Narrative theory (Languages And Linguistics)
Most cited papers in Narrative theory (Languages And Linguistics)
Narrative, the creation of imaginative projects and experiences displayed in expressions of movement and voice, is how human cooperative understanding grows. Human understanding places the character and qualities of objects and events of... more
"Carter's music poses struggles of opposition, for instance in timbre (Double Concerto), space (String Quartet No. 3) or pulse (String Quartet No. 5). His preference for the all-interval tetrachords, 4–Z15 [0, 1, 4, 6] and 4–Z29 [0, 1, 3,... more
Narrations have traditionally been seen as linguistic artefacts that are mediated by someone who is telling the story. As such, the narrator’s perspective constitutes a central parameter when exploring the possibilities of a unified... more
This paper explores the content of the somniloquies of Dion McGregor, the most extensive sleep talker ever recorded, and compares these with dream content from normative male dreams on the Hall and van de Castle Content Scales (1966) and... more
Recent literary texts in English, French, and German represent the Ho-locaust through the autodiegetic narration of Nazi perpetrators, a strategy that emphasizes the humanness of their protagonists and complicates the reified image of... more
Cet article propose une réflexion historique et épistémologique sur l’association, qui va jusqu’à l’identification, entre la narratologie et la théorie pan-narratoriale des récits de fiction (théorie qui postule l’existence d’un narrateur... more
The purpose of this study is to propose the structural outline and conceptual framework of a Ricoeurian translation theory. Following a discussion on the ambiguities around situating Ricoeur in translation theory, three major interlinked... more
In recent years, cognitive science has progressively entered the epoch of “4e cognition” in which the mind is considered as embedded, enacted, embodied and extended. However, among these second-generation perspectives, the extended mind... more
Cet article propose de se pencher sur un aspect typique de la Novelle allemande romantique, à savoir que beaucoup des textes de l’époque se présentent comme enchâssés dans un cadre nocturne. Les prosateurs de l’Allemagne romantique... more
traduit de l'américain et présenté par Sylvie Patron Belin | « Po&sie » 2007/2 N° 120 | pages 315 à 334 ISSN 0152-0032 ISBN 9782701146300 Article disponible en ligne à Distribution électronique pour Belin. © Belin. Tous droits... more
In this article a comparison is established between two kinds of analysis, and two radically different applications of the art of storytelling: on the one hand, the one which results from the most recent applications in this regard, that... more
'Revista Ciencias' 109-110; Marzo-Septiembre 2013.
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Facultad de Ciencias
In the work of English author/mathematician/logician Lewis Carroll (Charles L. Dodgson), questions of language and meaning constantly lurk beneath the surface. As a literary genre, Carroll’s nonsense has been shown to address changing... more
Данный сборник статей посвящен анализу роли игровых факторов в формировании личности и определении жизненных стратегий, а также различных способов взаимодействия игры и реальности: игровым способам формирования самооценки и социальной... more
"Nezanesljivi pripovedovalec je rezultat kompleksnih procesov, ki se odvijajo v dejanju literarne komunikacije med avtorjem in njegovim kontekstom, literarnim delom, njegovim kontekstom in njegovim implicitnim avtorjem v pomenu dela kot... more
This project examined the often competing perspectives of ludology and narratology in the field of video game studies, and attempts to incorporate both into a model of game narrative engagement based on the laws of thermodynamics.... more