlgorithmNurse rosteringEmpirical evidence
This paper presents a new methodology to solve the cyclic preference scheduling problem for hourly workers. The focus is on nurse rostering but is applicable to any organization in which the midterm scheduling decision must take into... more
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      Applied MathematicsBusiness and ManagementColumn GenerationNurse rostering
Despite decades of research into automated methods for nurse rostering and some academic successes, one may notice that there is no consistency in the knowledge that has been built up over the years and that many healthcare institutions... more
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      Tabu SearchMathematical SciencesResearch and DevelopmentPersonnel Management
Nurse rostering is a complex scheduling problem that affects hospital personnel on a daily basis all over the world. The need for quality software solutions is acute for a number of reasons. In particular, it is very important to... more
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      Applied MathematicsOperations ResearchSchedulingBusiness and Management
The Nurse Rostering Problem (NRP) is one of the NP-hard problems that are difficult to solve for optimality. NRP deals with the distribution of working shifts to the staff nurses at healthcare organizations under given rules. Normally,... more
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      Data MiningHealth CareGenetic AlgorithmsSimulated Annealing
A novel nurse rostering model is developed to represent real world problem instances more accurately. The proposed model is generic in the sense that it allows modelling of essentially different problem instances. Novel local search... more
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      Mathematical SciencesLocal SearchSearch AlgorithmNurse rostering
This paper describes the Rostering Engine (RE) that we have developed for the Hospital Authority (HA), Hong Kong as part of their Staff Rostering System (SRS) using AI constraint-programming techniques. The Hospital Authority manages over... more
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      Constraint ProgrammingNurse rosteringSystem performance
Penjadwalan atau rostering tenaga kerja dapat dilakukan untuk mengalokasikan sumber daya dengan ukuran yang tepat terhadap beragam permintaan. Penjawalan kerja minimal dilakukan terhadap permintaan jasa yang minimal, sebaliknya... more
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    • Nurse rostering
Personnel rostering has received ample attention in recent years. Due to its social and economic relevance and due to its intrinsic complexity, it has become a major subject for scheduling and timetabling researchers. Among the personnel... more
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      Applied MathematicsSchedulingBusiness and ManagementNurse rostering
Hospitals need to repeatedly produce duty rosters for its nursing staff. The good scheduling of nurses has impact on the quality of health care, the recruitment of nurses, the development of budgets and other nursing functions. The nurse... more
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      Quality of Mental Health CareMultidisciplinaryNurse rostering
Constructing timetables of work for personnel in healthcare institutions is a highly constrained and difficult problem to solve. In this chapter, we will present an overview of our development of the algorithms that underpin a commercial... more
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      Decision support systemNurse rostering
Hospitals need to repeatedly produce duty rosters for its nursing staff. The good scheduling of nurses has impact on the quality of health care, the recruitment of nurses, the development of budgets and other nursing functions. The nurse... more
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      Quality of Mental Health CareMultidisciplinaryNurse rostering
Personnel rostering problems are highly constrained resource allocation prob- lems. Human rostering experts have many years of experience in making rostering de- cisions which re∞ect their individual goals and objectives. We present a... more
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      Decision MakingResource AllocationMultidisciplinaryGenetic Algorithm
Recently, many healthcare institutions became interested in automating the process of personnel scheduling. Nurse Rostering is a difficult scheduling problem, which is defined as generating rosters by assigning working shifts to a number... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceCombinatorial OptimizationHeuristicsGenetic Algorithms
This paper presents a new methodology to solve the cyclic preference scheduling problem for hourly workers. The focus is on nurse rostering but is applicable to any organization in which the midterm scheduling decision must take into... more
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      Applied MathematicsBusiness and ManagementColumn GenerationNurse rostering
When applying evolutionary algorithms to difficult real-world problems, the fitness function routinely needs evaluating for a very high number of intermediary cases. The paper is concerned with real-world nurse rostering problems with... more
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      GeneticsInformation TechnologyEvolutionary algorithmsEvolutionary Computation
