Nature/culture Dichotomization
Recent papers in Nature/culture Dichotomization
En este trabajo nos proponemos abordar el tópico concerniente a la dicotomía naturaleza/cultura y la relación de ésta con la cuestión de la diferencia antropológica. Reconstruiremos algunos de los puntos centrales del debate reciente en... more
Conrado Zuluaga schrieb 1989 dass der Protagonist in José Eustasio Riveras Roman 'La Vorágine' (1924) nicht Arturo Cova sei, der verhinderte Poet, der seine entführte Alicia im kolumbianischen Urwald verfolgt, sondern dieser Wald selbst.... more
Comment la nature façonne la culture et comment, réciproquement, la culture redessine la corporéité à travers gestes et habitudes du quotidien.
This entry begins by reviewing the definitions of “human”, “environment,” and “dichotomy”, consequently turning to the debates concerning the human–environment relationship. Synthesizing various studies, it supposes that advanced tool... more
Ekologia w krótkim czasie zyskała rzesze zwolenników na całym świecie, stała się nie tylko nieodłącznym składnikiem intelektualnego krajobrazu i elementem codziennej praktyki, ale również doskonałym produktem marketingowym. Jednak... more
PhD dissertation in Swedish, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden 2017. In 1909 the Swedish national parks law was adopted with the assumption that the Sámi people living in the areas to be preserved were, in principle, one with... more
Coviello, J. and Borgerson, J. L. (1999) “Tracing Parallel Oppressions: A Feminist Ontology of Women and Animals,” Feminista! vol. 3(4). Creates a philosophical/poetic dialog with Susan Griffin's Woman and Nature: The Roaring Inside... more
It is refreshing to see there is an intelligent challenge to outdoor ‘recreation’ in its dominant, hegemonic form within this book by some of the authors. For example, Pip Lynch calls for more critical research; Karen Warren asks for a... more
This chapter presents a broad view of an ecological science in search of new paradigms for tackling the ecological challenges of the Anthropocene. In a first part, I introduce the concept of ‘ecological novelty’ to characterise ongoing... more
Folien zu Menschentypen und Wilson´s Schaltkreisen Schaltkreise I + II 2 Matrisch – Patrische Ausprägung 3 Die 4 Temperamente des Hippokrates I 4 Die 4 Temperamente des Hippokrates... more
The culture-nature division is fundamental to the division of academic labour between the social and natural sciences. In the face of climate change and other broad environmental threats, natural and social scientists are becoming... more
Any mediation of the humanity-nature divide driven by environmental concern must satisfactorily account for ecologically destructive human behaviour. Holmes Rolston, III argues that human cultures should “follow nature” when interacting... more
The paper aims to tell the story of archaeozoology and utilize it to point out changes in the perception of nature and culture, the perception of animals as organisms that belong entirely to the domain of nature (unlike people who ‘build’... more
Most critics I cited in my initial article Nobody Likes Dichotomies (but sometimes you need them) are specifically drawing attention to situations where strict designations of human and nature made by groups of environmentalists’ – who... more
In questo lavoro ci proponiamo di ripercorrere i passi fondamentali che costituiscono il percorso di analisi della cultura e, nello specifico, dell’origine e del diffondersi delle credenze religiose, alla luce di una specifica teoria... more
Cultural landscapes represent a complex category where the nature-culture dichotomy seem to not be able to unfold the main features and the profound relations that humans have with the environment. Drawing on ethnographic data collected... more
The present article analyzes two of Marsha Norman’s groundbreaking plays, Getting Out (1977) and ’night, Mother (1983), in the light of ecofeminism. From the viewpoint of ecological feminism, Western patriarchal culture, which is... more
The role played by late nineteenth-century anthropologists in promulgating racist stereotypes, and as instruments of colonialism, is well known. Less understood is how the "disenchanted nature," against which anthropologists like Elsdon... more