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Per Micorriza (dal greco mykos: fungo, e rhiza: radice) si intende un particolare tipo di associazione simbiotica tra un fungo ed una pianta superiore, localizzata nell'ambito dell'apparato radicale del simbionte vegetale, e che si... more
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesPerforming ArtsBook History
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      Soil SciencePhytoremediationBioremediationRemoval Of Heavy Metals In Contaminated Soils
In the framework of the project on plant genetic resources for food and agriculture (RGV/FAO), a program for the collection and propagation of spontaneous orchids from the Italian territory has been implemented, mainly oriented towards... more
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      Genus TrichodermaIn VitroOrchidsPlant in Vitro Culture
sustrato arcilla y evaluación en plantas hospederas.
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El suelo sirve de soporte para las plantas, provee los minerales necesarios para su desarrollo, y es el hábitat de los microorganismos que facilitan su nutrición, contribuyendo además en la transformación del material parental que lo... more
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Arbuscular mycorrhizas are one of the most widespread mutualistic symbioses which occur between roots of most herbaceous and tropical trees and a small group of root colonizing fungi, Order Glomales. This symbiosis is characterized by the... more
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As fontes contaminantes relacionadas à exploração, à produção, ao armazenamento, ao transporte, à distribuição e à destinação final de petróleo e seus derivados trazem riscos que ameaçam ambientes litorâneos frágeis, pouco estudados e que... more
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El abeto (Abies religiosa) es una especie forestal económica y ecológicamente importante para nuestro país. Desde tiempo atrás se le han dado múltiples usos y actualmente se reconoce su alto valor estético y ecológico. A la fecha, todavía... more
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      MicorrizasInteraccionismo simbolicoAbies religiosaAbetos
The present work aimed to evaluate the effetc of two types of substratum (S1 and S2), in the presence or absence of arbuscular mycorhizal fungi (AMF), on Schinus terebinthifolius seedlings, using tubes of 280 mL. The experiment was... more
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      Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungiResiduos solidosMicorrizasRecuperação de áreas degradadas
Effect of the spatial and seasonal soil heterogeneity over arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal spore abundance in the semi-arid valley of Tehuacán-Cuicatlán, Mexico. Recent studies have shown that some species of Mimosa... more
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El abeto (Abies religiosa) es una especie forestal económica y ecológicamente importante para nuestro país. Desde tiempo atrás se le han dado múltiples usos y actualmente se reconoce su alto valor estético y ecológico. A la fecha, todavía... more
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      BotanyMycologyPlant EcologyScience Education
The aim of the experiment was to study how Glomus mosseae influences the growth and flowering of cacti such as Mammillaria laui and Chamaecereus sylvestrii. The experimental theses have been: (1) soil inoculated with Glomus mosseae and... more
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      MicrobiologySoil ScienceMicorrizasMicroorganisms
Aim:  To evaluate the effects of soil physical and chemical factors (pH, conductivity, humidity, available phosphorus and organic matter) and environmental factors (temperature, relative air humidity, altitude and atmospheric pressure) on... more
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      Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungiMicorrizasAgroecologia, Suelos, MicorrizasMycorrhizae