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The Vaca Muerta Formation in the Cerro Domuyo area shows an interesting intercalation of facies with opposite paleocurrents. The unit is represented by outer ramp to basinal facies with a westward direction of progradation. However, in... more
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      StratigraphyCarbonate SedimentologyAmmonitesNeuquen Basin
Lower Cretaceous trackways assignable to xiphosurids were recently found in tidally influenced marginal-marine deposits of the Agrio Formation (Patagonia, Argentina). The aim of this paper is to describe these trace fossils in detail,... more
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      IchnologyInvertebrate ZoologyCretaceousNeuquen Basin
Resumen: Los depósitos continentales de la Formación Challacó constituyen la etapa final de acumulación del Grupo Cuyo (Jurásico inferior a medio) en el sector sur de la Cuenca Neuquina. Para sus afloramientos más occidentales, a partir... more
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      Neuquen BasinContinental Deposits
Uno de los muchos aportes de la publicación que aquí presentamos es el de asumir que la energía no es un concepto físico, sino también un elemento social, político, económico y cultural. Este modo de “hacerse cargo” de que la concepción... more
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      PatagoniaMedio AmbienteNeuquen BasinPueblos Originarios
Las advertencias sobre los riesgos e incertidumbres causados por la dinámica industrial y la opción por un crecimiento económico exponencial e ilimitado, durante décadas desestimadas en nuestro país, actualmente ocupan un lugar en la... more
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      PatagoniaNeuquen BasinPueblos OriginariosEcología
Strata of the Bardas Blancas Formation (lower Toarcian–lower Bajocian) are exposed in northern Neuquén Basin. Five sections have been studied in this work. Shoreface/delta front to offshore deposits predominate in four of the sections... more
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      Invertebrate IchnologyTaphonomySedimentary geology and stratigraphyJurassic Stratigraphy
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)PaleoenvironmentPaleoecologyTaphonomy
Cretaceous bakevelliids in Argentina are restricted to the Lower Cretaceous. They are recorded in shallow marine deposits in two Mesozoic basins located in the Andes foothills in Patagonia. In the Austral Basin (44(-55(S) there is only... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)PaleoecologyBiostratigraphyTaphonomy
"The Neuquén back-arc basin is located on thewestmargin of the South American platformbetween latitudes 36° and 40° S. The basin is famous for its continuous sedimentary record fromthe Late Triassic to Cenozoic comprising continental and... more
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      StratigraphyInvertebrate PaleontologyCarbonate SedimentologyNeuquen Basin
The Early Cretaceous marine deposits of the Agrio Formation are widely distributed in southern Mendoza and Neuquén provinces, Argentina. The stratigraphic distribution of upper Valanginian to upper Hauterivian organic walled... more
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      PalynologyDinoflagellatesCretaceousNeuquen Basin
RESUMEN Se presenta una síntesis de los megainvertebrados fósiles cretácicos organizados en un esquema estratigráfico por pisos, actualizan-do la información brindada en 1978 en el Primer Relatorio de la Geología del Neuquén. Dada la... more
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      BiostratigraphyCretaceous ammonitesMollusksCretaceous
RESUMEN Se realizaron estudios sedimentológico-estratigráficos en los depósitos fluviales innominados del Jurásico Medio de la Cuenca Neuquina surmendocina, que afloran en el anticlinal de Malargüe y Bardas Blancas. En el primero de ellos... more
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      Sequence StratigraphySedimentary geology and stratigraphyNeuquen BasinFluvial Sedimentology
2007. The bivalve Pholadomya gigantea in the Early Cretaceous of Argentina: Taxonomy, taphonomy, and paleogeographic implications. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 52 (2): 375-390.
