Migrants rights
Recent papers in Migrants rights
Nel libro I delle Eneide (538-543), Virgilio scriveva: «in pochi arrivammo qui sulle vostre spiagge. Ma che razza di uomini è questa? Quale patria permette un costume così barbaro, che ci nega perfino l'ospitalità della sabbia; che ci... more
Text published in the Newsletter of the American Political Science
Association’s Organized Section on Migration and
Citizenship's Symposium: The Global Compact for Migration (available in full at: https://bit.ly/2BzUfpd)
Association’s Organized Section on Migration and
Citizenship's Symposium: The Global Compact for Migration (available in full at: https://bit.ly/2BzUfpd)
India was one of the leading countries to implement the initial lockdown to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, but still, the lockdown failed and within a few months, India joined the list of countries most affected by the coronavirus... more
Ipea fornece suporte técnico e institucional às ações governamentais -possibilitando a formulação de inúmeras políticas públicas e programas de desenvolvimento brasileiro -e disponibiliza, para a sociedade, pesquisas e estudos realizados... more
In recent decades, the criminalization of immigration and the use of private prisons have increased in popularity. The criminalization of immigration and the privatization of prisons work hand in hand in shaping the American criminal... more
The International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families (ICMW) is a comprehensive international human rights mechanism adopted by the United Nations in 1990 with the purpose of... more
This volume has been realized within the context of the Sfera project, acronym of: Supporti Formativi ed Educativi alle Reti di Accoglienza. Thanks to SFERA, the promoting bodies favoured the integration and social insertion of immigrants... more
Türkiyeli ve Suriyeli kadınların ev dışı ücretli işgücüne katılımlarının belirleyenlerini ve etkilerini toplumsal cinsiyet ve gruplar arası ilişkiyi odağına alarak anlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu anlama çabası, makro politikalar, politik ve... more
Drawing upon 47 semi-structured interviews with Mexican migrants in Sweden, this paper focuses on the different ways in which people construct culturally mediated imaginaries of inter- and intra-group Otherness. Using a semiotic approach,... more
La note d’analyse qui se suit se rapporte à l’exposé de Youri Vertongen, le 11 Mars 2021 sur la mobilisation des sans-papiers à Bruxelles, ainsi qu’à l’article “Soutien politique et soutien humanitaire. Retour sur les solidarités... more
ABSTRACT This study investigates the role of canonical norms in the mission of the Catholic Church to promote, protect and ensure respect for the dignity and rights of migrants. This analysis is carried out in three steps: first, it... more
Migrantes, Apátridas e Refugiados: subsídios para o aperfeiçoamento de acesso a serviços, direitos e políticas públicas no Brasil PROJETO PENSANDO O DIREITO Mapeamento Normativo Migrantes, Apátridas e Refugiados: subsídios para o... more
In the aftermath of the migration crisis, the European Union and its member states adopted a series of policies aimed at reducing migratory pressure. A sample of these measures is the Italy-Libya Memorandum of Understanding of 2 February... more
Derechos de los trabajadores migrantes (Migrant Workers’ Rights) Pensando el Derecho Laboral, Volumen I; KMLAW do Brasil, 2015. (ISBN: 978-85-8218-277-2)
Transcript of a paper presented at a public event at the London School of Economics on 22 March 2017 entitled 'Migrant deaths at European borders: states' duties to identify and the rights of families to know.'
Sasha Huber's Rentyhorn (2008), Switzerland, was a component of the Swiss Demounting Louis Agassiz campaign. The campaign sought to rename Agassizhorn, a peak bearing the name of Swiss-born scientist Louis Agassiz (1807–1873) a proponent... more
In this paper, we argue that the recognition and protection of the rights of migrant workers, their families, and their communities must be the focal point of any application of the capabilities approach. Moreover, this focus can... more
The multi-directional nature of labour migration flows has resulted in an increasing number of countries having become both senders and receivers of regular and irregular migrants. However, some countries continue to see themselves... more
In July 2016 the UN and IOM entered into an agreement whereby the IOM became a related organisation within the UN system. In September of that year, the UN commenced negotiations towards the Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular... more
Indigenous populations, sex workers, and migrants have been legally, socially, and economically disenfranchised by the Canadian state in a multitude of ways—often in the name of “anti-trafficking.” In effect, state-led anti-trafficking... more
Palabras clave: trabajadoras domésticas / derechos laborales / migración nicaragüense / Costa Rica / ASTRADOMES
Resumen Una plena justificación del castigo debería exigir que entre el penado y la comunidad que lo llama a responder haya una relación política en la que el penado puede encontrar razones para implicar sus intereses y capacidades más... more
İlticanın kendisinin uluslararası hukukta hiç bir zaman bir tanımı yapılmamıştır. II. Dünya Savaşı’ndan sonra kabul edilen uluslararası insan hakları hukukunun en temel belgesi BM İnsan Hakları Evrensel Beyannamesi’ne 14. Madde ile giren... more
A comparative study on labour migration in Central Asia: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan as well as Russia, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Includes research and analysis of various migration patterns, impact of... more
Based on ethnographic research in South Korea, this article investigates the gendered production of migrant rights under the global regime of temporary migration by examining two groups of Filipina women: factory workers and hostesses at... more
Political theorists have barely addressed whether migrants have the right to use their original language(s) in the public sphere. My goal in this article, then, is to test what does it mean or imply to say that A has a right to use her... more
The author deals with the one of the most problematic issues of the migrant crisis, namely the deprivation of liberty of a unaccompanied migrant minor in his or her migrant journey. The situation of migrants in the crisis that has hit... more
Scholars have devoted insufficient attention to Indonesia's foreign policy on migrant worker protection, especially as mobilized in multilateral institutions. This article addresses such knowledge gaps by analyzing why Indonesia has, for... more
The aim of this chapter is to contribute to furthering our understanding of family-related migration and social integration in contemporary European societies by examining (a) how Swiss migration and integration policies shape the social... more
Over the past five years, labour policies in the countries of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) have witnessed significant transformations driven by numerous macro-level challenges, such as demographic imbalance, dependence on hydrocarbon... more
I analyse how the transnational migrant subject is addressed through a spectrum of legal rules and criteria designed to question her legitimacy at the point of crossing borders. I expose how the complexities and layering of migrant... more
A rota do Mediterrâneo central, que cobre a maior parte da costa italiana, consagrou-se como uma das principais vias de entrada de migrantes - incluídos os refugiados - merecendo sua análise, portanto, maior atenção. Como exemplo... more
This article introduces a special section that focuses on the analysis of migration policy and on how to measure the nature of these policies. It aims to take stock of previous studies and build on this knowledge to propose paths for... more
El estudio que aquí se nos entrega, llega en un buen momento. Desde hace algunos años, la sociedad chilena se pregunta, ¿quiénes son éstos nuevos vecinos que desembarcan en nuestras ciudades, nuestros barrios, poblaciones y campamentos?... more
Cette publication tend à aller à contre-courant des idées reçues sur la place, la représentation et le rôle de l'interprète professionnel lorsqu'il réalise sa tâche en mediaiton sociale. C'est à l'aide de la notion de paratraduction que,... more