Music Therapy and Autism
Recent papers in Music Therapy and Autism
Jaswal and Akhtar’s outstanding target article identifies the necessary social nature of the human mind, even in autism. We agree with the authors and present significant contributory origins of this autistic isolation in disruption of... more
This literature review seeks to find out, if the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) could be a useful instrument in an inclusive scholastic context when music therapy-based interventions are applied. The aim is to compare studies in which... more
Per farci un'idea chiara su che cosa sia la Musicoterapia e le sue applicazioni in ambito medico dobbiamo risalire agli studi di fama internazionale che da oltre trent'anni affrontano questa tematica, mi riferisco in particolare a Rolando... more
The Aim is to provide a socializing space for children suffering from autism by providing them essential spaces with necessary activities and harmonious interior spaces.
Se expone un proyecto de Musicoterapia en Educación dirigido al alumnado escolarizado en el Aula Especifica con diagnóstico de Trastorno Generalizado del Desarrollo (TEA) en un Centro Publico de Educación Infantil y Primaria de la Junta... more
A 17 year old boy diagnosed as a case of Autism became completely independent and free from all the limiting symptoms of autism that he had been suffering from since the age of 2 years and started earning on his own for the first time in... more
Δύε Νενθιένπο Σξαγνύδη Σν ηξαγνύδη έρεη ζεξαπεπηηθέο ηδηόηεηεο αθνύ όηαλ ηξαγνπδάκε ελεξγνπνηείηαη ν εγθέθαινο κέζσ δνλήζεσλ θαη επαλαθνξηίδεηαη κε ελέξγεηα. ην ηξαγνύδη ν εγθέθαινο ρξεζηκνπνηεί θαη ηα δύν εκηζθαίξηα (Tomatis,1999). Σν... more
Tiivistelmä – Abstract Autism spectrum disorder (also called ASD) is the fastest growing disability. Research shows that music is a relational, emotional, and motivational medium that plays an essential role in field of music therapy,... more
This booklet is about music and autism. It examines the neurological basis of autism and how music can be used as a step by step approach. It is primarily meant as a guide for ABT Practitioners who are working with children on the autism... more
The new definition of EBM or 'evidence based medicine' that would help make the 'paradigm-shift' in autism towards applying the solution(s) and seeing the results is - including and accepting the individual case-reports of "healed" cases... more
author tries to convey that the practice and listening of music has many psychosomatic, therapeutic and sociocultural benefits
Although “mainstream” medicine continues to turn a blind eye to the presence of autism treatments and therapies that are showing results in autism , in the spirit of practising “good science” , this article seeks to present the SCIENCE... more
Applied Intentional Epigenetics is transforming the way children who present with epilepsy coexisting with autism are being treated today. This article explores the option of applying Epigenetics as a Biotechnological Tool in curing the... more
Community is essential for individuals to feel like a part of something larger; however, many individuals with disabilities and their families lack a connection to community due to the display of unusual social behaviours or unavailable... more
How is creativity related to health and mental illness? What is the relationship between the nature of the unconscious and the predisposition to both creativity and mental illness? These questions are explored with reference to research... more
As humanity is rapidly moving towards gearing up to “ welcome “ the next stage in Human Evolution as represented by autistic beings, especially children with autism, an Emerging field of science namely Brain Theranostics is being enriched... more
#Autism #AutismTreatment #AutismSurrogateHealing #IntentHealing #NonVerbalAutism What is Surrogate healing in Autism ? Surrogate healing in Autism is the healing of the limiting symptoms in a child with Autism by channeling Intent... more
Keywords: Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD); Heightened Sensory Intelligence (HSI); Intent Healing(™); Autism; ADHD; Autism and SPD; ADHD and SPD; SPD Cure; Sensory Processing Disorder Cure, Sensory Integration
Executive functions (EFs) play a vital part in planning and organising everyday life, and they are directly linked to tasks like problem solving and language skills. Furthermore, weaknesses in EF are frequent in individuals with autism... more
RESUMEN La música que atesoramos, que nos habita y secuestra, provoca un ahondamiento, una receptividad hacia emociones que de otro modo nos serían desconocidas. Los intentos de desarrollar una psicología, una neurología y una fisiología... more
A 17 year old boy diagnosed as a case of Autism became completely independent and free from all the limiting symptoms of autism that he had been suffering from since the age of 2 years and started earning on his own for the first time in... more
This book offers a practical, ready-to-use MuSense program. Originally designed for music therapists working with individuals with profound multiple disabilities, the MuSense program provides comprehensive guidance to music therapists on... more
Liquid Vibrations is a charity operating in Special Schools that engages children with special and complex needs in listening through playing music inside water at hydrotherapy pools and through facilitating movement in water (Watsu).
Published in the final issue of poetry magazine Smiths Knoll (no. 50, 2012, ISSN 0964-6310)
What is Surrogate healing in Autism? Surrogate healing in autism is the healing of the limiting symptoms in a child with autism by channeling Intent Healing™ energies with the parents of the child acting as surrogates. All the limiting... more
Jaswal and Akhtar identify the necessary social nature of the human mind, even in autism. We agree with the authors and present significant contributory origins of this autistic isolation in disruption of purposeful movement made social... more
The role of language in constituting being and reality was an abiding concern of existential philosophers but not all ways of being are discursive. How we build musicality into an existential understanding of being and reality? Can... more
Presentazione riassuntiva del progetto di musicoterapia svolto nelle scuole dell'infanzia e rivolto alle classi nelle quali erano presenti bambini con disturbo dello spettro autistico. Poster presentato al Convegno sull'Autismo... more