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The design of micro strip antenna is vital study for today's wireless communication system to achieve compatibility. Research and development in micro strip antenna, exploiting their advantages such as low weight, low volume, and low... more
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      Computer ScienceMicrowave CommunicationComputer ApplicationsVSWR
The design of micro strip antenna is vital study for today's wireless communication system to achieve compatibility. Research and development in micro strip antenna, exploiting their advantages such as low weight, low volume, and low... more
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      Computer ScienceMicrowave CommunicationComputer ApplicationsVSWR
The .carcity of .uitabZe radio qectrvm for indoor Ndio communicatio~ under tM 'regulatory co~trAinu Au prompted endeavor. to inve.tigate mean. of utilizing tM vcduable channel bandwidtA. aVAilable _ thue condrAinu. The... more
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      Computer ScienceMicrowave CommunicationHigh SpeedSpectrum
... Cherniakov, M., Kubik, KKT and Nezlin, D. (2000) Radar sensors based on communication low earth orbiting satellites microwave emission. Proceedings IGARSS 2000, IEEE 2000 Int. ... The University of Queensland. Brisbane St Lucia, QLD... more
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      System DesignMicrowave CommunicationRadar Cross SectionBistatic Radar
Wide bandgap semiconductors are extremely attractive for the gamut of power electronics applications from power conditioning to microwave transmitters for communications and radar. Of the various materials and device technologies, the... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringPower ElectronicsWide Bandgap SemiconductorsMicrowave Communication
Fade depth prediction on airborne line-of-sight communication links is considered. There is no specific model for this scenario at the moment. The two ray multipath model, adapted to a realistic scenario of hilly or mountainous terrain,... more
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      Atmospheric ModelingParameter estimationMicrowave CommunicationFading
This communication reports the first ever use of the over ocean evaporation duct to implement a high-capacity radio link from the Australian mainland to the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), North Queensland, Australia. Conventional long-distance... more
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      Underwater CommunicationHigh FrequencyIEEEMicrowave Communication
A new general outage probability expression for a Rician signal received among L Rician interferers is derived. This result is shown to cover previous published expressions involving Rayleigh signal/interferers as special cases. A new... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyMicrowave CommunicationFading
Microwave communication is still important to use in the backhaul network of telecommunications systems because it can reach remote areas that are difficult to reach by cable technology. One of the implementations is cross-ocean backhaul... more
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      DiversityRF and Microwave SystemsMicrowave CommunicationPAthloss
Wide bandgap semiconductors are extremely attractive for the gamut of power electronics applications from power conditioning to microwave transmitters for communications and radar. Of the various materials and device technologies, the... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringPower ElectronicsWide Bandgap SemiconductorsMicrowave Communication
A new direct-conversion wide-band (23-31 GHz) six-port receiver is proposed suitable for millimeter-wave integrated system design. This new hardware receiver is found to be robust, rugged, low cost, and suitable for use in broad-band... more
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      Analog CircuitsNoiseHardwareMicrowave Communication
This paper proposed new system architecture for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) on heterogeneous network to provide optimal Video on Demand (VoD) services to difference types of devices with optimal bandwidth utilization. And at the same... more
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      Computer ArchitectureComputer EngineeringMobile Ad Hoc NetworksWireless Mesh Networks
The integration of ICT in vehicular environments enables new kinds of application and creates new technological challenges. Dynamic network topology, unreliable network links, and moving terminals make it hard to provide a convincing end... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceTaxonomyICT
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      Microwave CommunicationHuman InteractionHeadTelephony
The feasibility of compensating for reflector surface distortions has been Investigated. The performance characteristics (gain, sldelobe level, null location, beamwldth, etc.) of space communication reflector antenna systems degrade as... more
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      EngineeringPhysicsSystem DesignMicrowave Communication
For a directional (a.k.a. directive) transceiver misaligned towards an omni-directional transceiver, the multipaths' time-of-arrival (TOA) distribution is herein derived in closed form explicitly in terms of the "geometric modeling"... more
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      Fading ChannelDispersionGeometric modelCultural Differences
Beam loading of a cavity is mostly computed under the assumption of an infinite axial magnetic field. In practice, a finite focusing magnetic field is almost always present. In this paper, we extend Branch's classic paper [I] on ballistic... more
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      PhysicsComputational ModelingMagnetic fieldGeometry
The Recirculating Planar Magnetron (RPM) is a novel crossed-field device whose geometry is expected to reduce thermal load, enhance current yield as well as ease the geometric limitations in scaling to high RF frequencies as compared to... more
