Recent papers in Meme
There is a need for new approaches for enhancing education for sustainable development in universities. Memetics, which is about effective pathways of communication, could be such a new, promising approach. Quality assurance is required... more
In June 2009 a group of forum-goers on the popular culture website, Something Awful, created a monster called the Slender Man. Inhumanly tall, pale, black-clad, and with the power to control minds, the Slender Man references many classic,... more
A Memética é, então, a ciência que estuda como memes se propagam. O que a genética faz com os genes, a Memética faz com os memes. Ou, mais precisamente, o que a genética de populações e a epidemiologia fazem com as informações genéticas,... more
Much is spoken and written about the liberal nature of global trade and its relation to democracy and freedoms. Trade representatives of the transatlantic free trade agreement (TAFTA | TTIP) have talked about the importance of the... more
Resumen: Los autores revisan el concepto de meme y su relación con la Psiquiatría, por la dimensión memética de ciertos trastornos mentales, especialmente cuando existe una posibilidad de contagio.
In 1992, a book appeared on the national scene that took both the publishing world and the public by storm. John Gray's Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus made its first appearance on the New York Times Best Seller list in April... more
We clarify, in this paper, that memes are elements of intertextual relation, from the analysis of 31 videos response for a Brazilian viral called “oração” (A Banda mais Bonita da Cidade), popular on YouTube in 2011. meme’s... more
Th is paper develops an alternative to Dennett's meme-theoretic explanation for religious commitment. First I build an argument in defense of Dennett's position, drawing on a cultural evolution literature that he mentions but does not... more
During the 2012 presidential campaign an explosion of photo-shopped images circulated that depicted President Obama as unpatriotic. The 'crotch salute', 'left-hand salute', and 'Veterans Day non-salute' serve as case studies for... more
The aim of the 2008 Roundtable was to focus on the progress to date in the many facets-methodological, epistemological and conceptual-of the field of legal semiotics, specifically the contribution of different schools and forms of... more
A lo largo la historia española la sátira ha estado presente de una forma constante, configurándose en una suerte de correa de transmisión, de vehículo informativo y comunicacional. Además de proporcionar herramientas para la comprensión... more
(Pre-print version. To appear in eVarieng)
The idea that the political system is subject to rampant and invisible voter fraud has animated recent debates over the regulation of elections. Election integrity advocates have claimed that this threat justifies voter identification... more
El siguiente trabajo propone pensar la relación entre la experiencia vital/mortal que implica un conflicto bélico y una visualidad propia de la guerra. Para eso se trabaja con una manera particular de vincularse con el campo de lo... more
The biomining bacterium Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans oxidizes sulfide ores and promotes metal solubilization. The efficiency of this process depends on the attachment of cells to surfaces, a process regulated by quorum sensing (QS)... more
Myb genes constitute one of the largest transcription factor families in the plant kingdom. Soybean MYB transcription factors have been related to the plant response to biotic stresses. Their involvement in response to Phakopsora... more
With the communication systems of the Internet technology having rapidly been improved in 2000s, it is obvious that communication has been evolved into a new dimension. Communication systems of the Internet technology exemplified as blogs... more
Myb genes constitute one of the largest transcription factor families in the plant kingdom. Soybean MYB transcription factors have been related to the plant response to biotic stresses. Their involvement in response to Phakopsora... more
There is a need for new approaches for enhancing education for sustainable development in universities. Memetics, which is about effective pathways of communication, could be such a new, promising approach. Quality assurance is required... more
We present the formal definition of meme in the sense of the equivalence between memetics and the theory of cultural evolution. From the formal definition we find that culture can be seen analytically and persuade that memetic gives... more
This article aims to discuss the role humour plays in politics, particularly in a media environment overflowing with user-generated video. We start with a genealogy of political satire, from classical to Internet times, followed by a... more
In his latest contribution to the application of Darwinian evolutionary thinking to the social sciences, W. G. Runciman conceives of human behavior as resulting from three levels of selection-biological, cultural, and social. These give... more
Juvenile fibroadenoma is a common cause of breast masses seen in adolescents and young women. Giant juvenile fibroadenomas are usually single and unilateral. The etiology is thought to be due to increased levels of estrogen during... more
In his latest contribution to the application of Darwinian evolutionary thinking to the social sciences, W. G. Runciman conceives of human behavior as resulting from three levels of selection-biological, cultural, and social. These give... more
Meme koruyucu cerrahi sonras› radyoterapide, elektron ek doz (boost) alan›n›n, klinik verilerle cerrahi insizyona göre ve kliplere göre saptand›¤› iki farkl› tedavi planlamas›, doz optimizasyonu yönünden karfl›laflt›r›ld›.
Meme koruyucu cerrahi sonras› radyoterapide, elektron ek doz (boost) alan›n›n, klinik verilerle cerrahi insizyona göre ve kliplere göre saptand›¤› iki farkl› tedavi planlamas›, doz optimizasyonu yönünden karfl›laflt›r›ld›.
This paper evaluates and criticises the developmental systems conception of evolution and develops instead an extension of the “gene's eye” conception of evolution. We argue (i) Dawkin's attempt to segregate developmental and evolutionary... more
According to Richard Dawkins in his essay "Selfish Genes and Selfish Memes," ideas are swiftly taking over the function of genetics. Dawkins claims that "all life evolves by the differential survival of replicating entities." In other... more
Resumen: Los autores revisan el concepto de meme y su relación con la Psiquiatría, por la dimensión memética de ciertos trastornos mentales, especialmente cuando existe una posibilidad de contagio.
Breast skin and parenchyma are metastatic sites for various tumours. Metastasis to the breast is rare, but it must be considered in the differential diagnosis of a breast mass. Melanoma is among the most commonly reported metastatic... more
Drosophila development is regulated by two hormones, 20-hydroxyecdysone (ecdysone) and juvenile hormone. We previously found that expression of the E75 gene is induced by both hormones in cultured S2 cells. E75 occupies over 100 kb of... more
In March 2012, the Kony 2012 campaign was launched by the NGO Invisible Chindren, having as its main tool a 29 minute movie, whose main goal is to mobilize people in order to find and arrest Joseph Kony, the leader of LRA (Lord’s Army... more
This paper evaluates and criticises the developmental systems conception of evolution and develops instead an extension of the “gene's eye” conception of evolution. We argue (i) Dawkin's attempt to segregate developmental and evolutionary... more
Meme Tags are part of a body of research on Group-Wear: a wearable technology that supports people in the formative stages of cooperative work. Conference participants wear Meme Tags that allow them to electronically share memes-succinct... more
"To date there appears to have been little academic research that concentrates on investigating nineteenth century professions and none that could be located which consider their role in relation to the development of small provincial... more