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"Storm deposits (tempestites) have been extensively studied in the sedimentary record, particularly those deposits with hummocky cross-stratification, knowing their bathymetric ranks, facies models and their hydrodynamic conditions (Harms... more
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      Carbonate SedimentologyNeuquen BasinMicrofaciesVaca Muerta Formation
En la literatura el término biofacies ha sido utilizado con diferentes significados de los cuales el ambiental o ecológico es el más importante . Esta connotación del término cobró fuer-za en los estudios de faunas bentónicas actuales los... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyIchnologyEcology
Cretaceous megainvertebrates and their biostratigraphic significance.- A synthesis of the Cretaceous megainvertebrates is presented by stage. This is an update of the information presented in the first version of the Geology and Natural... more
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      PaleontologyBiostratigraphyCretaceousNeuquen Basin
Variations in the sedimentary organic matter were documented throughout the Agua de la Mula Member (late Hauterivian) of the Agrio Formation, at a combined section in the type area of the Agrio Formation; the base at Agrio del Medio and... more
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      PalynologyDinoflagellatesSequence StratigraphyFacies Analysis
Durante el intervalo Tithoniano-Berriasiano el engolfamiento Neuquino se comportó como una cuenca parcialmen-te cerrada, limitada hacia el oeste por un arco de islas volcánicas poco elevado, y conectada por estrechos pasajes marinos con... more
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      Invertebrate PaleontologyCarbonate SedimentologyNeuquen BasinVaca Muerta Formation
We present here a record of Plio-Pleistocene deformations above the flexural front of the southern Central Andes of Argentina. We combine a seismic profile with structural and geomorphological observations to show that thin-skinned... more
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      GeomorphologyNeotectonicsNeuquen BasinGravitational Processes
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      SociologyEnvironmental SociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical Sociology
"Three new ichnotaxa of crustacean microcoprolites from the Neuquén Basin, Argentina, are described in this paper: Palaxius rahuensis Kietzmann n. isp. (early Valanginian), Palaxius mendozaensis Kietzmann n. isp. and Palaxius malarguensis... more
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      IchnologyInvertebrate PaleontologyCarbonate SedimentologyJurassic-Creataceous boundary
Cretaceous megainvertebrates and their biostratigraphic significance.- A synthesis of the Cretaceous megainvertebrates is presented by stage. This is an update of the information presented in the first version of the Geology and Natural... more
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      PaleontologyBiostratigraphyInvertebrate PaleontologyCretaceous
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      Evolutionary BiologySystematics (Taxonomy)GeologyPaleontology
This paper provides an updated taxonomic inventory of the bivalve fauna collected in the Pilmatué Member of the Agrio Formation of the Neuquén Basin, west-central Argentina, places the fauna in its palaeobiogeographic setting, and... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)PaleobiogeographyCretaceousBivalvia
A lo largo del Cretácico la Cuenca Neuquina registra dos momentos distintivos de rocas marinas, uno que abarca el lapso Berriasiano-Barremiano temprano y otro, más restringido, que abarca el Maastrichtiano. En ambos intervalos se conocen... more
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      CephalopodsPaleobiogeographyMollusksInvertebrate Paleontology
"Resumen La presencia de crinoideos saccocómidos en la Cuenca Neuquina es uns hallazgo relevante, ya que constiruye el resgistro más temprano del orden Roveacrinida en el Hemisferio Sur y el primer registro de Saccocoma fuera de la... more
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      StratigraphyTaphonomyInvertebrate PaleontologyCarbonate Sedimentology
Taphonomic and palaeocological studies of fossil assemblages from the transgressive and highstand succession of the Vaca Muerta Formation (lower Tithonian to upper Valanginian) in Loncoche Creek, Rahue Creek and Cuesta del Chihuido,... more
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      StratigraphyTaphonomyInvertebrate PaleontologyCarbonate Sedimentology
El texto aborda distintas aristas del conflicto en torno a la producción de hidrocarburos no convencionales en el yacimiento Vaca Muerta, en Argentina. Una de las disputas centrales tiene como protagonistas a las comunidades mapuche, las... more
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      Hydraulic FracturingEstudios sobre Violencia y ConflictoTerritoryMedio Ambiente
"Subtropical carbonates from the Callovian Calabozo Formation, and their diagenesis, Neuquen Basin, MendozaPprovince. Detailed study of Callovian carbonates of the Calabozo Formation (30 m) in western Argentina, reveals the abundance of... more
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      Carbonate SedimentologyJurassicNeuquen BasinMicrofacies
La producción de hidrocarburos en la provincia del Neuquén comenzó en el año 1918 y a partir de ese momento se ha producido gas y petróleo de reservorios convencionales correspondientes a las diferentes formaciones que integran la columna... more
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      Neuquen BasinTight Gas ReserviorsLow Permeability
Las facies marinas de la Formación Agrio (Valanginiano-Barremiano temprano, Cuenca Neuquina) poseen un abundante contenido fosilífero el cual ha sido estudiado desde fines del siglo XIX. Grupos tales como amonoideos, bivalvos,... more
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      Neuquen BasinFossil CoralsLower cretaceous
Aetostreon pilmatuegrossum sp. nov., a large and very convex ostreid from the Pilmatué Member of the Agrio Formation (Neuqué n Basin, Argentina), is described based on specimens recovered from upper Valanginian beds of the Pseudofavrella... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)PaleoenvironmentPaleoecologyFacies Analysis
Las rocas del Cretácico Inferior de cuenca Neuquina son excepcionales desde el punto de vista estratigráfico y paleontológico. Los excelentes afloramientos y su abundante contenido fosilífero permiten realizar buenas correlaciones entre... more
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      PalynologyBiostratigraphyCalcareous nannofossilsCretaceous
"Penecontemporaneous decimetre-scale soft-sediment deformation structures are reported from the basal part of the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous Vaca Muerta Formation, in the Malargüe–Las Leñas area of the back-arc Neuquén Basin (Mendoza... more
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      StratigraphyCarbonate SedimentologyNeuquen BasinVaca Muerta Formation
Accumulation within the unconformity-based Hauterivian Avilé Sandstone of the Neuquén Basin, Argentina, was characterized by a close interaction between fluvial and aeolian processes developed after a major relative sea-level drop that... more
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      SedimentologySequence StratigraphyEolian sedimentationSedimentary geology and stratigraphy
728 Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 63 (4): 728 - 753 (2008) ... DEPOSITS IN THE LOS MOLLES FORMATION (CUYO GROUP ... - JURASSIC) AT LA JARDINERA REGION, NEUQUÉN BASIN ... Paulo SG PAIM1, Ariane S. SILVEIRA1, Ernesto LC ...