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      PhysicsMicrowave CommunicationRadio FrequencyMagnetron
A phase conjugation based method for full-duplex digi-tal communications is discussed. The method uses a spa-tially confined and directive antenna pattern while a full-duplex digital communications link is maintained between moving... more
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      EngineeringSignal ProcessingTrackingMicrowave Communication
There has been a flourishing prospect of UWB technology in recent years in both communication and other purposes like microwave imaging and radar applications. Antenna in UWB imaging systems plays a significant role and it is quite... more
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      Microstrip AntennasMicrostrip AntennaMicrowave ImagingMicrowave Communication
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      ModelingNetwork AnalysisAnalog Circuit DesignOscillator
this paper proposed new system architecture for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) on heterogeneous network to provide optimal Video on Demand (VoD) services to difference types of devices with optimal bandwidth utilization. And at the same... more
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      Computer ArchitectureComputer EngineeringMobile Ad Hoc NetworksWireless Mesh Networks
In this paper we present a digital beamforming scheme for wireless communication systems based on high altitude platforms. The proposed digital beamforming scheme, which is installed on the platforms in high-altitude-platform (HAP)... more
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      Space TechnologyCommunication SystemMicrowave CommunicationWireless communication systems
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      Underwater CommunicationHigh FrequencyIEEEMicrowave Communication
Focusing on characterizing fully symmetric four-port devices using a two-port vector network analyzer (VNA), the authors formulate a new method of measurement in this paper. The device under test (DUT), is embedded in two probe pads and... more
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      Microwave CommunicationS-parametersBandwidthVector Network Analyzer
In this work we present an accurate and cost-effective system for measuring S-band signal attenuation due to rainfall. The system is based on a pair of transmitter and receiver, operating at the lower limit of S-band, i.e. 2 GHz,... more
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      Remote SensingMicrowave CommunicationRainAttenuation Measurement
A model that is less sensitive to errors in the extreme small and large drop diameters, the gamma model with central moments (3, 4 and 6), is proposed to model the rain drop size distribution of Singapore. This is because, the rain rate... more
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      Microwave CommunicationFrequencyDegradationPolarization
Ultra-wideband (UWB) has potential applications in variety of medical areas such as implant wireless sensors, microwave hyperthermia, imaging and radar. The wave propagation inside human body must be known for an efficient system design... more
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      EngineeringSystem DesignHuman BodyMicrowave Communication
Abstract An introduction to the use of real time data acquisition and analysis in meteorological applications is given, with examples of areas in which such techniques are becoming important. A detailed description is given of a readout... more
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      PhysicsBiomedical EngineeringMeteorologyData Analysis
An introduction to the use of real time data acquisition and analysis in meteorological applications is given, with examples of areas in which such techniques are becoming important. A detailed description is given of a readout system... more
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      PhysicsBiomedical EngineeringMeteorologyData Analysis
The spectral capacity of VHF aeronautical radio is rapidly reaching saturation in the United States and in Europe. A key functional objective for any future civil aviation communications technology is providing relief to the current... more
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      EngineeringCommunication TechnologyAir traffic controlMicrowave Communication
... Misrod (13 km) Manideep (23 km) ... The mechanical properties of the reed set the frequency of operation, which is typically a few kilohertz. The high voltage trans-former sends current through the primary winding Lp of the high-Q RF... more
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      HistoryTelecommunicationsSpace TechnologyMicrowave Communication
We propose a simple and rigorous procedure for the full-wave analysis of folded filters and diplexers. By following this procedure, and assuming the availability of a code producing the Generalized Scattering Matrix (GSM) of the step... more
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      Finite Element MethodsElectrostaticsCADMicrowave Communication
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      Microwave CommunicationHigh SpeedSpectrumInterference
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      Distributed ComputingPacket SwitchingSynchronizationModulation
An original and general method is proposed to predict the impact of electromagnetic effects due to the environment on the error performance of microwave communications systems. The method is based on the concept of a processoriented model... more
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      Distributed ComputingSignal ProcessingTurbulenceElectromagnetics
A phase conjugation based method f o r full-duplex digital communications is discussed. The method uses a spatially confined and directive antenna pattern while a fullduplex digital communications link is maintained between moving... more
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      Signal ProcessingTrackingMicrowave CommunicationDirectional Antenna