New Age History
Recent papers in New Age History
V prispevku so na podlagi relevantnih virov in literature predstavljeni lastniki falskega zemljiškega gospostva skozi 19. stoletje. Potem ko je bilo obsežno falsko gospostvo v rokah šentpavelskega samostana z jožefinskimi reformami po... more
Özet Türklerin geleneksel içeceği olan boza; darı, pirinç, arpa, çavdar, irmik ve buğday gibi tahılların öğütülüp sonrasında içerisine su ilave edilerek pişirilmesiyle meydana gelmektedir. Bu içeceği Türkler çok eski zamandan itibaren... more
Multiple projects of Dimitrije Mitrinović in the 1920s and 1930s never evolved into real political or social movements, although some of them had the capacity for that. It seems that Mitrinović preferred a social club with some mystical... more
Szerkesztette: Pánya István
The concept ‘New Age’ signifies, in today’s terms, an extremely popular belief system that offers complete control of one’s own life, as well as balance, love and peace in everyday situations. Although every individual would gladly accept... more
Einleitung Durch systematische Erforschung der bewussten Erfahrung entdeckten sie mit Hilfe einer Vielzahl von Methoden solche Phänomene des Geistes wie beschleunigtes Lernen, erweiterte Bewusstheit, die Macht der inneren... more
Pojam 'New Age' oznacava danas vrlo popularan sustav uvjerenja koji covjeku nudi kontrolu nad vlastitim zivotom, te stjecanje ravnoteze, ljubavi i mira u svakodnevnim situacijama. Iako bi svaka osoba sa radoscu prihvatila navedeno,... more
L’article a pour sujet la personnalité extraordinaire du kabbaliste le Rabbin Levi Isaac Krakovsky (1891–1966), un des étudiants oubliés du Rabbin Yehuda Leib Ashlag (1885–1955). Krakovsky diffusait l’enseignement de son maître en... more
L’article a pour sujet la personnalité extraordinaire du kabbaliste le Rabbin Levi Isaac Krakovsky (1891–1966), un des étudiants oubliés du Rabbin Yehuda Leib Ashlag (1885–1955). Krakovsky diffusait l’enseignement de son maître en... more
El afán de hacer innovaciones cada vez más alejadas del evangelio se ha contagiado y los adeptos lo reciben con interés. En un mundo fascinado por el mundo espiritual el esoterismo disfrazado de cristianismo o la metafísica... more
Rudolf Steiner’s Agriculture Course held at Koberwitz (now Kobierzyce, Poland) in 1924 was arguably the world’s first organic agriculture course - although the terms ‘biodynamic agriculture’ and ‘organic farming’ appeared in the decades... more
Este es un libro revelador, una herramienta para que las personas despierten a una nueva realidad que ha permanecido oculta en favor de los intereses de unos pocos. more
Three world maps of Rudolf Steiner education and Waldorf schools are presented on the occasion of the centenary of the world's leading alternative education paradigm. The three cartograms document the current global diffusion of: (a)... more
published without the knowledge of the author - . not proofread by the author. an updated and corrected version of the article will appear in my book - Wrestling with the Esoteric (2017) הדברים נדפסו שלא בידיעתי וללא הגהה מצידי. אין... more
The article deals with the features of the evolution of the neo-sannyas, neo-Hinduism movement, created by Sri Rajneesh Chandra Mohan (Osho) in 70-80 years of the 20 th century. Special attention is paid to the history of neo-sannyas in... more
The interest of the West in the Eastern world in the 18th century developed rapidly and the number of travelers and scientists seen in Eastern countries increased significantly starting from this century. Another noteworthy issue is the... more
In expectation of an imminent millennial shift (apocalyptic, Utopian, or otherwise), nearly 1,500 books have been published to date drawing attention to the year 2012 and (usually) the Long Count calendar of the Maya. More than 1,000 of... more
Abstract: Associations between the “Mayan Calendar” and impending “Armageddon” arose amidst Cold War fears of nuclear annihilation in the 1960s. The association became firmly rooted in the countercultural milieu of the 1970s and 80s... more
Dr John Paull tells the story of the world travelling, self proclaimed 'spiritually arrogant' Alfred Meebold, who helped bring Rudolf Steiner's teachings to Australia and New Zealand in the early 20th century. Alfred Meebold (29 September... more
O presente artigo apresenta sinteticamente as pesquisas para a Tese de Doutorado que se encontram em fase de desenvolvimento. Procuramos apreender a história de Brasília a partir de um viés utópico e imaginário, que considera os... more
Jonatan Meir, 'Major Trends in 20th Century Kabbalah', trans. by Shinichi Yamamoto, Studies on Jewish Life and Culture 30 (2016), Japan Society for Jewish Studies, pp. 27-39.... more
When one thinks of the New Age, a strange, superstitious counterculture may come to mind.
The paper follows the development of Mitrinović's identity from local Serbian and then Yugoslav, to cosmopolitan. The change to a su-pranational identity already began during his Rome (1911-1913) and Munich periods (1913-1914), and was... more
Did the ancient Maya know what was in store for the world of the 21st century? Was there something they knew-yello be revealed-about the fale ofhllmankind? An afllrmative answer is al the beart of what has come to be known as the "20ll... more
Miroslav Lysý: Vzťah pozemkov a stavieb podľa uhorského krajinského práva 5-14 Adam Köszeghy: Znárodnenie ako nástroj monopolizácie zahraničného obchodu po roku 1948 v Československu 15-33 Terézia Švedová: Právne postavenie iniciatívy... more
Abstract Initialement issues de l'Occident contemporain, les formes de spiritualité qualifiées de « New Age » sont devenues un phénomène globalisé, faisant irruption sur les terrains « traditionnels » de l'ethnologie. Par leur idéologie... more
A Semmelweis Egyetem Központi Könyvtárában található egy mindössze 42 lapból álló könyvecske, melynek címe Medicina Pauperum A' szegények számára való patikátskának az ő állapottyokhoz való alkalmaztatása. A HUNGARICANA szolgáltatásnak... more
The changing nature of New Age is explored in a case study, examining the utilisation of New Age discourse by the former President of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr Janez Drnovšek (1950-2008). Examples from Drnovšek’s publications and... more
Mon cadre de recherches Mon projet de thèse concerne l’émergence récente de nouvelles pratiques rituelles dites « New Age » en Sardaigne, appelées Nuraxìa. En tant que doctrine écrite en 1983 par Raimondo De Muro, la Nuraxìa se présente... more
ΜΟΝΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ Το θρησκεύω του Ελύτη. prof.ddr.hab. Alexios Panagopoulos
The discovery of a rock art site in 2008 by an amateur archaeologist spurred a wave of public interest in archaeology in Maragatería, Spain. As new discoveries took place, alternative archaeological discourses thrived facing the inaction... more
El discurso sobre la modernidad, tradicionalmente, nos la pintó como una época de oro en la historia del desarrollo de la razón. Una lectura realizada bajo una impronta moderna nos situaba en una nueva época de permanente, seguro e... more
1. »New Age«-Pioniere Einleitung 1 2. Mystik und Naturwissenschaft 2 3. Die »New Age «Visionäre Marilyn Ferguson und Peter Russell 2 4.... more
Web interview on my MA thesis from Laval University for 'Projet Gaia1'