Recently, many healthcare institutions became interested in automating the process of personnel scheduli ng. Nurse Rostering is a difficult scheduling problem, which is defined as generating rosters by assigning working shifts to a number... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceCombinatorial OptimizationHeuristicsGenetic Algorithms
In this paper, an empirical study on self-generating multimeme memetic algorithms is presented. A set of well known benchmark functions is used during the experiments. Moreover, a heuristic template is introduced for solving timetabling... more
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      Empirical StudySimple Genetic AlgorithmNurse rosteringMemetic Algorithm
This paper proposes a new memetic evolutionary algorithm to achieve explicit learning in rule-based nurse rostering, which involves applying a set of heuristic rules for each nurse’s assignment. The main framework of the algorithm is an... more
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      Ant Colony OptimizationLocal Search (Computer Science)Estimation of Distribution AlgorithmsNurse rostering
Matrix models are ubiquitous for constraint problems. Many such problems have a matrix of variables M, with the same constraint defined by a finitestate automaton A on each row of M and a global cardinality constraint gcc on each column... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceFinite State AutomatonNurse rostering
There is considerable interest in the use of genetic algorithms to solve problems arising in the areas of scheduling and timetabling. However, the classical genetic algorithm paradigm is not well equipped to handle the conflict between... more
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      Applied MathematicsHeuristicsCoevolutionGenetic Algorithms
Nurse rostering is a complex scheduling problem that affects hospital personnel on a daily basis all over the world. The need for quality software solutions is acute for a number of reasons. In particular, it is very important to... more
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      Applied MathematicsOperations ResearchSchedulingBusiness and Management
The problem of finding a high quality timetable for personnel in a hospital ward has been addressed by many researchers, personnel managers and schedulers over a number of years. Nevertheless, automated nurse rostering practice is not... more
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      Cognitive ScienceHealth CareTabu SearchPersonnel Management
Abstract: Users of hospital personnel planning software cope with the complex task of translating their needs into several constraints of a very different nature and with differing cost parameters. We present a multi criteria evolutionary... more
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      Nurse rosteringPersonnel SchedulingCEC
Users of hospital personnel planning software cope with the complex task of translating their needs into several constraints of a very different nature and with differing cost parameters. We present a multi criteria evolutionary approach,... more
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      Nurse rosteringPersonnel SchedulingCEC
This paper deals with the problem of nurse rostering in Belgian hospitals. This is a highly constrained real world problem that was (until the results of this research were applied) tackled manually. The problem basically concerns the... more
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      Tabu SearchConstraint ProgrammingProduct DevelopmentUser preferences
ORTEC is a Netherlands-based software company selling decision support systems based on operations research models. One of her products is HARMONY, a workforce scheduling package. We developed a model to predict its return on investment... more
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      Operations ResearchData AnalysisDecision Support SystemsDecision support system
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      Operations ResearchArtificial IntelligentNurse rosteringReal Time
Hospitals need to repeatedly produce duty rosters for its nursing staff. The good scheduling of nurses has impact on the quality of health care, the recruitment of nurses, the development of budgets and other nursing functions. The nurse... more
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      Quality of Mental Health CareMultidisciplinaryNurse rostering
Nurse rostering problems represent a subclass of scheduling problems that are hard to solve. The goal is finding high quality shift and resource assignments, satisfying the needs and requirements of employees as well as the employers in... more
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      Nurse rosteringMemetic AlgorithmBoolean SatisfiabilityHill Climbing
Optimization in sports is a field of increasing interest. Combinatorial optimization techniques have been applied e.g. to game scheduling and playoff elimination. A common problem usually found in sports management is the assignment of... more
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      Practice theoryLocal SearchEmpirical StudyNurse rostering
This paper presents our work on decomposing a specific nurse rostering problem by cyclically assigning blocks of shifts, which are designed considering both hard and soft constraints, to groups of nurses. The rest of the shifts are then... more
