Mentoring in HE
Recent papers in Mentoring in HE
Mentoring and coaching offer meaningful and significant ways in which academic staff can encourage and support each other in their professional development and ultimately go on to enhance the student experience. The Edinburgh Napier... more
Resumo: A liderança constitui um tema cada vez mais presente nas abordagens que elegem a análise organizacional e a gestão das escolas como centros de interesse. Tratando-se de um fenómeno complexo, o seu estudo não pode ser isolado de... more
3 1 The TTnet was established by CEdEfop in 1998 as a pan-European forum for key players and decision-makers involved in the training and professional development of vocational teachers and trainers. The TTnet aims have been to foster... more
The author argues that first-generation college students (FGS) have compounded challenges when they pursue graduate education. As a first-generation college student, he was not able to gather advice from family or his job supervisor, who... more
Mentoring has been identified as a mechanism for supporting teaching practice, in the compulsory school and higher education contexts (Elliot, 2000;.
The low proportion of women within the subject areas of Theology and Religious Studies has long been observed, and is increasingly recognised as a serious problem for staff and students. In this new study, Mathew Guest, Sonya Sharma and... more
This research was commissioned by Universities Australia Executive Women (UAEW) to provide a resource that will help ensure that development of the UAEW Mentoring Program is underpinned by current research and that this practice is... more
There is considerable literature about the impact of mentoring on the mentees but little is known about the effect of the mentoring relationship on the mentor. This paper aims to address that gap.
Purpose -There is a meager body of research addressing the role educational leadership preparation programs in colleges and universities play in preparing women leaders. Also educational leadership preparation research has yet to explore... more
What follows is a proposed mentoring program for the Clorox Company. It is a summary of an earlier presentation I had given in an MBA course.
"Educators working with adult students employ many types of mentoring models. One form of mentoring-in-motion, “Academic Spiritwalking” (Mulvihill, 2013) may be worth further consideration. In simple terms, it is a mentoring conversation... more
Recientes estudios en inteligencia emocional (Goleman 1995) han resaltado la importancia de las emociones en la creación de redes interpersonales dentro del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Figuras intermedias, como los mentores, pueden... more
In this article, we highlighted the stories of university student mentors who are involved in the Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience (AIME). The AIME program works with young Indigenous school students, at primary and secondary... more
One of my graduate students recently asked me why I help them so much. The long answer involves my conception of what it means to be a professor and mentor to students. The short answer is that I have already made many mistakes that they... more
This report draws on data collected using the following research methods: o Interviews (nine) with key stakeholders including representatives at a strategic and operational level o Visits to 2 schools in the area: an 11-18 school situated... more