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The present study was an attempt to compare the impacts of teaching through memory strategies on experimental group comparison to control group, where students were taught the meaning of new vocabulary items through giving synonyms and... more
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      Applied LinguisticsVocabulary Learning StrategiesImageryMemory Strategies
Saudi EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners have difficulty in chosen appropriate strategies for learning vocabulary and memorization during their undergraduate studies. Saudi undergraduate learners have the problem in remembering... more
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      VocabularyVocabulary Learning StrategiesMemory StrategiesEFL learners
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of memory strategies (MSs) in improving students' ability to recall and spell newly learned vocabulary items. The researcher only considered three types of MSs: grouping,... more
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      EffectivenessVocabularyTranslationMemory Strategies
The present study was an attempt to compare the impacts of teaching through memory strategies on experimental group comparison to control group, where students were taught the meaning of new vocabulary items through giving synonyms and... more
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      Applied LinguisticsVocabulary Learning StrategiesImageryLiterary studies
The present study was an attempt to compare the impacts of teaching through memory strategies on experimental group comparison to control group, where students were taught the meaning of new vocabulary items through giving synonyms and... more
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      Applied LinguisticsVocabulary Learning StrategiesTechnical and Vocational EducationImagery
This study sought to determine how working memory training could contribute to retaining vocabulary studied in English lessons through the implementation of a set of strategies. Two intact groups of beginners: one experimental, with 28... more
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      Working MemoryEnglish Language LearningMemory StrategiesVocabulary Retention
The present study was an attempt to compare the impacts of teaching through memory strategies on experimental group comparison to control group, where students were taught the meaning of new vocabulary items through giving synonyms and... more
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      Applied LinguisticsVocabulary Learning StrategiesImageryLiterary studies
The present study was an attempt to compare the impacts of teaching through memory strategies on experimental group comparison to control group, where students were taught the meaning of new vocabulary items through giving synonyms and... more
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    •   5  
      Applied LinguisticsVocabulary Learning StrategiesImageryLiterary studies