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קשה להפריז בתרומתה של הפרדיגמה של האזרחות המרובה לניתוח ההיסטורי-פוליטי של החברה והמדינה בישראל, אותה הציע יואב פלד כתשובה לגישת "הלאומיות המתודולוגית", ששלטה בכיפה וראתה בתהליכי בינוי האומה כפריזמה הבלעדית להבנת התפתחותה ההיסטורית של... more
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      Sociology of ReligionIsrael StudiesReligion and PoliticsIsrael/Palestine
This essay was published in a special issue of ha-Kiṿun Mizraḥ, dedicated to the memory of the Iraqi Jewish author, Shimon Ballas (and edited by Almog Behar and Yuval Evri). The essay examines how Ballas, who was himself in exile from... more
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      Hebrew LiteratureArabic LiteratureExileSephardi/Mizrahi Studies
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      Gender StudiesPostcolonial StudiesPoetryMigration Studies
Recent years have seen the flourishing of research on Lithuanian Kabbalists in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, to the point that some scholars speak of a defined and delineated stream of Kabbalah, a school unto itself dubbed... more
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      ReligionHistoryModern HistoryIntellectual History
In reply to a recent article in Al-Ahram by Professor Emeritus Fawzi Mansour of Ain Shams University, Behar makes "uncommon sense" of the sociopolitical history of the Middle East's own Jews
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      Middle East StudiesNationalismIsrael/PalestinePalestine
(from the Introduction) Being the final product of his doctoral studies, Paul Wilkinson’s book, For Zion’s Sake, intends to reveal how John Nelson Darby’s detractors have distorted Christian Zionism while directly challenging academics... more
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      TheologyHistorical TheologyPractical theologySystematic Theology
Until the conclusion of the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, there were roughly 750,000 Jews living in Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen, Algeria and Palestine/Israel. A comparative electronic survey of some 900 journals... more
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      SemioticsSociologySocial MovementsEthnic Studies
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsComparative ReligionHistory
יש מן המזרחיות: על הרישום לאחור של תוכני הזהות יצחק בנימיני במסה זו יצחק בנימיני מציע מסגרת תיאורטית ייחודית להבנת שאלת המזרחיות. טענתו היא שאין לאתר את המזרחיות בתכנים פוזיטיביים כלשהם, מהותיים, סוציולוגיים או היסטוריים. תחת זאת, יש... more
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      Sephardi/Mizrahi StudiesMizrahi JewsMizrahimMizrahi, Arab Jews, Critique of Zionism
In the following article we will examine at length some of the dynamics by which R. Yosef Hayyim of Baghdad—the renowned Ben Ish Hai (1834–1909) - integrated Kabbalah into daily life, and the complex way that he combined the teachings... more
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      ReligionAbrahamic ReligionsNew Religious MovementsHistory
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      Jewish StudiesHebrew LanguageIsrael StudiesNationalism
"What Norman Finkelstein has done in exposing the political foregrounding of the Holocaust Industry, what Giorgio Agamben has done in extrapolating the contemporary implications of homo sacer from the horrors of the concentration camps,... more
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      Critical TheoryPsychoanalysisJewish StudiesGenocide Studies
מאמר ביקורת על מאמרו של גור אלרואי שהתפרסם בכתב העת 'ציון', פ תשע"ה, עמ' 551–581 - אני מודה לאנשי כתב העת 'ציון' והחברה ההיסטורית הישראלית על שיתוף הפעולה הפורה, על עזרתם בניכוש שגגות במאמר והסבת תשומת לבי לסוגיות נוגעות. ------... more
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      Eastern European StudiesJewish HistoryJewish historiographyModern Jewish History
לינק לפרסום המקורי במוסף "ספרים" של הארץ 30.10.2006
ולינק לפרסום המאמר באתר "העוקץ" עם לינק למאמרו של דודי
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      Hebrew LiteratureJewish StudiesIsrael StudiesIsrael/Palestine
For the past twenty-five years, and particularly during the last decade, the idea of the Arab Jew has been debated in multiple forums in different parts of the world. The Arab Jew is represented in literature and film, discussed in blogs... more
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      Cultural StudiesComparative LiteratureHebrew LiteratureArabic Literature
What is the relationship between Mizrahi feminism and Israeli ultranationalism? What is the relevance of gender justice activism to the 2014 Gaza War and Israel’s foreign policy? Wrapped in the Flag of Israel Second Edition examines... more
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      Cultural StudiesSocial MovementsEthnic StudiesGender Studies
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      SociologyAnthropologyIsrael StudiesCategorization
The question was simple: should the Hebraist Zionist movement in Ottoman Palestine invest in publishing a newspaper in Arabic and, if yes, should it be communitarian Jewish or general in its topics? What began as yet another obscure... more
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      Intellectual HistoryEthnohistoryEthnic StudiesJewish Studies
Studies of the Arab-Zionist matrix are ordinarily written from what may be termed as a territorially Palestine-centric vantage-point; this -obviously -makes sense since the conflict"s sorrows, battles, deaths, expulsions and displacements... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySocial MovementsEthnic Studies
