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Cette étude porte sur l’histoire des gargouilles, leurs origines antiques et leurs usages au Moyen Âge, illustrée par le cas de la basilique Saint-Urbain à Troyes. En effet, celle-ci possède un éventail de gargouilles très important et... more
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      Art HistoryMedieval History19th-Century/Victorian MedievalismMedieval Sculpture (XIII-XVth Century)
L'étude des gargouilles, pour tentante qu'elle soit, se heurte à de nombreuses difficultés, au point que l'on se demande parfois si l'entreprise mérite raisonnablement d'être tentée. Au même titre que les nombreuses créatures monstrueuses... more
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      Visual StudiesArt HistoryAnthropology Of ArtMedieval Architecture
"This paper examines five hypotheses on the etymology of the word "macabre", with special emphasis on the name of Judas Maccabeus. It is argued that the "chasse Maccabée", a variation of the Wild Hunt, had quite similar meaning in minds... more
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      Historical AnthropologyCultural History Of GhostsMedieval CultureAnthropology of Death
Monstrous iconography was a major, even central, element of the visual arts throughout the entire medieval period, Early Christian through late Gothic, east and west, north and south. There are few—if any—medieval cultural traditions that... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesManuscript Studies
The aim of this article is to identify the political, social, and economic anxieties that prompted East-Anglian secular elites —at the dawn of the fourteenth century— in the commission of private devotional books whose marginalia... more
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      Art HistoryMedieval LiteratureLate Middle AgesHistory of Religion