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      GeologyStratigraphyPetroleum geologyPetroleum Geoscience
Cretaceous megainvertebrates and their biostratigraphic significance.- A synthesis of the Cretaceous megainvertebrates is presented by stage. This is an update of the information presented in the first version of the Geology and Natural... more
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      PaleontologyBiostratigraphyCretaceous ammonitesMollusks
The Los Chihuidos and El Porvenir deposits of the Neuquén Basin are examples of sediment-hosted stratiform Cu deposits generated by interaction of hydrocarbons and formation water with host red beds and metal-charged basinal brines.... more
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      Stable Isotope AnalysisNeuquen BasinHYDROCARBONSCopper Mineralization
evaporites at a depth of 700-900 m. The size of such a process is unusually large onshore (630-810 km 3 ) but mimics the gravity gliding observed in deltas and passive margins. Since this process disconnects zones with a shallow stress... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyGeomorphologyNeotectonics
The genus Steinmanella Crickmay is recorded in several Lower Cretaceous marine units of the Neuquén Basin. It is particularly abundant at the transition between the Vaca Muerta and Mulichinco formations. This paper presents a taxonomic... more
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      TaxonomyFacies AnalysisCretaceousNeuquen Basin
La Formación Vaca Muerta contiene una fauna excepcionalmente rica y variada de invertebrados y vertebrados marinos; sin embargo solamente algunos de estos grupos han sido estudiados desde los trabajos iniciales de Behrendsen (1891). Los... more
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      StratigraphyTaphonomyInvertebrate PaleontologyCarbonate Sedimentology
The La Manga Formation constitutes most of the sedimentary record of the Callovian-Oxfordian in the Neuquén Basin. This stratigraphic unit represents the middle part of the Lotena Mesosequence, which is dominated by carbonates with... more
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      GeologySequence StratigraphyCarbonate SedimentologyAmmonites
Nerineoid shell beds are described for the first time from Lower Cretaceous deposits of southern South America. These come from carbonates near the top of the Agrio Formation in southern Mendoza Province, west-central Argentina. To... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyArgentina HistoryEcology
Osagids-types oncoids from La Manga Formation and their paleoecological significance, La Vaina Creek, Mendoza. Microbial oncoids have been found in the Oxfordian limestones of the La Manga Formation in the La Vaina section at Potimalal... more
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      GeologySea LevelStratificationCarbonate Sedimentology
Organic-rich sediments were deposited in the deeper sectors of the Neuquén Basin during the latest Jurassic and the Early Cretaceous. This paper presents the results of a detailed examination of these deposits in the northern-most... more
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      Earth SciencesPaleontologySedimentologyIchnology
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Penecontemporaneous decimetre-scale soft-sediment deformation structures are reported from the basal part of the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous Vaca Muerta Formation, in the Malargüe-Las Leñas area of the back-arc Neuquén Basin (Mendoza... more
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      GeologyStratigraphyCarbonate SedimentologyAge Determination
The lithofacies and macrofossil guilds of the Agrio Formation (Upper Valanginian -Lower Barremian) have been analysed using evidence from sedimentological, taphonomic and palaeoecological studies. The study area is Agua de la Mula and... more
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      TaphonomyPalaeoecologyInvertebrate PaleontologySedimentary geology and stratigraphy