Using Israel’s land-grabbing practices alongside its demographic classifications as a conceptual lens, this article advances two claims: one about biospatial strategies, including the construction of space as a racialized category, and... more
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      Social DemographyHuman GeographyPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsDemography
Review "This excellent study is [...] recommended for academic libraries." Daniel Scheide, Florida Atlantic University, Association of Jewish Libraries Reviews, Volume VII, No. 2... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsHistoryModern History
Contents Preface pp. ix-xii Introduction: The Imagined Decline of Kabbalah pp. 1-17 Chapter One: The Kabbalistic Yeshivot of Jerusalem pp. 19-73 Chapter Two: Searching for the Lost Tribes pp. 74-108 Chapter Three: The... more
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      ReligionAbrahamic ReligionsNew Religious MovementsNew Religious Movements
Contents Preface pp. ix-xii Introduction: The Imagined Decline of Kabbalah pp. 1-17 Chapter One: The Kabbalistic Yeshivot of Jerusalem pp. 19-73 Chapter Two: Searching for the Lost Tribes pp. 74-108 Chapter Three: The... more
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      ReligionAbrahamic ReligionsNew Religious MovementsNew Religious Movements
According to Command of Arabic among Israeli Jews, a report by Shenhav et al. (2015), the vast majority of the Jews in Israel neither speak nor understand the Arabic language. Proficiency in Arabic has declined dramatically with... more
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      MusicSephardi/Mizrahi StudiesZionismSettler Colonial Studies
This article analyzes Jewish and Arab national formations by exploring dynamics surrounding their border-zone community of Arabized-Jews during the first half of the 20th century. As the internal composition of the Arab and Zionist-Jewish... more
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      Diplomatic HistorySociologyPolitical SociologySocial Movements
This paper explores the anti-Jewish heart of Modern Political Zionism. It is asserted that modern Zionism is a racist, anti-Semitic ideology and movement in a double sense. Zionism is most clearly racist in the obvious sense that it is an... more
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      Israel/PalestineAnti-SemitismReligious ZionismIsrael and Zionism
יונתן מאיר, 'האמת הנעדרת: ר' יוסף חיים והקבלה בארץ ישראל', חלמיש למעיינו מים: מחקרים בקבלה, הלכה, מנהג והגות צוגשים לפרופ' משה חלמיש, בעריכת אברהם אלקיים, חביבה פדיה, ירושלים: כרמל, תשע"ו, עמ' 561-542
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      ReligionIntellectual HistoryCultural StudiesJewish Law
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      Hebrew LiteratureMizrahi, Arab Jews, Critique of Zionism
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      Diplomatic HistoryPeace and Conflict StudiesForeign Policy AnalysisMiddle East Studies
Paru dans: Création(s) en exil Perspectives interdisciplinaires Sous la direction de Loreto NÚÑEZ Collection du CLE -2018. À travers l’examen de plusieurs occurrences provenant de la poésie, de la chanson et du cinéma, je cherche ici à... more
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      PhilosophyTranslation StudiesFilm StudiesPostcolonial Studies
This paper seeks to examine and deconstruct two groups and the relationships between them: the Israeli national-religious settler movement and the Israeli Jews of Middle Eastern and North African descent, or mizraḥim. In academic,... more
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      Middle East StudiesIsrael StudiesMiddle East PoliticsIsrael and Zionism
The Mistaʿarvim are Jewish undercover agents who masquerade as Arabs in order to infiltrate Palestinian and other Arab societies in the service of the Israeli military. The first Mistaʿarvim unit, which served in the pre-1948 Palmach... more
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      EthnomusicologyPerformance StudiesIsrael/PalestineMusic Aesthetics
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyPolitical SociologySocial Movements
The television show Our Boys (HBO and Keshet Studios, 2019) revisits the July 2, 2014 kidnapping and murder of Muhammad Abu Khdeir, the 16-year-old Palestinian boy from Shuafat, Jerusalem who was killed at the hands of three Jewish... more
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      Film StudiesTelevision StudiesIsrael/PalestinePalestinian Studies
From the Bible, this book does the history of the abolition of feminine and masculine sexual mutilation at the time of Akhenaten’s hedonist utopia. It also proves, by the Bible alone, that Abraham (Genesis 15: 8) and Moses (Deuteronomy... more
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      Abrahamic ReligionsFemale CircumcisionMale CircumcisionBook of Genesis
Jews have always been present to participate in the construction of Middle Eastern society and culture. However for many, their relationship with the Middle East was cut short with the end of World War II and the creation of the state of... more
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      Israel StudiesIsrael/PalestineSephardi/Mizrahi StudiesIsrael
Religious Zionism and the Mizrahi Immigrants, between positive and negative labeling: a case study from the first years of the state Malka Katz Abstract The article focuses on the deep currents of religious Zionism’s fears regarding the... more
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      Religious ZionismOrientalism and ReligionMizrahi JewsMizrahi, Arab Jews, Critique of Zionism
University Assignment report, Intercultural Communication (AIS101) unit, Bachelor of International Studies, Deakin University Faculty of Arts and Education.