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      Genetic AlgorithmNurse rosteringSoft ConstraintsVariable Neighborhood Search
This paper presents our work on decomposing a specific nurse rostering problem by cyclically assigning blocks of shifts, which are designed considering both hard and soft constraints, to groups of nurses. The rest of the shifts are then... more
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      Genetic AlgorithmNurse rosteringSoft ConstraintsVariable Neighborhood Search
This contribution deals with the distributed version of the nurse rostering problem. It is considered in a hospital with many separated wards. The nurse rostering problem within a ward is 'the local problem', rosters within a ward are... more
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    • Nurse rostering
Nurse rostering is a complex scheduling problem that affects hospital personnel on a daily basis all over the world. This paper presents a new component-based approach with evolutionary eliminations, for a nurse scheduling problem arising... more
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      Local Search (Computer Science)Nurse rostering
This paper addresses the problem of developing cyclic schedules for nurses while taking into account the quality of individual rosters. In this context, quality is gauged by the absence of certain undesirable shift patterns. The problem... more
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      Applied MathematicsSchedulingBusiness and ManagementNurse rostering
... AI techniques model a nurse rostering problem as CSP. In terms of modeling flexibility and ease of extending search methods, it is an adequate approach (Chun, 1997; Andy Chun et al., 2000; Lazaro and Aristondo, 1995; Weil et al.,... more
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      EngineeringResource AllocationConstraint ProgrammingGenetic Algorithm
There is an undeniable global shortage of skillful nurses. This is a problem of high priority, which is correlated to workforce management issues. These issues can be palliated by increasing nurses' satisfaction based on flexible rosters... more
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      ManagementComputer ScienceOperations ResearchArrow of time
Healthcare organization is very important for community in delivering a healthy life. Nurse is the person in charge that will handle the healthcare organization wisely. The nurses should get their duty roster with a wide hand to deliver a... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceHealth CareMathematical ProgrammingLinear Programming
This paper presents a new methodology to solve the cyclic preference scheduling problem for hourly workers. The focus is on nurse rostering but is applicable to any organization in which the midterm scheduling decision must take into... more
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      Applied MathematicsBusiness and ManagementColumn GenerationNurse rostering
We investigate the applicability of an existing framework for algorithm runtime prediction to the field of metaheuristics, in particular applied to the real world problem of nurse rostering. Apart from predicting the runtime, we look at... more
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      Prediction ModelNurse rosteringDomain SpecificityPropositional Satisfiability
In an attempt to ensure good-quality printouts of our technical reports, from the supplied PDF files, we process to PDF using Acrobat Distiller. We encourage our authors to use outline fonts coupled with embedding of the used subset of... more
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      Heuristic SearchLocal SearchNurse rosteringPersonnel Scheduling
In an attempt to ensure good-quality printouts of our technical reports, from the supplied PDF files, we process to PDF using Acrobat Distiller. We encourage our authors to use outline fonts coupled with embedding of the used subset of... more
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      MultidisciplinaryGenetic AlgorithmDecision SupportNurse rostering
This contribution deals with the distributed version of the nurse rostering problem. It is considered in a hospital with many separated wards. The nurse rostering problem within a ward is 'the local problem', rosters within a ward are... more
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    • Nurse rostering
Hospital personnel scheduling deals with a large number of constraints of a different nature, some of which need to be satisfied at all costs. It is, for example, unacceptable not to fully support patient care needs and therefore a... more
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      Practice theoryPersonnel ManagementNurse rosteringPatient Care
When applying evolutionary algorithms to difficult real-world problems, the fitness function routinely needs evaluating for a very high number of intermediary cases. This paper is concerned with real-world nurse rostering problems with... more
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      GeneticsInformation TechnologyEvolutionary algorithmsEvolutionary Computation
This contribution considers the distributed version of the Nurse Rostering Problem. A hospital consists of several wards that have a high degree of autonomy. Each ward maintains its local roster. This local decision making problem is of... more
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      Agent BasedNurse rosteringDistributed Decision Making