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      Racial and Ethnic PoliticsIsrael StudiesRace and RacismRace and Ethnicity
מאמר זה מתמקד בזרמי העומק של חששותיה של החברה הציונית-דתית מקליטת העלייה המזרחית הגדולה בשנותיה הראשונות של המדינה, 'אימת הקרנבל' (בעקבות שם מאמרו של פרופ' ירון צור). ניתוח תכניה של החוברת קדמה מול קידמה מאת ד' זעירא, שם העט של דב רוזן,... more
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      Israel StudiesReligious ZionismOrientalism and ReligionMizrahi, Arab Jews, Critique of Zionism
Israel and Turkey are, no doubt, the vivid centers of popular music cosmopolitanism. Both realities are interesting and puzzling at the same time, reflecting their challenging geography and history. To name their geographical location as... more
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      Music HistoryPopular MusicWomen's HistoryTurkish and Middle East Studies
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      Film StudiesSephardi/Mizrahi StudiesBook ReviewsOrientalism
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      Hebrew LiteratureMarxismArab and Jewish DiasporasSephardi/Mizrahi Studies
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      Israel StudiesIsrael/PalestineSocial ActivismFeminist activism
This article explores the relations between European Zionists, Sephardim, and Oriental Jews in late Ottoman Palestine by narrating the story of A. Yehudai, a Bulgarian Jewish teacher in the Sephardi community of Gaza in 1913. Reading... more
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      EducationIsrael/PalestinePalestineSephardic Studies
מה נותר ממחאת האהלים, ומהו חותמה על החברה והפוליטיקה בישראל? מרבים לדון בסיבות למחאת האהלים ב-2011, אך מעט בהשלכותיה. המחאה הא-פוליטית לכאורה כמשחק אגוני, שבו התמודדו שני שחקנים פוליטיים - הגמונים וכפיפים – עם השלכות הסדר הנאוליברלי.... more
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      Race and EthnicityDemocracySephardi/Mizrahi StudiesIsrael
What means GaLUT (Exile), a metaphor for disconnectedness, in relation to the artist Joseph Sassoon Semah, a Babylonian Jew who emigrated to the West (Amsterdam)? He is part of GaLUT, an endless cycle of diaspora and return. Semah is born... more
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      Cultural HeritageIdentity (Culture)Visual ArtsDiaspora and transnationalism
Sephardic Jews and Jews from Arab lands are the majority Jewish demographic in Israel today. While some came to Israel with different motivations, the majority of Sephardim were motivated to make 'aliyah through traditional... more
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      Sephardic StudiesSephardi/Mizrahi StudiesZionismIsrael and Zionism
This book does the history of the abolition of feminine and masculine sexual mutilation at the time of Akhenaten’s hedonist utopia. It proves by the Bible, rather than by the intercultural comparisons of Secrets of the Exodus (2000),... more
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      Abrahamic ReligionsTheologyHebrew BibleMale Circumcision
פורסם במדור דעות, הארץ - 07/09/2013 שעה 20:00 המגדר המזרחי שצמח בארץ בעשור האחרון אינו אלא המשך להשקפות אוריינטליסטיות של עמים קולוניאליסטיים באירופה. האוריינטליסט מסתכל על מה שמחוץ לאירופה בגישה פטרונית, חביבה אך מזלזלת: ממרומי תרבותו... more
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